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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If, in your current version of Evernote, and on your current device, you can open that note in its own window, does that help?
  2. Unless Microsoft chooses to lock out the several thousand other apps that have easy access to Outlook, they can't exclude Evernote. Deciding not to support the installed version of Outlook is entirely an Evernote decision.
  3. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum. The post you quoted includes a suggestion that you could message Shane D if you have problems with other channels... (Click the link in this post to compose a message)
  4. Well - glad it's working; no clue what happened or how it got fixed, but maybe your gremlin just decided to annoy someone else...
  5. Hi. Have you checked your account details at https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action ? If you're showing as Plus with a July renewal date you should have no issues, but if you do show as Premium and you're not paying the subscription, your account might downgrade to Basic which could cause you some further problems.
  6. Hi. You're complaining about a desktop issue in an iOS thread - do you use Mac or Windows? And have you installed the Legacy desktop version? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  7. Hi. Have you tried this option? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  8. Hi. Considering that many users have apparently operated quite happily for years using the free service - which Evernote presumably intended purely as a 'trial' to encourage actual subscriptions - I can't see them improving the features available. The level of service you're looking for is, of course, available to subscribers - and if you're keeping travel plans or any other important details in there it might be an idea to consider a reliable paid-for service.
  9. I'd imagine a little time will resolve that - your database needs to be downloaded to the laptop and a first-time download takes a little time to set up. Have you checked it recently? If this is an issue with the latest version, you could consider using the 'old' Legacy version for a while...
  10. From elsewhere in the forums here... (It's not helpful I'm afraid, but it does explain...)
  11. Hmmn. Haven't seen that before. Maybe someone else who uses that feature can advise both of us what it can do!
  12. Hi. I don't think there's any similarity between one user editing one note on two devices, and someone making a major revision in the architecture of the account - though the underlying cause is pretty much the same thing. What's shown and stored on your local device is also synced to the cloud, and if you are making major changes, it will take some time for that to synchronise correctly. You're moving dozens or hundreds of notes around and the server is trying to play catchup. It would have been a good idea to carry out any changes over a period, or leave the account overnight. Sadly, trying to change what appeared to be happening mid way and reinstalling the app will probably only have made things worse. If you keep a regular backup of your account, now might be a time to see whether you can recreate what it looked like yesterday. If you don't have a backup I can only suggest that you log out overnight and log back in tomorrow to see where the account was left. You may have to contemplate a manual repair to complete your reorganisation...
  13. Hi. Have you tried restarting your device? If that doesn't work uninstall / restart / reinstall the app. You should be able to see your notes if you sign in to Evernote.com - the server has the main copy of your database. Notes are downloaded to your phone when required and all changes are synced back to the server.
  14. Hi. Try the 'lost password' link on Evernote.com
  15. Hi. This site might help... Create a checklist
  16. Hi. Have you tried uninstalling the current version and downloading / reinstalling from the website? Updates occasionally fail because of a corrupted file - if necessary try uninstalling with something like Appcleaner to ensure a clean reinstall.
  17. Hi. The usual reason for this is somehow having created a second account - try logging out and re-connecting, making sure that you use the correct user details.
  18. Hi. Are you using a code block within the note? If so, I'd recommend contacting Support - and using the legacy version for the meantime.
  19. Hi. AFAIK there's no calendar integration yet, though I use Calendar + Evernote by keeping details in Evernote and linking to a Calendar event. There is a third-party link available in https://evernote.cronofy.com/
  20. I used Brave for a while, but never had a problem with clipping - can you disable the various pop-up and cookie blockers and/ or whitelist Evernote anywhere?
  21. It's not a choice - I'm stuck with the old version because I have too many notes (according to Support) to use the new one...
  22. Hi. If they're still visible in your account, yes. If they're exported and then deleted from the account, no.
  23. Difficult question!! If you think that it's working well enough that you have few complaints about the features, then I guess you could use it. Personally I would be very reluctant to use anything but the Legacy version (or the previous public releases) for some time yet. (My previous draft for this answer was "Oh my gracious, no" - except I used fewer -and ruder- words...)
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