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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. There are also some of us with 50,600+ files and a 26GB database experiencing some of the same issues... although to be fair my problems only started in the last month or two. I'm working through the usual suspect fixes with Support at the moment to see what might fix it.
  2. Hi. We're a -mainly- user-supported forum and I think you'd be better off dealing with Support if there's an issue. I'm a beta user, but my Windows version is currently 6.24.2 public. There's another private beta group that I'm too chicken to join, but you have to have applied specially to that. If that's not something you have done yet, then you're already using the most recently available version. If you did join the private beta group, then you need to talk to them about issues with the app.
  3. Hi. I'm confused. It's quite possible to copy and paste / clip / capture as PDF / screenshot or email content into Evernote. In exactly what circumstance are you finding it difficult to acquire content? And once you have the content it's quite possible to convert it to an image or a PDF (if it's not one of those already) and annotate that copy as necessary. Again what more do you need Evernote to do?
  4. Hi. Next time you see the green roundel on your mobile when clipping an item, tap the circle before it completes. There's another menu there from which you can choose a specific notebook in which to save your clip. I believe that takes precedence over any other settings, and it's 'sticky' - once you set it, that's where your notes go for every clip.
  5. Hi. I follow your thoughts, but I think I missed the punchline: are you looking for ways to slim down and simplify, or for workflows that clearly show what goes where? Or something else? I understand your thinking - I've been there, and have a couple of those t-shirts - but I have felt very strongly for a long time now that there's no 'best' way to do things, only the way that suits me, as opposed to the (many) ways which do not. I've tried all the apps, watched -some- of the videos... and junked about 90% of the advice in favour of what worked for me. I'd probably start most conversations with "I mainly use Evernote" - but I also use a mind map app (Freeplane) plus Airtable (relational database), Word (letters, reports), Excel (spreadsheets) and Lightroom (images): and there are more browser and email and other services too - so I'm not a one-stop shop. Most of my links and longer notes reside in Evernote, with their attachments in various formats; so it's more the glue that keeps my chaotic activities in line. But don't worry about what I do - find out what you're comfortable with and go with that!
  6. Wasn't actually a question... The status bar is at the bottom of your note. Except (according to your toolbar image) that you're using the browser 'Beta' version of Evernote, which isn't yet a fully-featured version of the app. If you check Settings you should see an option to step back to a previous version... which also does not include word-count. That seems to be a feature of the installed Desktop app which is where my image comes from.
  7. A note is an HTML clip translated into Evernote's ENML code - a 'container' that safely isolates and displays the content in different OS's. Merging two notes is like putting two boxes inside a larger one - still separated Evernote would have to complete a clip, create a note, then merge the two notes (in which process the two single notes wind up in Trash and a new double note is created)... Just seems a little complicated to do on the fly (and within a reasonable time) while clipping. Not saying it won't, or shouldn't be an option - just that it ain't the way things work now.
  8. Hi. The status bar is at the bottom of your note?
  9. Hi. I'd recommend restarting your PC to see if that clears the issue. If all else fails try uninstalling and reinstalling the app... How to uninstall and reinstall Evernote
  10. Hi. If you have a Business account, you'll also have a premium personal account - though your membership comes up as 'basic' here. If that's a separate account you could contact Support via the premium account to ask them to investigate, or you could contact your company to find out what's happening with that account.
  11. Hi. No clue why that note should be 'unavailable', but it does seem to be shared with others and the subject of active chat - it may be that it's locked because someone else has access to it?
  12. Hi. You're responding to a four-year old thread and Evernote have revamped several things about how they store and sync data over that time. My previous answer though is still applicable: I very very rarely see a 'conflicting' note. I use two laptops (Windows and Linux) plus a Samsung Note and a tablet. All run Evernote (on Linux, that's the web version) and I input and edit data on all of them. Perhaps my secret is that I don't switch between devices - the ones I'm not using don't have an Evernote window open on them while I add comments from elsewhere. I finish entering data on my device, save/ sync the result and (usually) close Evernote down - unless I'm working from base, in which case Evernote is open on my desktop. However: conflicts don't seem to be a current issue for most users, but you could raise this in a Feature Request forum and see whether others agree with you that a note comparison option needs to exist.
