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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Weird - what Windows versions are you guys using? I'm on Win 11 and I can verify that as with the OP pasting into highlighted text totally replaces the text with the URL. No linking involved. Ctrl+K meanwhile works fine. Possibly a clipboard thing? (and I'm on EN10.39.6 too!)
  2. Well, as you appreciate, Itunes and Evernote are not the same company, so online payments do not necessarily automagically upgrade an app. Some hours and/ or device restarts may be necessary to jump-start the new subscription. I don't even know where the $49.99 subscription came from, because that's not an Evernote product and Skitch is a 'free' (but rather old) annotation utility. Evernote do have an easy access channel for subscription issues, but since you paid iTunes it's really necessary for you to go to them and find out what's happening. As far as I can see Evernote may not have any information or involvement in what's gone on so far, so I'd suggest you hold on the disappointment for the meantime. Your account status with Evernote is always available to you directly - check My Account There's even an Evernote help page on the topic... I purchased an Evernote subscription, but my account is not upgraded
  3. Hello and welcome to the debate. Is this a general observation about the app overall, or were you focussing on the iOS app(s) in particular?
  4. Despite your lengthy description of the issue it isn't exactly clear what you want from a tagging system. If you're clipping random full articles and want an easy way to collate all that relate to a specific subject, I'd have thought that a series of searches on (for example) "moon landing" and "space" would quickly get you a lot of information without any tagging at all. I tend to use tagging as an adjunct to searches. Searching my system for 'space' gets me 1000+ hits (I'm a geek) - but many of those are sci-fi books rather than factual articles. If I add some qualifiers like -amazon -spacex ...the hits drop to 800 or so, and I can still see more sub-categories like 3d printing that would reduce the number further. Once I have the hits reduced to what seems like a usable minimum I'd then add a tag to all my hits so I don't have to use an unwieldy search string again (although I might also save the search...) and can get back to this list with one click. A tag will show me where & when I did my research for a specific task - <Forum-20220620> forinstance. There are many ways to use tags - Evernote has some help pages here: Tags Overview - and there are endless Youtube videos by various people on the topic. The only tips to remember are: keep your system simple so you can apply it consistently, and don't change horses once you start without an overpoweringly good reason - for better or worse your system is your system, and the more you use it, the more helpful it can be.
  5. Hi. It might help us to get a wider image of the web client tag list - mine (a small part) looks like this:
  6. Hi. What isn't a reasonable suggestion? Did you try checking that you're using the correct user login details? (i.e. logging out and back in again)? Uninstalling the app, restarting your device and reinstalling? And do you mean these? Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  7. Hi. We're mainly other users here, so no access to your notes. You seem very confident that your notes were 'saved' at various times - what did you do, or what did you see which confirmed that situation for you? Mobile devices don't save information to local permanent storage - all editing is synced to Evernote's remote server unless the device is unable to connect to the network, in which case the note is saved to local temporary storage so that it can be synced online when it is next connected. Any note which has been synced to the server will be available wherever you can access Evernote, so it may be that all you need to do to retrieve your information is to log into Evernote.com via a browser - but beware as a Basic / Free users you are limited to accessing your account through two devices only - and the web counts as a device. You may be asked to disconnect another device to gain access. If your note is not on the server, it would have been saved in the iPad's temp storage - but that might have been cleared when you powered the tablet off. I don't know how you would go about trying to recover anything that remains. Another option would be to upgrade to a paid user to get access to Note History which would get you access to every version of the note that had been synced with the server. Some of that might be helpful. Or it might not. If you really do need the note it may be worth upgrading - even if only for a month or two. You would also get access to Evernote's Support staff who should be able to investigate exactly what went on here in more detail. NB - I'm not an Apple user, but some of my colleagues here are - maybe they'll have some better ideas.
  8. Hi. Your access to tasks is dependent upon your subscription level. Have you checked here for more information about how the various levels work?
