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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. These sites have older Evernote APKs (installation files). They're not 'official' download sites, and there are reasons why Google strongly suggest it's a BAD idea to download installation files from site that are not its own Play Store where certain basic standards are required. If you know what to do, and are willing to do it, you're looking for Evernote 8.13 as the last public release before v10. https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/ https://apkpure.com/evernote-notes-organizer-daily-planner/com.evernote/versions https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/android/download/2259282
  2. Nothing official - there will (presumably) be some new options in due course, but what, and when is unknown...
  3. Erm.. you got me on that one. I've not encountered the problem, but I suppose if you opened a file in Excel, which creates the Attachments copy, then saved and closed the Excel file, and immediately deleted the Attachments folder copy, Evernote might still have a 'flag' showing the (now missing) file as being edited. Better to save the file without the number, and ignore any warnings that 'this file already exists' - just go ahead and save anyway. Clear out the attachments file every month or so just to tidy it up. I had it on good authority that the Windows system does not give other software any sign whether or not a file is in use - that's why Evernote leaves files in the Attachments folder; they might still be in use. I don't know at what stage Evernote re-absorbs the content - I'd suspect it might be next time you sign out of the software or when you shut your system down; part of the house-cleaning process that Evernote runs when shutting up shop for a while. ...that should be the case. With an abundance of caution, you might want to duplicate a note and test the theory out to make sure it works as you understand it!! Good luck...
  4. Well - both devices sync their content - and your edits - to the Evernote servers. So to make changes on one device and then jump to another, you need to make sure that the changes have been saved by device #1, and have been loaded by device #2. If you left the note open on device #1 it may still be talking to the server by the time you're using the other access - at which point the server has two versions of the note being presented to it your changes on device #1 and some more changes on device #2. At which point it has a nervous breakdown and saves both of them seprately so that you can sort them out later. Better to work on one device and then exit Evernote - which forces a sync to the server. Then move to another device and (ideally) open Evernote - which wakes the app up to sync the latest changes from the server - and then continue working. The mantra is to sync both before and after working on any device, and to avoid having Evernote open on more than one at a time.
  5. - Have you noticed how many posts there are in the forums currently? An Evernote staffer will read this thread, but it may not be for a while. For more immediate attention (within a week or so...) try the Support or Twitter links.
  6. Hi. Version 10 still seems to have some training wheels attached - have you tried the Legacy version? One of my PDFs is around 200MB and I can access it fine...
  7. You may have defined your problem right there, but if you're leaving anyways - good luck with your new provider... 😊
  8. Sadly, Windows is not very smart. It's not possible to open a file directly from the Evernote database, so it is exported to the \Attachments folder for Windows to access it there. You can then open, edit and save it. It gets saved back to the Attachments folder and Evernote re-absorbs the file when it's no longer in use. However if you then edit the file a second time, it gets exported again and runs into the original version which is still stored in that folder. (Evernote doesn't lnow whether or not it's still in use, so can't delete it.) Windows therefore applies the magic (1) suffix and carries on. Evernote doesn't know anything about the added number and will happily re-absorb the original file that was saved last time, regardless of any editing carried out to <myfile>(1). You can avoid the problem by clearing out the Attachments folder regularly, making a point of deleting the (n) suffix when saving a file, or always saving to your desktop and drag/dropping the saved file into your note. It's sometimes handy to have a history of changes, and two or more copies gives you some backup in case of problems - but mostly I just 'Save As' files to close them and remove any numbers that I didn;t allocate.
  9. Even the web client had an update to 10, unless you have too many notes - I'm still stuck on the old version 5.33 for web on both Linux and Windows. The position thing doesn;t much bother me because I stick (usually) to short notes. Longer ones get created and edited in an external word processor, which usually has this feature. Just have to wait for Evernote to get their act together I guess...
