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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? Are you a subscriber? When you say "cannot access" exactly what happens when you try? Is there an error message? What does it say?
  2. Hi. Try uninstalling the app, restarting your device, and reinstalling from a download from Evernote.com.
  3. Hi. If you're a free user, you have exceeded the device limit. If you are a subscriber, I'd suggest uninstalling the app and reinstalling to ensure that you have a full, clean install. Understanding the device limit
  4. Hi. How exactly did you create the link between notes? I created Notes A & B, then dragged note A from the side bar onto B to create a link. I can jump from Note B to Note A, but there's no return link. I dragged Note B from the sidebar to create a return link and now I can jump happily between the two.
  5. Hi. Device? OS? What was "zoomed in"? Have you tried downloading the update from Evernore.com or the relevant store and updating manually?
  6. Er no, it's not. Several other apps I use have the same step, and it's simply to remind you that the link you're clicking on is going to take you out of the nice, safe environment of Evernote and out into the big, bad Interweb. As I hinted before it's just the "are you sure?" of linking, and it's meant to keep users secure. This forum is supported by other users (like me) who try to help, where we can, by pointing people -usually politely- in the direction of work-arounds or solutions. I don't believe we've told anyone "you're wrong" (apart from above) - in this case I just suggested that complaints on this are best directed at Evernote through a support ticket or feedback link - they'll get there sooner. While Evernote do read the forum posts, there's a lot going on here and they may not get around to this thread until well after the holidays. And this isn't a request show: Evernote are looking for feedback and ideas - they're not interested in debating which feature they should implement next. Occasional ranting by users, however, is allowed. Have a good Holiday.
  7. Just to update this - Support have asked for videos of the issues I reported, which I'll get around to shortly - haven't had the time, what with year-ends and other things to chase up. It seems a good suggestion - the app of choice appears to be Screen Recorder - AZ Recorder - Apps on Google Play. If you're finding that something doesn't work as it should, it's worth going through the motions on video as soon as you can to support your tickets.
  8. Hi. How do you interpret an "are you sure?" message that can be cleared with one click as preventing you clicking the link? -And. Please see previous comments about contacting Evernote on this.
  9. Thanks for the correction - I should have asked the OP if this option was what they were looking for!
  10. Hmmn. Tried on Win11 / EN 10.49.4 (10.50 has been released) and didn't get anything but the tag I chose. What Evernote version are you using/
  11. Hi. That's not a free service I'm afraid... Save emails into Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning
  12. I don't disagree that this would be a nice-to-have, and is undoubtedly something you'd find great use for - but given that Word has probably over a thousand features to do with layout and text management, how many of those should Evernote include? I don't use tables that much so this is not of interest for me. But if Evernote satisfies everyone's requests for word processing, you'll have a much more top-heavy menu structure with slower syncing and loading. There's an easy fix - in this case create your table in Word and copy/ paste it across; for any form of detailed layout in any document - do it in Word (or your WP of choice) and attach the file to your note. Copy and paste the content into the note too if you need instant access, but do your editing in Word as the parent copy.
  13. ?? I didn't suggest a 'that' AFAIK - just saying there are similarities between the two companies and no doubt we'll find out more later.
  14. Have you contacted Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - and obtained a ticket number? You should get a response within a few days.
  15. Hi. Both companies make tech products, both have a huge customer base and (presumably) there's not much customer overlap... yet. The deal is only just being consummated, so we'll (still) have to wait to get more details.
  16. Hi. File type & size of attachments? Have you exceeded any note size or upload limits? Tried restarting Evernote? Restarting your device?
  17. As far as I'm aware, Evernote don't know there's an problem. I'd recommend anyone with this particular issue to contact Support and be prepared to share activity logs etc so they can find out exactly what is going on...
  18. Hi. The workaround for multiple notes is easy - combine them back into one note by merging or dragging. Don't know if anyone else has ideas for the windows jumping to the front. Either way I suggest you report this to Support (which we're not) to see whether there are any plans to change either behaviour.
  19. Hi again. Postach.io is the only integration that I'm aware of that can take the contents of a notebook and convert it to a website. Onbviously a notebook doesn't have the same parent / child structure of your average website - their standard format is a blog. But you can create links between notes to generate a fair approximation. There's not much of a learning curve, but you may have to adapt your content to what is available. As to the need for an add-in at all... you have already seen that while you can open a web page for which you have the URL, you can't open child links created within Evernote. To do the same thing manually, you'd need the public URL of each of your child pages, and you'd have to recreate all your links, not as note links, but as links to the public URL for each note. Depending on how many links are involved, that might take a while...
  20. Hi. There's a long thread on this sort of thing elsewhere in the forums where someone highlighted that syncs go from one device to the server and then down to the other device when it syncs. Patience may be required. It's not possible to force a 'push' to another device remotely. Any delays in the sync are likely due to network connections, internet traffic, file sizes and a bunch of unknowables. If you'd like to give full details of your devices, versions and exactly what you're experiencing, someone here can probably give you more advice - but a 'sync now' button won't cut it.
  21. Hi. Sounds like you need to do a clean-up to get back to normal.. Sign out of the v10 app (if you're signed in) and close it down. Restart the app and sign back in. Fixed? If not... Do Step 1, power your computer off and back on. Restart everything. Fixed? If not... Uninstall the app. check that the (Windows specific) %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote folders are when complete Download the latest version of Evernote.com and reinstall Cross fingers If and when v10 is working you may find that the Legacy app is also fixed. If not, a similar process should work with that... See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote for legacy versions
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