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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Unless you have created some local (unsynced) notebooks on your desktop device, all your notes should be stored on Evernote's servers in the cloud. If you uninstall and reinstall, your notes will be safe. Your information will be re-downloaded to your device as and when necessary. Just make sure to sync your account first to make sure the servers have the latest versions of your notes.
  2. Hi. If you're talking about the clipper that is active in the browser, try right-clicking the icon in your browser bar and choose 'manage extensions'. Find the Clipper in the page that opens and disable or delete it. Should require a few mouse clicks.
  3. Hi. Looks like Clipper is missing a notebook somewhere. I've not seen this error before so I'd suggest you raise a support ticket in case it's a bug of some kind. Are you using the latest v10 release?
  4. The Microsoft Store page doesn't give a version number but an old release date suggests this is still a copy of the 'old' Evernote version. If you're willing to try again you could uninstall the version you currently have and restart your PC, then reinstall from the MS Store and use Edge. If the MS version has an 'options' setting you can (and should!) turn off checking for updates. Alternatively you should be able to use your account by signing in to Evernote.com and using a working browser, but that's the best we can suggest. Microsoft won't want to amend their security settings, and Evernote probably won't investigate how to install their new app on that system because it would be expensive to make any changes that won't benefit a significant number of their users.
  5. Sorry to hear you're still stuck. Support will only react on an individual basis if you report it through their channels - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Just to be clear, I was suggesting you try reinstalling the Legacy app which works alongside v10 - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote I don't know where the clipper stores it's 'smart' filing experience - it's obviously built up from the history of your specific assignments, and I'd guess it's stored in a file somewhere in your original Evernote folder. If that's been corrupted or deleted you won't be able to get back to the conveniences you had for some while. I don't even know at this stage whether Evernote 10 can store that kind of information - it may not yet be available, but coming 'soon' (which a lot of things still seem to be). Sadly and totally unhelpfully my undisturbed Windows 'old' version 6.25 and my existing Clipper 7.13 do still suggest tags and notebooks for me - and they're correct about 80% of the time. Sorry I can't help you get back to that!
  6. The only difference between the two (AFAIK) is that 6.25.2 will co-exist with v10 on the same device and won't update itself. 6.25.1 is the last public release that I'm still using (with updating OFF) on the basis I've been using it happily(ish) up to now, and I don't need the excitement of getting used to v10 anytime soon... 😎
  7. @Wayne Robinson - thanks for clarifying; did any of the other comments in the last 2 months help out?
  8. Hi. In Evernote go to Tools > Options > General and untick 'automatically check for updates'.
  9. Hi. It's come up a couple of times - a search here for 'fonts' got me 839 matches, though probably only a couple of hundred relate to v10. AFAIK The only way to get your fonts back immediately is to use Legacy to create and save notes - the font settings are then carried through into your notes on any platform* and in any version*. Legacy runs alongside v10. Evernote may be expanding the font choices at some time, but since apparently a lot of users demanded that notes look exactly the same on every device, and the only way to ensure that was to supply the fonts in-house, v10 was launched with these few options. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote * as long as your fonts are installed and supported by that device.
  10. Being a subscriber, and rather than complain about issues in a -mainly- user-supported Forum, you (and everyone else here who had this happen) could complete a support ticket direct with Evernote. That brings it to their attention in a timely manner, gives them some accurate idea of how many are affected, and the opportunity to collect some logs, if needed, from individual machines to check what's going wrong. As to encrypted notes and the like - Evernote have only just finished a root-and-branch rewrite of their whole package to bring the code up to the standard which would allow them -maybe- to add new features. There's a long list of thousands to get through, and I hope they'll do that soon - after bug fixes (like the links) and restoring all the old features you know and love, which is still ongoing.
  11. I can log in on Chrome (to the Legendary version 😉) without any problem. Have you tried any other browsers? The installed version? This is a technical issue, not company policy.
