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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. On the question of help being unavailable - Evernote do make substantial software and system resources available for free: The apps which can be installed on most devices regardless of operating system, plus browser and email add-ins to import data. Automatic backup and sharing syncing back to the server so that notes can be available on any device Substantial storage (720MB) per year - which within 5 years starts to exceed the free minimums available from all other cloud services, and can continue indefinitely from there. A Facebook Community, the @EvernoteHelps Twitter account (which does exactly what it say on the tin), and this Forum, which is maintained by Evernote but -mainly- serviced by experienced user volunteers like me The Basic apps have substantially the same features as subscribers - just way lower limits. All these features are updated and supported behind the scenes for free for all users. The general package is sufficiently attractive that it has been downloaded by more people around the world than live in any single small country - over 250M when a figure was last mentioned. Offering an open-ended free helpline on top of that would require the company to fund additional thousands of technical staff just to support free users. I don't know of any other major company that offers anything similar. So: this security issue has been reported by your posting here. If you check Evernote's blogs, they're in the middle of a major software revision so it's likely they'll integrate any changes necessary into the next version later this year...
  2. I have an old-fashioned S1500 which handles the one-page / all pages switch on local ScanSnap Manager software. If you're temporarily stuck with a multi-page PDF however, I believe that NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner 2) does a pretty good job (Windows) of splitting multis into single pages... https://www.naps2.com Just drag the PDF into the window and split pages off visually.
  3. As @PinkElephant - that sounds more like a Firefox restriction than an Evernote issue - have you taken this up with that team too? Alternatives would be: as suggested, or try another browser private mode.
  4. ? I use Workflowy alongside Evernote - they link together seamlessly and give me collapsing bullets when I need them...
  5. Hi. For the avoidance of doubt - this is a -mainly- user-supported Forum, not Support. We can offer information and suggestions from our collective experience. Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, but there's no guarantee how soon your post will be seen. If you have an issue and you're a subscriber it would be helpful for Evernote and for you to report the matter online so they can investigate. If you need help on a technical issue Evernote support is available via the website (subscribers), on Twitter @EvernoteHelps (everyone) or via the Facebook community. There's also a feedback link on the latest web interface.
  6. Hi. Short answer - nope. Best I can suggest is - save your list of links in one note as a table with some keywords beside each link so that when you search "quantum physics" (or whatever) the note comes up as one of your hits. Then if you want to see the content that goes with that link, you can click and go to the original web page. You could then clip the page if you want that information more easily available.
  7. Hi. Thanks for the heads up. The web client is a work in progress anyway, so it will improve... probably...
  8. Nope - screen shots are just that. No extra metadata, just the image. Copy n paste will get you a link, but not this.
  9. Hi. Something fairly fundamental seems to have happened to your Evernote setup. I'd suggest uninstalling Evernote using Revo Uninstaller Free, powering the whole system off and back on again, and then re-download and reinstall Evernote from the Evernote.com website. If you then still get odd messages, run a full virus scan because the errors that you are seeing are not part of Evernote's normal operation - even when it goes wrong.
  10. If you're saving an idea to Evernote so you can work on it, why not open the app and add a note direct? Then you don't have to wait for a note to 'appear' - you just created it. Full disclosure: I'm not a Mac user and this may be a stupid comment. Apologies if it is, but that doesn't usually stop me making them...
  11. All very well to have offline notes, but how much free storage do you have on your device? I have a notebook (I may have mentioned) into (and out of) which I switch the notes I need on a visit by visit basis depending where and when I'm travelling. It works for me, no special 'offline' status required...
  12. Hi. Have you tried opening Evernote in a different location? (ie Desktop or another device) Is the PDF still empty?
  13. You're right, and I wasn't thinking the whole 'just search for the word' thing through very well, because if you search for common words you will have a LOT of hits for that word, only some of which may be what you want; and @DTLow is on point that making the word 'special' by adding unusual characters doesn't necessarily make it findable with those characters. Actually my 'secret' system is to use an "x" as a prefix - since I don't seem to use many x-words in daily life. So tagging this paragraph I might add 'xcharacters' at the top - which is easy to copy and paste after hitting the 'x' key, and just as findable as a tag. I think this is one of those features that I wouldn't mind if it was added, but I probably wouldn't use it.
  14. Hi. I can see that as an idea, but if the word is in a note, then that note will be found by a search for just <word>. If you create it as a tag, your search requires "tag:<word>". If you're looking for that word to add to other notes to group them together, it's probably going to be quicker just to type it than find a suitable keyword in a note that contains it and add it to the current note or collection. Do you have a specific use case when this option could be useful?
  15. Given that there are (apparently) only a few users suffering from this sort of issue, and even your own office computer is exempted, I don't think this exactly qualifies as a 'major' bug - or even necessarily as a bug at all. If you don't want to get more involved, of course that's fine - but that's how the system works for the moment.
  16. Actually, on the 'simpler is always better' principle - you could export all the notes to HTML and then add them to a word-processor, which would supply the page breaks and allow some extra styling of headings and resizing of images...
  17. Hi. Do you have any connection problems? Are you connecting through a firewall or AV protection? Have you tried a different browser?
  18. If you're seeing calendar events in the title, go to Settings > Note and untick that option. You'll then get a note titled "untitled note" if you save with that data. Windows still won't replace the title though...
  19. Hi. Depending on which browser you are using, you may find that there's a default layout and defined fonts for web pages - which is probably different from the defaults you set in Evernote. The answer to this issue would appear to be the same as for most others with this current editor: use a word processor that includes the fonts you require, and attach the output file to your note. Open your notes/ documents in the appropriate software on each device. While you can copy/ paste the content into the note to feed the search index, the layout is no longer relevant. Your 'perfect' copy is in the attachments.
  20. No scrolling here, but I'm (temporarily I hope) back on 6.18 - might be a recent updates "feature"?
  21. Your choice - there's a setting in Tools > Options > General you can untick for "automatically check for updates" to quieten things down if you want...
  22. Just to be clear, everyone posting here is a user - unless there's a big "Employee" label under their name. Evernote don't (usually) comment on individual posts or on the merits or otherwise of particular features. They do have a blog however... https://evernote.com/blog/publish-books-instantly-from-evernote/
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