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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. We're not talking Elon Musk here - I have no inside info, but my guess would be Evernote bought a corporate package from an online retailer who produced and warehoused the goods and fulfilled all deliveries. Not likely that any management time was spent choosing colours or licking stamps. Plus all that ended 5 years and two CEOs ago, so they've had time to regroup...
  2. There are Android apps that will record sound in various formats... don't know if M4A is one of them, but it might be worth a look, just to avoid the extra step - although now you'd have to attach the app's output sound file to a note....
  3. It's still possible in v10 (apparently)... I just use a title line to link notes together. Dates (IMHO) are a good 'keyword' so in a possibly long meeting note I'd probably set up a note with "20210312 - meeting -" as a heading and just copy the original and add a 1/2/3 etc to signify the order. Search the date and ToC the list and your rmeeting is indexed for future annotation...
  4. "Excessive"? I have exactly the correct number of notes thankyou very much - it's just that Evernote Web can't handle that number yet. Which is actually a shame because I also have a basic account with a few hundred notes and the web version smokes on that one - and (don't tell anyone else) I'm using the Linux v10 Beta which - and it almost hurts to say this - is actually better than the web version! I may be tempted to move from 6.25 up to date...soon (using Evernote's definition of the word...). Maybe on v11 😊
  5. With previous versions, the trick was to get the screen looking the way you want it, then close Evernote down. When restarted, you should get your layout back - the registry settings having been refreshed to that position. Not sure it that still works with the new one.
  6. Hi. Why does the fact that Evernote didn't provide your favourite feature yet equate to "refused to add" it? Up till a few months ago Evernote didn't have the ability to offer much in the way of editing options - different OS's and OEM'd devices have different ways to show text styles. As of now, they might be able to - but the company stay typically close-mouthed about what's in the pipeline apart from 'coming soon' items (for lengthy definitions of 'soon'). Plus they are a little busy adding features back into v10 and dealing with user queries and comments right now... Meantime there are work-arounds... which largely involve using Legacy to create a note with your ideal style sections and making that a template, or using a word-processor to host the document. Obviously depends on exactly what you're trying to do, and where that appears in a note. ...Or just using the formats that are available.
  7. Hi. Several threads in the Forums deal with 'phantom' access to accounts - usually via a user name and password sourced from another account breach online. If Evernote is given the right credentials for access it doesn't have any way to trace that a user is not elsewhere in the world. There are several ways to protect your account - check for breaches here: https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account https://evernote.com/security
  8. Hi. If you're on version 10 and the notebook share option is not (yet) available, you could try installing the Legacy companion to regain access to it... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Hi. Already answered - please read the other posts in this thread.
  10. Hi. It would help us to know what version of Windows you're running (EN10 requires Windows 10), and to have some details of the device plus its age. We're a (mainly) user - supported forum, so if you are on Windows 10 it would also be an idea to contact Support so they're aware of the issue.
  11. In the legacy version, holding Ctrl and clicking the sync icon (with the red !) will sometimes give you a hint as to the issue...
  12. It's by design - Evernote search grammar, like many other search engines, ignores case and punctuation. This is a feature request thread - you could change the title a little to make it more obvious, and see whether other users think it's a good idea...
  13. Hi. I'm sure that's good advice. I'm a user too... (and you're responding to a 2-year old thread...) 🙂
  14. I don't think it's a question of loyalty - I'm doing the same, and it's on the basis that there's no point in getting involved in researching a new client / converting (or not) my existing database of notes / and learning how to use said new client as well as I can currently use Evernote (the 'old' version). That's just practicality* - why do extra work unless you absolutely have to? *..and laziness; but its efficient laziness...
  15. OK - I finally understood which templates we're talking about (!). I moved the thread to General Feature Requests so you can vote it up in the top left of the page. Dont know if it helps, but it can't hurt. Please vote if you agree that a drop-down list of 'favourite templates' is a good idea! EDIT: if this is a feature request already, I couldn't find it - please post the link if it is... 🤔
  16. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported forum. Several threads in the Forums deal with 'phantom' access to accounts - usually via a user name and password sourced from another account breach online. If Evernote is given the right credentials for access it doesn't have any way to trace that a user is not elsewhere in the world. There are several ways to protect your account - check for advice on breaches here: https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account https://evernote.com/security
  17. Hi. You don't say what device you're using or whether your access is via the web client. If you have access on a desktop, is it not possible to multi-select tags to delete on the Tags View? If not, you could consider installing the Legacy client where that should be possible. I'm actually running two tag systems side-by-side myself to 'streamline' the process (I hope) - one series simply uses an 'x-tag'; I prefix each tag word with an 'x', as in xWork and xHome. The other used unprefixed terms. Sadly we can't help you out with the mass reset - this is (mainly) a user-supported forum. I doubt Support would assist either - Evernote don't generally mess with individual accounts directly - but you're welcome to contact them to ask. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  18. Yeesh - I'm not a Mac user at all, so you will be better off waiting for more informed judgement on Appcleaner. The advantage of that over a plain old uninstall, is that most apps leave little bits of themselves behind by accident or design when being uninstalled - sometimes to make a reinstall work faster. In this situation you ideally want to completely nuke the whole thing so you can start with a clean sheet. Whether the app can peer into all your nooks and crannies though may be unknown. As a subscriber you might want to check in with Support too for any better ideas! Best of luck - I hope another adviser will be along shortly...
  19. Hi - have you logged out of Evernote and back in, or restarted your device in the meantime?
  20. You may need to subscribe to access that feature.
  21. HI. It is still possible to move the database folder location in Legacy, but that hasn't yet made it to version 10, and may not be part of the longer-term plans. The v10 database is less flexible and just (I think) meant as temporary storage and an optional offline service.
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