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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmnn. If that's the case, you're hitting an unexpected roadblock - my clips are successful (AFAIK) whether or not I have the app open, though the clips are online processes that go to the server account, so I have to sync the app (or open it up) before they show up locally. You could (being a subscriber and all) raise this with Support if it's an issue... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/
  2. Can you explain why you need this option in more detail? It doesn't seem too hard to open the app, swipe right and tap to see the list...
  3. Hi. Uninstall and reinstall the app? As a matter of interest how did you move your notes to this new device?
  4. gazumped


    Hi. There's no way to encrypt text within Evernote for Android. You could create an encrypted document in another app and attach it to a note, or if there is an encrypted section available in an existing note, I believe you could edit the content of that section; but in this regard (and many others), desktops have more features.
  5. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-supported Forum, so have no information at all about pricing. You've done the right thing in opening a ticket - please let us know here what the eventual outcome is.
  6. Hi. With queries like this it's always good to know what device and OS you're using... If what you're talking about is for reference only, how about taking a screen shot and embedding that image at the top of the note for reference?
  7. Hi. Evernote has a customizable widget that can show the content of a specific notebook, and individual notes (in different notebooks) can be accessed direct through home screen shortcuts. But there's no direct access to the menu of notebooks in the app, other than to open up to 'all notes' and swipe the left margin and tap. Can you explain more about why you need this?
  8. Hmmn. I don't have that warning in my Evernote settings, and my Android version doesn't seem to have an 'auto sync' option to enable or disable. It is a fact that Evernote relies heavily on being able to sync notes (and reminders) back and forth as necessary, so restricting when and how the device syncs is going to affect it. Everything should work on wifi (I assume), but when roaming, Evernote would be restricted - for Basic and Plus account users, and maybe for premium account holders too... I'm no expert here - best if a subscriber with this feature contacts support for more information. (This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. Although Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee when that will be. If you need help on a technical issue, we can offer advice from our collective experience but Evernote support is available (for subscribers) via the website link, and (for everyone) on Twitter @EvernoteHelps or via their Facebook community.)
  9. Without knowing what browsers or apps you're using and on what OS it's impossible to comment. You're a subscriber, so could contact Support direct and help them work out if there's pattern to this. If they find a particular issue, they'll be able to fix it - but they need user help to do so...
  10. Hi. Sorry - this is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. Although Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee when that will be. If you go onto the Support link there should be an option to 'proceed as a guest' which you could try; otherwise see this: https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  11. Hi. You're showing as a premium subscriber here, so at least your upgrade seems to have gone through - but that has no relevance to whether or not your clips are being saved. You should still have the same account with rather greater privileges than before... Can you reclip the same page? Is it possible that this clip just went wrong somehow?
  12. Hi. So what, exactly, was the content of your search string? Did you use tag:software* ? How many notes do you have with tags starting with "software..." ??
  13. Win 10 EN 6.24 as OP - agreed. Import not working, though I get a very brief flash of a progress bar, nothing is downloaded. I can see previous note contents so could (presumably) copy and paste, though I haven't tried that.😒
  14. Hi. This is another one of those posts where I understood most of the words used, but not necessarily the arrangement in that order... This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. Although Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee when that will be. If you need help on a technical issue, we can offer advice from our collective experience but Evernote support is available (for subscribers) via the website link, and (for everyone) on Twitter @EvernoteHelps or via the Facebook community.
  15. Evernote may not have been aware it was an issue until you posted here... if enough others agree this should be fixed, I'm sure it will be.
  16. I believe Evernote are already working on feature (and UI) parity between different operating systems. Hopefully this will be part of it...
  17. To avoid them, yes. To compare notes? - save the notes to separate document files and use a file compare utility.
  18. ...Sounds like your query is more about the features of Text Expander - if you use it to insert text that is already bold and/ or italic AFAIK it should work.
  19. You're posting in an Evernote Windows thread. And - How to enable dark mode in Evernote To enable the dark theme in Evernote on your iOS 12 device: - Open Evernote. - Tap the Account tab at the far right of the navigation toolbar. - Find Dark Theme in the menu, then toggle the switch. It should be green when the dark theme is enabled. Note: Toggle the dark theme setting off to disable it.
  20. I'm sure I saw a post by @CalS confirming this recently - sounds like a bug anyways. Possible workaround -if you didn't already sort one out- would be to ToC the search results and then click links from there...
  21. Hi. Scannable is an older and separate app, developed for a specific purpose and before Evernote - which is updated fairly frequently - had the Google connection. You could try the Evernote app's camera feature while you sort out a log in. If you're saying the 'forgotten password' screen rejects your email address, did you change it since registering?
  22. Hmmn. Don't think there has ever been a 'direct' link to an Android update - they seem to get spread around by the Play store and routine app updates. I totally understand your reluctance to install from a non-Google source, but that may be your only option if you want to step back here...
  23. Hi. This may be an indication that iOS is not a totally desktop environment.... what would you prefer that happpened?
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