  9. Hi. There's (currently) no way to extend the choices available within Evernote - you'd have to find a work-around. The classic way to customise layout and style in Evernote is to create a template in a different app that supports the variations that you want - these font colours forinstance - and then copy paste that layout into an Evernote note. Whatever survives the transition can be used as your template within Evernote. Copy / paste a word of your chosen colour into a new note and overtype it with new text.
  10. Has anyone actually got an addressable issue here? The OP had a problem with images not being on the same line as any accompanying text. I don't get that - if you use a table to set up two or more columns in a note, text in one column is matched with the top of an image in the next. It's unfortunate if the bottom of that image requires a blank line - maybe that's to allow captions or something - but that's how things work currently. If you'd like something different and can explain why Evernote should even commit the resources to find out whether that's possible, by all means add a feature request. Meantime you can use Evernote as is, find a work-around you can live with, or go somewhere else. Dealer's choice. Any further bids on this topic?
  11. Looks like Evernote will never get a break - when they introduce requested features, they'll just get "why didn't you do it differently"... I just tried dragging a link from a side list in the all notes display onto the random note that was open onscreen, and got a perfect link immediately. Same works if I open a new note in a new window and drag/ drop one or more notes from a search result. Don't see that having to open a note in a separate window is a major interruption to your flow... but there's always Feature Requests or feedback to ask for enhancements.
  12. I appreciate the new way is different, but I don't see an issue - you can still change to the 'all pages' view if you want (3 clicks) but searches find all keywords or phrases in a given document. If a hit comes up in a multipage document Ctrl+F will highlight and jump to all the hits on every page of that document, whether it's in single-page or all-pages view.
  13. Hi. I'm also on 10.39 with no issues yet... usual questions; were you editing the note on different platforms / did you have a good network connection / any new firewalls or VPNs in the picture / how many others at your location are online... Usual workarounds - sync & close Evernote on all other devices / work offline if you can / use a word processor if you can / keep notes short / sync often.
  14. I'm routinely using tables to format images and text. Maybe if you give us more details of your device and Evernote version we'd understand the issue better? - And - please don't post twice on what appears to be the same issue...
  15. Hi. You've been posting here for 3 years or so and this only just started to annoy you? To answer the question - most forums require some sort of registration so they have some control over posts. Since this is an Evernote User forum it makes sense to check that you are a genuine user before you're allowed to comment further...
  16. Hi. No clue. No doubt there will be an official announcement soon enough, but it could be anything from a move to smaller accommodation (more people working from home) to an upgrade or retirement for the signs (it's good for the planet -and for the budget- to economise on power usage). Your guess is as good as mine...
  17. Are we talking about the way multi-page PDF files have an option to show as one page or a scroll-down list? Why is it important to see the whole thing at once rather than a page-by-page view?
  18. Hey yourself. Did you miss the bit about we're (mostly) not Evernote here? The company do read posts but there's a lot of content and they don't (usually) respond anyway. Best option is a support request. And as posted above - I'm also a Workflowy user. It's not an either / or situation - you're allowed to use both...
  19. If you read the previous posts in this section you'll be able to understand what's going on. Also that we're (mostly) not Evernote, just other users. Hope you enjoy Notion - bye.
  20. Details, details... you're completely right - ALL my notebooks are now sorted by title, not just the one I played with earlier. I don't do a specific enough search / sort often enough to have noticed that before, but it's plain when you point it out. Thanks for explaining!
  21. ?? I just checked the notebooks page in 10.38.3 and chose one notebook. I sorted that view by title and ticked the "save current view options" on the view as above. Went to the All notes view, and saw my usual "created date" view. Moved to the chosen notebook, and it's still sorted by title. Am I missing a point here?
  22. Hi. If you check out the Notebook view in the desktop client, there is an option to always display that notebook with a specific sort order...
  23. Hmmn. Other auth problems can be due to free users exceeding the device limit, or any user exceeding the note size or upload limits. (Although that's hard for a full subscriber to do!) Best advice is to raise it with Support.
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