  10. Web pages are created in a variety of ways using different layouts and systems. Once copied, the content is basically a snapshot of that layout, and changing any detail - even adding one word - is liable to break the whole thing. The only options you have are to screenshot the page and annotate those images - you'd be able to add arrows and short text comments forinstance - or to make your comments in a separate note, maybe merging the two later.
  11. Hi. Try - http://cdn1.evernote.com/mac-smd/public/Evernote_RELEASE_7.14_458244.zip
  12. HI. Your upload limit resets each month so all is not lost, but offline storage of notes - local (unsynced) notebooks - is not supported by Evernote. You could store your notes and/ or images on your computer, or elsewhere in the cloud (Dropbox and such) in word-processor files - LibreOffice is good - with links back to an 'index' note in Evernote?
  13. Hi. Evernote don't typically issue news about feature requests - but what device are you using? There have been a zillion updates since last year...
  14. Hi. Did you do a full reset on Evernote? - Sync the account. Sign out and close Evernote and Windows. Power your device off, then on. Download a new version from Evernote.com & re-install Sign back in with your correct user details.
  15. Hi. You may be able to print to PDF, if your device supports it...
  16. Hmmn... With the 'old' version - Location of the database and its folder is easily available from Evernote menus Exports of notes and notebooks are direct from the installed app, and do not involve downloads copying the EXB file itself is a good disaster backup when moving / updating / making other major changes to the app Backupery can access the local files to perform automatic daily backups With the new the database is stored in an out-of-the-way location that requires some specialist knowledge to access exporting requires a download copying the temporary database is probably unwise... Backupery has no access (though they're working on it...) Personally I think the old version is more accessible. Things will (I hope) improve...
  17. Hi. Short answer - No. You can multi-select in a desktop, but not on the web - so multi-tagging is also only on a desktop. There's no official link to a notebook - on the web however you can go to your Notebooks page and select one notebook, then copy the URL of that page and use it as a link to get there again quickly...
  18. Hi. Depending on what version you're using, tapping the thumbnail image just after you take the picture should give you choices about whether to save the picture as a document, a photo or a visiting card (amongst others). Your selection will (obviously) change the way the image is processed, but you should find that the result will be consistent at least if you always make the same choice.
  19. My general thought would be that if you're happy with the way your current version is working, why rush to change? If there's a specific new feature you'd like to try, that might be a good reason. But as far as I understand it, the ONLY new feature in the new version is a 'Home Page' which you can easily create for yourself in the current version if you wish. There are (still) several MISSING features for which you'll need to find work-arounds if you currently use them. More: Evernote 10 is not specified to work with Windows 7 (let's face it Microsoft won't either...) - and to answer your other qestions: EN10 does install on your desktop, but it no longer stores your note database there in a user-accessible format; that's important because you should be keeping backups of your notes in case you lose content, or wish to move to another provider. A backup process hasn't yet been offered by Evernote. Evernote has said that they'll keep providing access (but not support*) to 'old' versions of Evernote - and I'm still using Windows 6.25 / Android 8.13 with no intentions to update either until they're pried from my cold, ... well until I have to. I'm also on the old Web client 5.33 because I have a lot of notes (50k). You could try the web version if you have a few less notes and want an experience of how the new Evernote is working - it will sync to the server and any changes will be saved to your account. There's no date for any expiry on the old versions, but you should be safe for some months yet. I firmly believe in the "if your current version works, don't rush to fix it" approach! * - which means they'll almost certainly just advise you to upgrade if anything goes wrong. There is, however, a fair body of support expertise from other users around here in the forums...
  20. Most people won't check here before taking that step, but fortunately there's an easy way to get back to the previous version... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. Hi. If you're still using the original Android app, check Settings (see the three dots menu in Evernote) and Notifications. There's an option box there to 'add notes from notification bar'.
  22. Hmmn. You could maybe save the web page to your own PC - ironically, as... another web page. See http://www.httrack.com/ for more on that. But given that the actual web page might be updated with more, or corrected information, it's probably better just to look at that when you need it! Good luck - if you manage to find something that suits your purpose, please come back and tell us about it!
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