  12. ?? "Legacy" is the last public version of Evernote that was used by everyone pre-v10. The actual labelled Legacy product is tweaked 1) not to require updating and 2) to work alongside the new version. Since I decided to avoid version 10 until I knew whether or not it would affect my working process, I remain on the old pre-legacy and pre-10 Windows and Android versions 6.25.1 and 8.13. 'Legacy' for Windows is v6.25.2 The old versions and legacy sync to the cloud in exactly the same way as the new, and can be used on multiple devices. I'm running Linux and Windows laptops, a phone and a tablet. (I'm a subscriber - Basic users now get access from 2 registered devices ONLY - including the web) The only differences between Old/Legacy versions and v10 are: Features currently missing in v10 are still present in Old/ Legacy Old/ Legacy versions still have accessible and backupable* database storage Users of the old versions need to disable 'check for updates' to avoid that happening iOS users are locked into v10 because of Apple restrictions Many Android users are currently locked OUT of upgrades because Evernote 10 requires Android 10 - it is possible to alter Play Store settings to avoid the update if you prefer. Many Android 10 users seem not to have had the upgrade anyway - it is being released slowly through the Play Store, maybe to avoid crashing Evernote's Support team. It is possible to step back to the last public version - pre Legacy and pre v10 - of both Mac and Windows Desktop apps. Links to the Evernote downloads are still available. Just sync and backup your database. Export any local (unsynced) folders. Uninstall your current Evernote version completely (the database is saved on Evernote's servers) and restart your device / reinstall Evernote and log in, to allow the server to recreate your local files. Large databases may take a while to download. Android old versions are also available from third-party sources (Google restricts what's available through the 'official' store). There's a risk involved in downloading from sources outside the Play Store, but there have been no reports of issues -yet. Again it's an 'uninstall your present version / install the 'old' one' but for mobiles the process is a little more involved. One caveat: If you're using the old versions, you cannot use v10 on the same device. Legacy runs alongside v10 so you can check on progress. Sources for all versions are available in the Forums, but if you need a reminder or more detailed instructions please post here. Of course - by the time you read this 'older versions' may be academic. v10 is (as we speak) up to 10.5 for mobiles and 10.8 for desktops, and many users are now reporting generally good experiences. There are some new features too. You may not need to worry about downgrading. But (as I've said a couple of times here already) I feel no urgent need to update to v10 now. Old versions have been working well(ish) for me for the past few years. If & when I'm forced to update (by the older versions no longer syncing at all) I'll reluctantly move over - and maybe even away from Evernote if it still doesn't have the features I need - and have been paying for over these past 12+ years. If there's a killer new feature in v10, maybe I'll consider it then, too. But I'm still waiting for some killer old features to come back. Till then I'm happy back in the past. YMMV. 😏 * new word...?
  13. OK - sorry I missed that bit; have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the clipper? I appreciate (now) that you've tried several browsers, but if the problem is that a recent update broke the connection between clippers and the app, reinstalling clipper might remake the deal. Beyond that you should certainly report this to Support in case it's something they can fix. If it's messing with your workflow, you could consider installing the Legacy version, which should take you back to the previous situation.
  14. Hi. I think we need a lot more information to understand your issue here - like your device / OS / what you're clipping / what used to happen to your clips. And - there's no such thing as 'Misc' - do you mean the Default Notebook?
  15. Hi. This Forum is largely moderated and supported by other users, so unless you were particularly rude to one of my colleagues in a prior post I don't know why you would have been zapped. We're generally pretty broad-minded and you're not the first person to have complained about the situation with iOS. However Evernote have explained that due to the restrictions imposed by Apple they're not allowed to have two versions of their software on offer, and AFAIK as an Apple user, you can't find and install an 'old' version of the app, because Apple don't permit that either. What you see is what you got, unless and until remaining issues are corrected in updates. From other users comments, the latest iOS version is more usable than previously - do you have any specific issues to air?
  16. Hi. Not sure of your point, but with respect if you create notes on the free plan there's a well-publicised limit on how much data you can save. Whether that's by attaching files or clipping web pages, you still need bandwidth for the upload. If that exceeds 60MB in a month (which could be a couple of web pages with images...) you'll need to wait until the limit resets before you get access back. That's nothing to do with Legacy - them's the rules for Basic in all its versions. Legacy is the place to go if you're having any issues with Version 10 - some legacy features are still to be added back, and some bugs remain to be fixed, and if that gets in the way of your activities, just use Legacy (in Mac and Windows desktop) to go back to the previous 'normal'. I haven't 'updated' to v10 at all, and I'm still working exactly as I have for the past few years. Even the web version is still coming back for me as 5.33 because I have >50k notes. From time to time I feel vaguely jealous of all the new functionality - and then I remember I have things to do and get on with it...
  17. There are probably several ways - As a subscriber you can create notes by email. so just set up your Evernote email address in your email client as something like 'ENMail' and send the file there. If you have a way to create a new note, copy & paste or click & drag to drop the file in there Dropping a file onto the Evernote icon on your desktop used to work - don't know if it still does... Hopefully there will be more efficient options soon... Find your Evernote email address
  18. I could accept a search - provided it would be accessible from a link somehow. I'm thinking Google Calendar note to say "check WD3 progress" with a link to take me to the current situation. I can actually do that with a web address in a browser which looks pretty much the same as the address of a note, so I assume an ID is allocated.
  19. I'm in the UK and it's cold, wet and we have flood warnings... but the pictures from the US are downright scary. I think we're both pretty lucky to still have easy access to power!
  20. Sympathies, but there are few others out there who have raised their issue and received a ticket number. They're in a queue and will get support as soon as the guys who are currently freezing their assets off in Texas USA (no power) can warm up something to talk with...
  21. I had a VPN problem recently - couldn't connect to anything after an update. Whilst some might think that's not a bad thing, I was able to use another device to get hold of their support. Guess what the first suggestion was... just sayin. Fixed is better than perfect. 😎
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