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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. - You could always upgrade to Premium to get Support. If you can pay monthly, then downgrade again after a month or two when things are sorted out... Try @EvernoteHelps - but bear in mind; lots of users... the service there can be slow.
  2. Hi. I'm on Linux now, and the version of EN Web I'm on doesn't recognise templates at all... though I just added a note in Android and templates there work fine. Hmmn. When you say "templates listed by Evernote" - where are you seeing this list?
  3. Hi - It's probably possible, but not very practical - depends what your site is written in. Evernote doesn't have a proper 'plain text' option so importing back to the site could be problematic. I keep notes in Evernote but use an external editor to create my blog pages, and save the .MD files in Evernote for future editing.
  4. No problem for the reply - with 250M (or so) active users, many of them Basics, Evernote would have to fund a customer service team of thousands to help out with every query. Besides they're giving away their code, web space and general access and upgrades for free, so I guess they felt they'd done enough. If you can see Settings when Evernote loads, try switching to the previous UI version of Evernote Web. There have been some reports of notes not showing up in the latest just-out-of Beta Evernote web. Evernote are aware of that and are working on it.
  5. Email/ chat support is only available to subscribers unfortunately - you could try the Facebook community or @EvernoteHelps. Browser updates seem to catch Evernote by surprise sometimes, and if that's the case here, they should catch up pretty quickly - a lot of users are Firefox fans. Short term though - if you haven't already done it, try the good old "switch your device off, then switch it back on again" trick - a restart clears all caches and allows your to apps catch their breath...
  6. Hi. AFAIK most operating system will allow you to choose a default app for files of a certain type. Check your OS settings.
  7. Hi - if you saw "remove from Stack", your notebook was already in one stack, and you've (presumably) now moved it to another. If there were other notebooks in the original stack, it will still exist. If this was the only notebook member of that stack, then removing the notebook will also have removed the stack. You can't have an 'empty' stack.
  8. I tested it out - seems to provide much more detail than the 'pwned' service, which just gives broad details of what information has appeared where. Thanks for that!
  9. I'm pretty sure Bitwarden (which I also use...) connects to https://haveibeenpwned.com for their warnings. I just connected to that website direct for my several email addresses (I'm a popular person!) and I get a depressingly happy "You've been Pwned!!" email every time one of them is detected in a leak online. I am careful to use different passwords for every login, and change them regularly; and Bitwarden generates random collections of characters like "bv7LqiwCP#" (not one I use!) quite freely. Since it is remembering the password on my phone / tablet / laptops I don't much care how human unfriendly that is - in fact the less friendly the better! So if you're a 'bad actor' looking for a payoff - please have fun with whatever passwords of mine you may have found; they're likely out of date and will be unusable anywhere else...
  10. On that basis I'd be deleting about 100 apps... See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us if you need more..
  11. They are two different... and why would you... OK - like I said 4 months ago, webp is not a (currently) supported format. Evernote will get around to it, but exactly when is down to their internal timetable. It will happen soon - it just hasn't happened yet.
  12. If it's only text you need - rather than the image(s) and layout shown by the OP - the easiest way to get rid of the column format is to paste the content into a plain text editor like Windows Notepad first, then copy and paste from there into a note. It's possible to do that by copying from a note into Notepad and then replacing the content too. Simplify Formatting isn't going to remove columns - Remove Formatting (possibly more than once) may do the job, but I find copying into and out of Notepad is easier and quicker than messing around with the original note formatting.
  13. Hi. Sympathies for the problem, but there is a reason for that "Beta" in the title. We're mainly users here, but as a subscriber you do have access to Support. I'd suggest you reach out to them. Meantime don't open any more notes that might contain links. AFAIK unless you edit a note, changes won't be saved to the server so your issue should be limited to the notes you've opened thus far. Can you use another device (that's not running the Beta) and check on another note? This might be a 'display' problem anyway - Evernote won't overwrite the content of your notes unless you make specific changes. You could try to step back and see what happens... although as far as I know the current beta is something like 6.25 and I'm using 6.18 public... Did you get your beta from Evernote.com?
  14. Hi. Same question. And: did you try restarting your device?
  15. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. As users, we can offer information and suggestions from our collective experience. Although Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee how soon your post will be seen. Evernote tend not to comment on when or whether any given bug might be cleared or when features will be added. If you need help on a technical issue Evernote support is available via the website (subscribers), on Twitter @EvernoteHelps (everyone) or via the Facebook community. There's also a feedback link on the latest web interface.
  16. There ain't no such thing as a 'trivial fix' when you have 200M users worldwide using several operating systems and syncing 24/7. Evernote does not (usually) respond in the public forums as to whether or when they might release an update. You can check out the blog to see the ongoing work that is currently in Beta and may address your issue... or as a subscriber you could contact Support for some direct feedback.
  17. You're completed entitled to your opinion, of course: but Evernote also collects opinions through reddit, facebook, blog and twitter channels, and subscribers can always express their opinions direct. Votes here are an indicator of the proportion of views, and some of the feature requests have 400+ against this 25. They also haven't necessarily seen their actual feature being added to the app, because Evernote do have this ongoing development of a complete rewrite - which might address a lot of requests in one go, or it might not. We'll have to wait for the public release to find out....
  18. Here on the forums, or here on your specific focus? The forums have had nearly 500,000 posts on around 80,000 topics and Evernote has 200M users, so if more font options were a priority for any significant percentage of that number, someone in Evernote would have heard of it by now. And ..is not exactly what I said. Do you as a non-subscriber, expect Evernote to lay out a few thousand dollars 'fixing' their product in hopes you might find it more acceptable? Evernote is a commercial operation - they have to make profits: that's how they pay the coders that work there!
  19. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. As users, we can offer information and suggestions from our collective experience. As we gift our time to try and help, it is considered polite not to waste it by generating more work than necessary. ...And it's not the only thing I'm worried about - I can multi-task.
  20. To have only 25 votes in 5 years suggests the cost of adding the new feature(s) would not be met by the additional subscriptions generated. I'd say voting is working fine.
  21. Every established company has the drawback that a new player can come up with new features that it includes on launch from zero users. The older company with a few hundred million existing users (in this case) all of whom have their own ideas on what new features should be a priority, can't just magic the new options overnight. As it happens Evernote has an ongoing upgrade - a process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog for details). I tried Roam and liked the Wiki-like linking process, but while it may suit some, it didn't suit me. So I'm 100% Evernote (plus Filterize / Backupery / Postach.io and Typora...
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