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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I'm probably being slow here, but while features differ between mobile and desktop clients, there seems to be no bar on desktops to identifying a series of notes by tag search and selecting a random number of those notes for various operations including Share/ Merge/ Move/ Print and create ToC. By 'downloading tags' do you mean acquiring a list of tag names, or processing the notes identified by those tags?
  2. Hi. The only options you have currently are to search intitle:<keyword> or tag:<keyword> to avoid including 'other' content. It's also possible to structure searches to include and exclude dates, words and phrases to cut down on hits. I've 'tamed' a large database over time by pruning large lists of hits down to the notes I actually want and then assigning a specific tag so that list is always available as a simple search. You also have features like saved searches and 'favourites' to make a frequent search happen with one click.
  3. Not sure how much detail you're interested in, but in a single notebook on (theoretically) one subject this analysis can show what duplications/ overlaps have occurred, and how to restructure the content to more logically move through the procedure... (Despite appearances in my posts here, I do try to generate process explanations that are short and logical. Sadly my brain doesn't usually work that way....)
  4. Not sure I follow your logic, since a Premium subscription would avoid all this anyway. Meantime I'm sure you are aware that the Web client isn't counted, so at least you can use that on the new laptop. As for better solutions - I think the majority of Evernote's 225M+ users are still just 'trying out' the software - some of them have yet to make a decision to subscribe after several years of 'testing'. There has to be a limit to how many free resources any one company can commit for non-paying users. I'm sorry this unusual situation caught you out, but I'm glad that they're keeping free use within limits...
  5. Hi all I happened on this new video today - I've used Infranodus to good effect before, but ymmv. Haven't actually watched this yet - and the presentation tends to be a bit dry, so stick with it - but hopefully it will give you an idea of what might be possible.
  6. I do use my Evernote a lot, but there have been stages where it's been dormant for a few days - and I have never seen this message! There must be an option somewhere, but I'm blessed if I can find it... There are some options here - https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action, plus in the app itself (Tools> Options in Windows, three dots and Settings in Android) but nothing seems relevant. Grab a screenshot of the reminder when you next see it, and try raising this with Support!
  7. Hi. I don't agree with your comments, and I don't feel 'dependent' on Evernote despite having 51,000 current notes and a subscription to both Evernote and a couple of external apps that help me manage the account better. I could drop Evernote tomorrow, and if it no longer suited my needs I wouldn't hesitate to do so: other note-takers out there are sufficiently hungry for Evernote's business that they have their own import routines where I can convert my notes to the different format. I have a complete daily backup of all my notes in ENEX format - which other third parties say they can convert too... and I'm sure if Evernote were in danger of self-destructing in some way, we'd get plenty of warning and options to transfer to other providers. Plus Evernote has more users than many small countries have residents and - we were told earlier this year - a positive balance sheet. Not to mention the multi-million (or was that billion)-dollar investments they've already raised. I'm a firm believer in crossing bridges only when I need to, and keeping copies of notes in different formats and in different places seems pointless overkill. Plus Evernote centralises searches, is available easily and (more or less) anywhere, and I can throw new data at it as fast as I can send emails / take pictures / clip web pages. It's fast, efficient and convenient. And - the most important thing - it works for me. I'd say that a regular backup of the note database is as much as you need to worry about - and that's more in case of internet or hardware meltdown than Evernote imploding!
  8. How about: it's probably a strategic decision not an omission. Why reinvent the wheel, add to the overall cost that subscribers have to pay for, make the menu system even more complicated with layers of style and format options, and have the technical task of making sure this works on all the devices and in all the supported OS's, and the web? NB: note the 'probably' - this is (mainly) a user-supported forum. Nobody here but us chickens. Have fun with OneNote.
  9. Hi. New editor (allegedly) coming 'soon' - for a variable definition of the word - with the aim of giving a unified experience across all clients. Have to wait and see...
  10. Hi. Not aware of any continuing issues, but if you have one I'd raise it with Support.
  11. Hmmn. Making a new note is about as hard as making a new paragraph; and one huge note is a data loss waiting to happen, where 100 separate ones will save 99% of your data even if there is a loss. Entirely your preference - but I'm a short notes man!
  12. You already have it in some devices - what exactly do you need this features for?
  13. One trick that works for me is to save tag "strings" in workflowy (or another note) as <tag1>, <tag2>, <tag3> and to copy / paste the whole comma-separated line into one tag field. Evernote then sorts out the separate tags. And if you save your tag 'index' in a table with explanatory notes, you can be sure you're consistent in your tagging poilicy.
  14. Hi. Evernote is strictly a note-taking application, not a page layout app. Basic users have access to exactly the same editor as Subscribers, and it's pretty -er- basic. You can add some structure to a note by using tables - text in one cell and images in another. 2x2 gives you columns and 3x2 allows some images to go on the right and others on the left. Otherwise you need to use a word processor of some sort and attach the file to your note. Copy and paste the (disorganised) content into your note if you want it to be searchable.
  15. Adding the content of a web page to a note is usually easy, but as @PinkElephant says; occasionally you have to employ extreme methods - printing the page to PDF / screen shots / copy and pasting to another app to edit the content before copy/ pasting to Evernote... One of these days I'll have to document how many possible ways actually exist! If all else fails, you at least have something for the search index to feed on, and a link to the original post(s) to go back for more.
  16. You are very welcome. If you do become a subscriber, the note size limits are much higher (200MB) and it might be possible to include some video files. Hope you find what you are looking for.
  17. Ideally, the internet would be perfect; but it rarely is - one needs to be flexible...
  18. Sorry that wasn't more helpful - I looked at a random cooking video on Instagram, and from what I saw, capturing the actual video would not be possible. As a Basic user you only have 25MB per note and 60MB per month upload limit; so a video of 100+MB would exceed all those. I can get a 'bookmark' to that page, so if I can find that recipe through the title and any tags I apply, I will be able to jump to that web page without any problem. The content (as far as I can see) cannot be saved locally though. Evernote system limits
  19. Interesting question - I'd imagine you'd have to spin the excess off into another account, otherwise error messages could make the main one hard to operate. While you were a subscriber it would be a good idea to have a chat with Support and see what they recommend! -Or you could keep it down to 250 or less and stay safe either way...
  20. Just had a look - as far as I can tell, autocomplete is not available in the shared-in notebook. I can add the tags I see, but I have to type the whole word. I'd guess that part of the issue is the fact that someone else's account contains all the original tag data - my end of the deal has nothing to 'look up' in...
  21. Hmmn. I think at the moment you'd do better setting up the "slides" for your presentation in one notebook, then using screenshots of the setup to preserve the layout and showing off a gallery of pictures. There's a big rebuilding job going on at the moment, so who knows what the capabilities will be this time next year, but short term - workarounds is all we got.
  22. Not sure what happened with your phone, but this isn't happening more than a few users so it's not exactly a system-wide bug. There is some kind of an Android issue going around which might be related...
  23. Hi. Can you give us a screenshot example of note vs presentation so we're clear on what sort of formatting you want to preserve? I don't believe 'Presentation Mode' was ever intended for a prestige public show - it's meant as a way to share notes with colleagues, and the typeface is chosen to be easily read on any size screen. If you want a real show, it's always possible to attach the file for some other presentation software to a note, and 'play' that during the event.
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