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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Please search the forum for issues to do with links. This particular thread is for Windows v6.25 and you should be able to find discussions with more relevant content. URLs in general are meant to appear as clickable links, not plain text. It is a known problem that links containing the word 'home' in any context will go to Evernote's Home Page for some weird reason. Evernote are aware and are fixing that issue.
  2. Which app version are you using? I wasn't aware that option existed in v10. Support is via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new If you are a subscriber you should have access to Note History - you'll be able to step the altered note back to a previously synced version if one exists... Use note history to view older versions of a note
  3. Hi. You've chosen to use an older, no longer supported Evernote version on (presumably) current Operating systems - which maybe explains your experience a little; Evernote may not be able to offer you much support unless you are prepared to upgrade to the (now much improved) v10 apps for your various devices, but as a subscriber you're certainly entitled to ask for technical assistance - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  4. The only attachments folder I know of is the Windows Legacy desktop app, where - because of the oddities of Windows - attachments need to be stored whilst they're being edited or viewed in third-party software like Adobe or Word. The attachment is exported from the note, set up as a standard DOCX file (for example) so that Word can view and edit it... and then is re-attached to the note and absorbed back into the database code on completion. Any files in that folder are not part of the database and can be deleted. That folder is usually part of the main Evernote folder alongside the database files. I don't know of any other independent folders to contain attachments. Are you sure this is an Evernote folder?
  5. Hi. I think there's a misunderstanding here. Evernote do not save to Dropbox as a standard feature. They're more likely to save to a Google folder. Another app may have set up this connection, and if so, presumably could be used to save more content elsewhere if necessary.
  6. Hi. Thanks for your query. We'll be able to help more if you confirm the device and OS you're using. In general, Evernote v10 is now mostly web-based. However it is possible in all apps to specify notebooks to be retained on the device for offline working. Desktop devices default (I think) to retaining the full database for offline processing, but it is possible to delete the local database if storage is limited. Access notes offline
  7. Hi. Actually Note History may help you if you can subscribe for even one month - and if you can subscribe you'll also have access to Evernote Support (which is not us - we're mainly fellow users around here...). Evernote's 'history' backups happen to all accounts regardless of subscription - it's just that only subscribers have access. Some tips for the future... Short notes are much better than long notes where a single mistake can (as you all too well know) lose a big chunk of data. Tie your notes together with tags or headings, or keep a Table of Contents note listing the various elements. Backups are essential - again, just in case of random errors, have a separate local copy of your database somewhere. If you need to work on some existing long notes, keep your own document history - duplicate a long note and save the original as v1.1, then edit the content and save v1.2 and so on... To activate the history, just upgrade your account to 'personal' via Evernote.com - pay by month if you can and you'll be able to downgrade again if necessary once this is resolved. While you can also try contacting support as a Free user, I doubt their reply will be very hopeful - once data is deleted from a note it's pretty much gone except from any backup of the synced data.
  8. I'm not sure that it will be possible to separate tags from notes - infranodus does allow you to import Evernote notes, and will indicate connections between concepts in the notes. The app is not specifically designed to parse the Evernote tag hierarchy though - the best way to find out what it can do for you would be to download a trial version (I believe they still offer a free trial) and copy a small number of notes into a test notebook to see what happens. You may be overthinking the whole tagging concept though - I've found through long experience that it is impractical to apply every possible tag to a note. Rather than try to tag notes into coherent concept groups, I'll aim for broad categories and if I need information on a particular subject I'll search for keywords which will already be part of the note body anyway - space, spacex, orbit for scientific topics for example. Anyway - try it and see. There are some very helpful Youtube videos which should give you more of an idea how Infranodus works...
  9. Hi. Evernote doesn't have many features for audio but there are a ton of third party recording apps with various studio features where you could record original material in a convenient format like MP3, or import other file types (with or without a format conversion) and edit to your heart's content. The original sound file(s) can then be attached to - or saved back to - an Evernote note.
  10. Hi. Looks like you have some duplicate notes maybe due to some sync issue. There are lots of posts in the forums about that...
  11. According to the post immediately before yours, Support said " However, this is one of a handful of features we are still considering." That does not mean you'll see action in any reasonably short length of time. On the plus side Legacy is still here...
