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About ash15h

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  1. Hi, will try the legacy version route. Thanks (my version is 10.40.9-win-ddl-public )
  2. Hi, Thanks for replying. Yeah, it looks like a very old version. But, there is no way to contact that owner. (He made his notes public for everyone and left). Is there any other way/ workaround?? TIA
  3. Hi, Thank you for replying. Yes, I want to duplicate these notes in my account. (i.e moving them to a notebook in my own account).
  4. Hi, I have been trying to copy the contents of a shared notebook in my account. I am not able to do it for the whole notebook, so I tried doing it one note at a time. I am not able to simple copy paste (both Ctrl+V and Ctrl + Alt +V not working) (Ctrl + V) note is copied for some time, but it vanishes leaving behind just the title. (Ctrl + Alt + V) sometimes work, but most of the time doesn't. Things that I have tried (but in vain) logging out, restarting checking note history (it is not there) raising a ticket (they couldn't replicate) Notebook- ( https://www.evernote.com/pub/arvind8692/psir-1b#st=p&n=ee682ea8-60bb-4f3d-8d5c-52d02d7e42d3 ) sample note which I am trying to copy ( note ) [version: 10.40.9-win-ddl-public] Please help.
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