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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It it perfectly feasible to use Legacy rather than v10 on desktops; but if you're talking about running Legacy on your iPhone, that's not going to happen. It's not possible to step back. I'd imagine this will all resolve itself over the next few days as your iPhone catches up...
  2. Hi. The Sync options are the same on all clients from Free to Professional and (theoretically) happen transparently in background. Depending on how many notes you have and when exactly you installed the new client it might take some time for your devices to catch up with the new version. If you told us what device(s) you're actually using, maybe someone can suggest how to force a sync... (logging out and back in is usually a good way).
  3. Hi. You're quoting from a 3-year old comment. Check the linked help page for the current position.
  4. Hi. This has been raised before and AFAIK there is no clear solution. Your main options are: write your notes on paper and photograph the result / use a math-compliant graphics tablet and save your notes as images / use a math compliant external app and save the resulting files as attachments for your notes. See below for prior discussions... https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/51708-using-evernote-for-math-and-science/ https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/111535-writing-math-symbols-and-equations/
  5. Hi. I always found it convenient to create my template note and sync it; then export the note as an ENEX file to my desktop or a project folder. Double clicking that ENEX file on my computer instantly creates a new note in that format in my database. If you do find it more convenient to use the 'new note' menu, what's wrong with the Open Gallery option? Your saved (within Evernote) templates will show up there on their own page...
  6. I haven't typically used 'boxes or 'lists, so thanks for the question - you made me look into it! The simple answer seems to be to type the text you want to be check listed or boxed and then choose which effect you want to apply. One is under the '+' menu, the other under '...' - the appropriate boxes will magically appear against your text.
  7. Hi. Your device seems to have mixed up the update a little... easiest way would be to uninstall your current version completely and restart/ re-download the update from the website and reinstall. Log in with your usual details, and Evernote will rebuild any missing information from the server - this could take a while, so don't do this at the start of your day!
  8. Hi. So many questions.. Device? OS? Browser? URLs of example pages? Evernote version? Having said which - there are several obvious work-arounds pending Evernote looking into this, and it doesn't seem like an issue you can resolve as a user. I'd suggest you report the issue to Support with the details mentioned above to see if they can help...
  9. Hi. You need Support (which is not us) - see
  10. Hi. You might want to repost this as a Feature Request since it's not functionality that Evernote currently supports, and the company doesn't usually reply to random questions in the Forums here. Most of the responders (including me) are other users offering advice and comment where and when we can.
  11. Hi. Since Evernote is aimed at "paperless" operations, it's not usually over-supplied with print options. You can drag and drop images (JPG & PNG) from Evernote to your desktop, re-select them there and copy/paste individually or as a group to your document file of choice.
  12. Hi. How much security do you need? It should be possible to encrypt documents prepared in other apps like Word or Excel, and any text can be saved to PDF and also encrypted. If you truly don't want there to be any risk at all of these documents being corrupted or hacked, you'd probably be better off saving them to an encrypted external hard drive that is not normally connected to the web.
  13. How are keyboard shortcuts relevant to an OS that (in most cases) doesn't have a keyboard? The 'ctrl' kinda gives away a Windows keyboard. Try this link for more background... Learn the Evernote for Android app
  14. Possibly because not enough customers are reporting the issue to Support and carrying through with the investigation to resolve it? It's not a generic fault - only a percentage of customers seem to suffer from the issue. Whether that's due to their workflow, the hardware, the web connection or any mixture of the above is unclear; but I certainly don't suffer from this problem, and neither (AFAIK) do any of the other regular forum advisors here. Until Evernote know exactly what causes some users to suffer from duplicates, they can't do anything specific to help from their end - if the cause is even under their control.
  15. - And yes, if you renamed your database you'd lose access to all your unsynced notes, which would not be a good idea. (Although the fix would be to un-rename the database!)
  16. I'm still using 6.25 on one laptop, and it is syncing fine. I'd say fixing your syncing issue is your most pressing concern... Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  17. Hi. Is this a note you created? Is it a clipped page / copy~pasted content / attached file / what? - and have you tried Empty Trash notebook on all devices Sign out of Evernote / power device off and on / restart and sign in View note by signing in to Evernote.com and try deletion there Rebuilding your database file by signing out / renaming the EXB file / allowing Evernote to rebuild Using Ctrl+Help and accessing the extended menu to rebuild indexes (Please also confirm we are talking about the old Legacy version and not v10 - otherwise some of those options won't work!)
  18. I'd imagine there are some third party solutions to add Slack messages to Evernote - have a look at IFTTT. I've never heard of 'take note' either...
  19. ...What everyone else said; everything you've queried can be tried out in the free version - with the caveat that a free account can't share for 24 hours or so because that would be an open door for spammers. If you have two email addresses, you can share something to yourself and see exactly what your shares look like at the 'other' end. Also... (Evernote help pages) Share notes Share notebooks Quick start for Work Chat - and there's lots more on YouTube...
  20. Hi. Do you see the content of your notes at all? You're specific about 'when you expand a note' and 'select note/ open' but how about the app window - if you go to 'notes', there should be something there... -And have you tried the web version? Sign in to Evernote.com in a browser...
  21. AFAIK 'basic' sync is alive and working well for the majority of 200M+ users - certainly it's fine for me, as an undemanding user; I use a couple of laptops in fixed locations, and a tablet / phone for mobile lookups and some note creation. I don't believe I've lost any notes (or parts thereof) in several years... Sync issues seem to go with non-standard hardware, 'drive-by' note taking such as you describe, and erratic connections. There are ways around some of the issues, but at the end of the day it should not be about battering the software into providing you with the features you require - assuming a normal cycle of scheduling, prototyping and testing, that's going to take several months if not years. If you need an app to behave in a certain way, you need to find one that does near exactly what you need; and Evernote may not be it<
  22. Hi. For system limits, try here - Evernote system limits. As a matter of interest, why do you need to find the saved files? Evernote v10 is now driven by the server 'parent' copy of your data. Offline activity can be supported by a 'temporary' folder on your hard drive, but it's not a permanent database.
  23. Hi. Did you share by email address? If so, when accepting the share, which of these choices did your wife click?
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