  12. That may come in v10 sometime - this is a Legacy thread, so if you're still rocking the 'old' version of Evernote, what you currently see is all that it will ever be. 6.25 is no longer developed or support. In v10 Evernote is still getting the new app more fully in line with the old, and I think they still have a long way to go. If you feed back your preferences directly to Evernote (we're mainly users here) you may get some reaction.
  13. That doesn't seem a pain point with users, and requires a lot of coding by Evernote and is probably therefore impractical. You can however get exactly the same effect by creating a Table of Contents note which includes a link to each one of the notes you're working with. Re-order the links on the ToC page however you like...
  14. I tried playing with this in both Legacy and v10 but can't seem to do any more than copy and paste individual notes from one account to the other. Viewers of the shared database don't seem to get any option to export notes or process them in bulk, though the full database is available to browse freely.
  15. I admire your optimism - Evernote (IMHO) is primarily a productivity app designed to file, find and move data around; there are already many read later options... but we'll see!
  16. Hi. Here's an answer to your main question that I prepared earlier... Some Evernote users seem to have issues connected with syncing, duplicate notes, missing data or switching between multiple devices. Note that not all users have these issues, and in part some can be due to unreliable network connections, conflicts with VPN and antivirus apps, and users not understanding how the system works and adopting bad processing methods. If you’ve done some basic troubleshooting and still find you have issues, the best bet for subscribers is to contact Evernote Support. Get a ticket number and let them suggest what might help to improve your experience. There’s a major review of syncing systems in progress now, and your experiences may help improve that for everyone in the future. Just to recap for anyone new- ‘Sync’ very broadly means copying any changes to the content of your local notes from the device in use to Evernote’s server, which keeps the parent’ reference copy of all notes in your account. In the same process any changes made by other devices that were already sent to the server will be downloaded from there so that you have an up to date local copy of any note being processed. There is no direct connection between devices. Sync is now an automatic operation carried out by the app when it has spare resources to do so. If you have Evernote active on more than one device at the same time, syncs will be happening to and from all devices in random order.. So changes you have just made to a note could be overwritten by an ‘update’ from another device which still has the older version open. Syncing happens over a period on mobile devices so as not to hog the bandwidth available - unless you use a manual sync from the settings menu. Even so the process takes a finite time - it isn’t ‘instant’. Given the above you may understand that drafting a note on one device and switching to another to continue is not a great idea. This is not a ‘fault’ or a bug - it’s an inherent design constraint for which there is (at the moment) no cure. Evernote are currently working on ways to improve the experience here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/142459-will-sync-ever-work-properly/#comment-659392 But until any changes come into effect, all you can do is work cautiously and check to ensure that previous changes have been synced fully before continuing to work on a note. Evernote does have some help pages that might assist if you’re having issues - start here: How does sync work within Evernote? All of this has been dealt with in the Forums before, as well as your other issues on colour, fonts and customisation. On those I'd say briefly that the new Evernote version 10 is gradually being extended to include flexibility in many areas - you'd have to talk to Evernote (which is not us - we're mainly users here) via the Support team or the feedback option in most clients. Please search the Forums for more...
  17. I thought tribbles had a soothing 'coo' sound - not really what you want when you're racing through tasks...
  18. Dunno about people doubting, but only 12 users have bothered to vote for this feature in 5 years - doesn't look as though many care, one way or another...
  19. Hi. How exactly are you 'uploading' these images to your notes?
  20. Hi. I don't understand how these are arranged in Evernote terms. You say each journal is a notebook with 12 notes? If so it should be easy to export each of the 'Journal' notebooks to separate ENEX files from within Evernote, then re-import them as many times as necessary to separate notebooks to re-create the full 'journal' setup. You could also look into Templates to see whether new notes could offer the option of an appropriate 'template' for the journal required. Import notes and notebooks Use templates
  21. Hi. Why are you copying these notes? Is it to move them to a notebook in your own account, or into some sort of text or HTML document? I followed your notebook link and was able to browse those notes, but I need to know what to do with them next...
  22. ??? Like I said already... What and where is "GTD Connect"? I've not heard of it before, but if they have a set-up guide for Evernote, the chances are its Evernote Legacy and somewhat out of date. You might get more traction on their forums if they have any...
  23. Hi. Seems like it may require Apple action to change the way things currently work. It's not a simple problem and likely not in their control. Sync, however, is being addressed - see separate thread... https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/142459-will-sync-ever-work-properly/?do=findComment&comment=659392 My colleague here said... (We're -mostly- not support - you're (mostly) complaining at other users here...)
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