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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. It sounds like Lightshot presents its image in a format that Evernote doesn't recognise. I've used several other browser add-in screen shot apps which do work with Evernote, so it's not a bug of some sort- it's probably a glitch with Windows clipboard. You may find that pasting into Word (or any other receptive app) and then copy and pasting from there will give you the image. -And if these images are from other applications or web pages, Evernote has some built-in clipper / screenshot tools of its own...
  2. Hi. Evernote System Limits are quite low on a basic account. You have 25MB per note, and 60MB per month and if you tried to upload more than that in one short period, then I'm afraid the missing bits are probably lost. The limits are like the warning notice at a cliff edge - if you go past them really bad things can happen to your data; and it is solely the user's responsibility to stay within the lines and keep backups of important data to avoid loss. Is there any chance to locate your original note files, or obtain similar files from someone who attended the same lecture? Could you have an old system backup that includes the notes? You could certainly upgrade Evernote to see whether any more information appears, but I'm sorry, the chances are very low.
  3. Hi. Which bit of working "within two different operating systems on different networks with very different capacities" did you miss? Evernote have done the best they could at the time with what they have. Actually the operating systems and Evernote's tools have improved since, and they are rewriting all their applications. They recently released the iOS update - check in that forum for the mixed reception for that... and we're nervously awaiting the Android version, which might address some of your issues. Maybe.
  4. Hi. I hate those zomms . Also long notes. Even if I'm covering a long issue I'll make separate notes of a screenful or so of text each, and link the notes together with a standard title or tag. That's easier with an initial 'template' note which you can duplicate repeatedly to avoid unnecessary typing. Once the notes are complete (or when I get fed up with doing that) I'll search for the common thread to get a list of those notes, and create a Table of Contents note to link them all together. If I want to change the order of my notes I can just cut and paste links in the ToC, and I can edit each note and/ or merge them on completion. I know that's not an answer to the issue you found, and it's "only" a work-around - but Evernote (probably) isn't going to change in the next few weeks, and this is more efficient -and looks more professional- than madly scrolling through notes to edit one paragraph.
  5. Hi. You show on the Forums here as a Premium account, so should have access to email Support to resolve this - Business accounts were updated to split business and personal notes more effectively - see details here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019020593-Update-your-Evernote-Business-account You should have separate access to the Business notes if that was the issue - but you may need Support's help to find the login. If you upgraded on a trial basis, you may have a payment issue which has suspended the business account - again you need Support to resolve that.
  6. Hi. If you're on Windows, have you tried holding Ctrl and tapping the red "!" icon to see if there's more information available?
  7. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum and no-one here is really able to do anything with your suggestions. Evernote employees do read the posts eventually but it may take some while. Meantime there are specialised consultants around the world who may be able to help - https://evernote.com/certified-consultants#find-community-member plus I flagged your post for a Forum Admin here who may be able to advise.
  8. Hi. If you tap the thumbnail icon at bottom left of the camera screen after taking a picture you should have a drop-down list of options including 'save as document'
  9. Hi. It's more of a consequence of trying to work within two different operating systems on different networks with very different capacities. Yes there are search differences between the two OS's; no there's no fix, other than to work around it by using titles or tags geared towards being "mobile-friendly".
  10. Hi. It's possible that your mail daemon has flagged Scannables' outgoing server as a source of spam and blocked the service. Do you have another email address you could send to as a check that outbound mail is actually working?
  11. Hi. There is a way to do that now - select your list of notes and choose 'create a table of contents note'. Evernote will create a list of notes with links to each note. You'll be able to cut and paste those links in any order you require. It's also possible to sort notes by creation / updated dates and title, so including numbers at the start of the title or editing the dates will also control the order.
  12. Not seeing it here either... You've already tried item 1 of my universal fixit list. Want to go for #2 and #3? (in increasing order of desperation) File > Exiting Evernote and closing / reopening the app; as above but throw in a device restart before reopening; File > Exit and then uninstall / restart / reinstall Good luck!
  13. Moved to the beta forums. As to thoughts: this kind of thing can happen with a beta - random addition and deletion of features. If that's not something you can work around, please move back to the current public release.
  14. Ah. Betas are an exciting new area where bugs and glitches are expected - and one I decided to avoid in the interests of getting work done. They also have a special forum area, where I've moved your thread - the developers will be watching for feedback. If the scrolling is an issue for you, I can only suggest you dump the beta and go back to the current public version which (I checked) is 6.25.
  15. It can be instructive to check your email address(es) on one of the security websites that tracks public releases of data. I mentioned one already -
  16. Presumably it's not screen resolution either, otherwise every window would be affected... Hmmn. OK: back to basics. As a subscriber (and in case things go wrong) you should contact Support (it'll take a few days for them to respond. Meantime in increasing order of desperation try File > Exiting Evernote and closing / reopening the app; as above but throw in a device restart before reopening; File > Exit and then uninstall / restart / reinstall Good luck!
  17. Support ticket please - with the number of reports, this looks like an issue they should be aware of...
  18. Hi. Enter these characters where? In the clip title, or as a tag or comment?
  19. Hi. Looks like the Zoom feature is active - can't remember the settings, but look for 'zoom' here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  20. Hi. I'm going to guess it has something to do with - - have you tried using the 'forgotten password' option at Evernote.com just to verify that you're remembering it correctly?
  21. Hi. Not sure I recognise the version you're using. Is that the web or an installed client? Have you checked for updates lately? There's a new web version (which is not labelled 'beta'), and though I'm not on my Windows desktop at the moment, the version there is in the 20's AFAIR...
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