  13. Hi. The post just before yours confirms that your issue is one that appears to affects certain customers only. It's difficult to 'fix' something without someone reporting this to Evernote Support and working with them to find out what causes the problem. Of course if you were a subscriber you'd have access... - And sorry but this is a mainly user-supported forum. Evernote staffers do read the content, but it's unknown when that information might get back to the company.
  14. Here's the latest: https://evernote.com/blog/staying-focused-on-the-road-ahead/
  15. Lots of work-arounds already suggested in another dark-mode thread; we're currently waiting on a rewrite of the base packages that might include this option; release date so far unknown...
  16. Hi. I have the same process for scanning paper, but I scan to a folder on my hard drive which gives me the opportunity to add the origin date of the document to the title in yyyymmdd format. (I have a text expander to make the yyyymm bit one keypress). A typical title might be "20200515 receipt - Amazon - micrometer" so with various intitle:<variable(s)> I can find all the documents I processed since 20200501, everything that went through in January, all receipts this year etc etc. With each list of hits I have a sortable list of titles that will put it in date order if I need it that way.
  17. Hmmn. If I were attempting to classify multiple quotes from one source I'd be tempted to save a whole page (or two) containing the complete text I need. I'd clip 'simplified version' and then highlight the quote before I clip. The highlighted section comes out with a yellow marker, which is highly visible. If there are two quotes on the same page, save it again but highlight the other text. In both cases apply their respective tags. Now, when you use tag 'A' you get one quote, and tag 'B' gives you another; you have the context and the URL back to the original. My screenshot of a clip...
  18. I agree too - I use Backupery to export my notes (+tags) to ENEX files one notebook at a time - which preserves that information. I also do system backups which include my current database folder. I have - not recently though - rebuilt my database from the server; it actually took far less time than I thought - 6 hours or so - and (AFAIK) worked fine. I'm just starting to investigate, with Support, why my Database goes off to smell the flowers for a few minutes at a time - usually at the worst possible moment. There are search index fixes, options and possible hardware upgrades to look at - and I do have 50,600 notes and counting as of today. As and when I make any progress I'll let you know...
  19. ...And I'm back. Just found a small green cog if you hover over someone else's name that also offers the 'spammer' option. Here's my (now) two options.. (Not picking on you particularly - I also tested this on a few other profiles)
  20. I'm not that bothered. Like @DTLow I'm finding that Evernote does what I need it to -mostly- as it is. I'd like a new shiny version, but it's not essential to my workflow. So I'm not moving - and there's no danger long-term of my notes being 'lost' in some way. If Evernote ever falters there will be a long list of competitors to take over their position and my notes. Which I'll have either way on my laptop hard drive. If you gotta go, you gotta go...
  21. Hmmn. Maybe I have a super-super-power... I'll post a screenshot when I'm back on Windows.
  22. Hi. Have a look for your OS here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/440-possible-bugstechnical-issues/ and check the top right heading of the page - there should be an option "start new topic". Searchable PDF's: (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313388) Scanned PDFs with clear, typed text (handwriting is not searchable inside PDFs) PDFs that do not already contain text that you can select or copy PDFs with at least one page with a small image (1025 pixels of image data) PDFs less than 100 pages long PDFs less than 25 MB in size PDFs that are not password-protected PDFs that are not corrupted or unreadable - and as a subscriber you should have access to email support via Evernote.com
  23. Possibly not hard to implement, but almost a year ago I said "There are suggested features that have up to 400 votes, this one has (currently) 10. Evernote tends to prioritise features that will benefit the majority of members, and the company doesn't, ever, (hardly) ever, comment on whether or why they adopt some ideas and not others..." In that year this thread has added 6 votes...
  24. Sometimes you just need to be patient... https://evernote.com/blog/staying-focused-on-the-road-ahead/
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