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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I don't imagine Evernote would want to have to create an infinite number of toolbar preferences for all the possible output variations that users might want... The Windows Print dialogue box should have an option to set PDF as a default option, and Phrase Express or Text Blaze can automate standard texts and execute simple commands, so should be able to set up 'print to PDF' from one keystroke.
  2. Hi. We're mainly a user-supported forum here, so I have no clue how to rebuild the server index but would (respectfully) question whether it's actually necessary. For the answers to both questions, and since you;re a subscriber anyway, why not raise this with Support? I do know it's possible to recreate the local index, which - I'd suggest - might trigger a sync anyway, but for confirmation - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  3. When viewing your item in Apple News, is there an option to 'view on the web' or 'view in browser'? I use a news aggregation service in Android and Windows and find that clipping direct from that service is erratic and always omits the URL. I have a 'view on the web' option that opens the same item in my browser, which then reads and clips normally when I share the article. When I close down the browser, my display reverts to the aggregator view of that item and I move on...
  4. OK - and for my 2c; I use Phrase Express and Chrome Extension Text Blaze (both free versions for private use) to add dates in a variety of formats plus standard texts. If you also use one or other of those (or any similar) apps to add a standard 'keyword' like xDATE, or add that as a tag, you could fairly easily use a third party app like Filterize to generate an automatic table of contents note listing all those notes currently with that label. When you've completed an item, remove the keyword / tag, and it will drop off the ToC when the note syncs. Seems to me that workflow could easily be expanded to have different key words / tags for different priorities (or tasks) to feed more than one ToC
  5. Hi. Mainly user Forums here, but I flagged your post for a system admin to take a look. You could also try messaging @Shane D.
  6. Hang on - as you can see from my screen shot, my Default notebook has an icon but no arrow, and there are a couple of other headings without arrows - that's because they are individual notebooks. The arrow on a stack opens the list of notebooks; a single notebook by definition doesn't / can't have an arrow. Click on the notebook to see a list of the notes in contains in the centre window.
  7. It's also possible to look for other topics in help - more troubleshooting suggestions here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005837-How-to-use-the-Microsoft-Outlook-Clipper-add-in-to-save-emails-to-Evernote
  8. Hi. I've not seen anyone else with the same issue here - just to be clear: you're using exactly the same username and password combination on the iPhone as on the PC?
  9. Hi. Screen shots are always helpful in this sort of situation - here's my left panel with arrows marking Stacks - they only become visible when I hover over that panel.
  10. Hi. This forum is mainly supported by other users. Your best bet as subscribers is to report this via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  11. Hi. If you're using the Desktop version, you should see a menu in the note window which offers 'move' as one option. If you're using the web versions - surprise!! It is a feature...
  12. I've used TickTick for items with and without delivery dates with links back to Evernote notes for details and progress. Currently only using Google Calendar (after brief flirtations with almost every other Calendar app) because it just works. (And I use Gmail so there are integrations that help.)
  13. Hi. There are three ways to draft a long document - which, as you will see, are basically the same logic. Method 1 Create a Stack and add Notebooks for chapters or main plot points Within each notebook create a new note for each 'scene' and add a Table of Contents note to list all the notes Add a leading number to each note title - 0010, 0020 etc (like in old coding practice, this allows you to add 0011, 0012 later as extra narrative if you find it necessary) Use the ToC to re-order the content if necessary, and re-number the titles accordingly On completion of the document sort each notebook on title and (if necessary) merge notes into one continuous flow. Copy and paste the content into a word processor file and add/ edit styles as necessary Method 2 As above, but create a Stack for 'Drafts' and add one notebook for each individual document. Number note titles with both chapter and section IDs - 0010-0010 Sort/ merge as above Method 3 Use a Word processor directly and attach the .DOCX (or whatever) file(s) to a note. (NB this will be editable on any device that has the necessary WP editor software installed.) It's important to keep backups of your database - especially in the last case - occasional typing errors might delete something valuable. Note History and 'Undo' can usually help, but just in case...
  14. As far as we know, the situation is unchanged. There are workarounds as above.
  15. Video evidence simply confirms this happened for you. If you think users 'rarely report bugs' I think you may be new around here. Evernote users are rarely shy about commenting on any issues that they find. However. Thanks for the report on this - I'm sure a developer will look into it at some point. Glad you found ways around the problem.
  16. Hmmn. Didn't even realise it was a video after being hit with a LOT of image. I doubt it's a 'bug' since you're the only report of anything similar, and on a quick check of my own Android I seem to have no problem adding and removing highlights. Try restarting the phone, or worst case uninstall / restart / reinstall.
  17. Sorry to break up the brotherhood,  but it's my birthday today. I wanted a new avatar!

    1. Sayre Ambrosio

      Sayre Ambrosio


    2. macfixer


      Whoa, it's gonna take me a few to get used to it. Happy Birthday!

  18. Hi. I'm confused. If you're working on a desktop the notes are saved locally and -from time to time- get saved to the server (at intervals set by Preferences). If for reasons of bad connections, changed preferences or mistiming a note is not updated immediately it doesn't 'lose' the content. Not using the app seems an extreme reaction - am I missing something obvious?
  19. Hmmn. Currently using Brave and clipping happily...
  20. Yup. Internet Search can be your friend - I've seen VBA scripts too to import CSV files line by line. Nothing provided or supported by Evernote, but there should be lots of options out there...
  21. Hi. There's a votable request for this function here but basically what you're asking Evernote to do boils down to inventing some way to get around the fact you're using a laptop in an insecure way. It should be possible to set up suitably limited profiles in the OS that your sisters can use, and which will allow you to interrupt -if necessary- to log on as another user with full access to your own notes and software, then return access to them. There will be some logging on and off involved - but that's what you're asking Evernote to set up anyway. I'm guessing that despite the age and apparent popularity in the forums of this request it's not a significant request amongst the 250M or so current users.
  22. Hi. You need to tap the arrows at the top of the note to save your changes and and exit. And if you can see the green 'pen' in the bottom right of the screen, you're not even in 'edit' mode.
  23. Hi - have you run through the basics? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313378
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