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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. This is the only link I've seen which mentions publishing a book directly from Evernote notes... https://www.fastpencil.com/ and FastPencil - Web - English - Evernote App Center
  2. Hi. This is a Windows issue, not an Evernote one. Try using the Windows key plus an arrow key to move your rogue window around. Win + left-arrow should bounce and resize it to the left side of your screen for example. If you then sign out of Evernote with the window in that position, it should always open up in that format in future.
  3. Hi. I think using the built-in features of an app (like the home page / dashboard) is rather more than a 'work-around'. I use 'parent' notes as executive summaries for my individual project and topic notebooks, which are basically annotated Table of Content notes containing my thoughts and progress to date. I use tags to make current items of interest instantly available by way of a saved search. I can use the home page to list all my parent notes in case I need to verify whether or not one has been created. I'll also create 'child' notes (referenced in the relevant parent note and by tag) for sub-projects that have their own set of priorities and interactions. It is possible to manage a wide variety of workflows with Evernote's available features. Whilst I have no objection to a feature for 'pinning' notes being available. for me it adds zero value to the existing package, and I would expect that the same would be true for many users. If and when Evernote decide otherwise, you'll likely see the function being added. Until then - it is only possible to use the actual tools available, if you wish to stick with Evernote.
  4. So to support your deliberately masking the longer URL from being highlighted and copied normally, you'd prefer to have Evernote develop a way to copy and paste the the underlying URL with a single keystroke. Any idea how many thousands of dollars Evernote would have to spend for the development work to make this available? I somehow doubt it will be available soon...
  5. There's generic help here - plus links to a Support email (if you're a subscriber) - Evernote Help & Learning
  6. Hi. No. The 'acquisition' has yet to be confirmed or completed. Conspiracy theories sometimes are just theories. Evernote has been changing (theoretically improving) synchronisation processes because of user complaints. But at the end of the day, if you're using a process that clearly does not work correctly - change the process. And/ or contact Support for assistance.
  7. Before this argument gets more theoretical, can I point out that this is a (mainly) user-supported Forum, and few of us will have any idea where in the Evernote / Electron / OS environment any key mapping / conversions get handled. If you need help on this - contact Support. They may (or may not) be able to help. If Evernote doesn't work for you - there nay be other software out there that will...
  8. ...which is everything I was trying to convey. I should've just quoted you!
  9. It depends on the link and where you're copying from (a note / web page / email) but broadly yes - same version of Evernote (for Windows), and highlight / right-click seems to bring up a copy or an edit menu...
  10. Not required - a vote is good: it may help get the idea more attention. Evernote has over 200M users. This feature is clearly important to some, but may require a lot of changes to the infrastructure currently supporting those other users. If it were easy, it would have been done already.
  11. All due respect, but why is this a 'design inadequacy'? If you had to pick a limit that would prevent someone from backing up their system / saving random video files and generally slowing down general access to the network by backing up large files online, where would you peg the limit? And as to 'modify / degrade' - these are the current rules and limits; you can find a way to operate within them, or you can explore other options... unless higher limits were already in a pipeline somewhere already, they ain't gonna happen anywhere soon...
  12. Hi. If you have paid money to the app store, then they need to sort out any issues resulting from that payment. I'd suggest you pursue your ticket with the app store - but please let us know how you're doing...
  13. Hi. You're adding to a 16-month old thread. As far as I know, copying a link is easy and quick - why are you having an issue?
  14. Hi. You're -apparently- watching old YouTube videos related to previous version of the app. And it helps us to know what device, OS and Evernote version you're using when offering advice. Recent videos here may help - Evernote - YouTube as should Tasks Overview
  15. Hi. Try tagging your 229 notes with a temporary identifier and then search for any notes with, and without that identifier tag on the web. Check that you have the same number of notes in the Trash notebook in each client.
  16. Hi. I'm not sure I understand why Evernote is at fault here - I use Bitwarden (another password manager), which automatically pastes my log in details where it sees a request for that information, and will add my password when that prompt comes up. Obviously with 2FA there is additional traffic, but I'd rather have the (slight) inconvenience than a security lapse. The process is becoming standard across the internet, so any website you use whicih requires a login will probably require the same keystrokes...
  17. Based on what little I know about scanning, I'd have to agree with @PinkElephant - I only ever had one PDF manual that went over the note limit and that had a lot of pictures. I used Adobe's standard 'reduce file size' feature though, and it reduced the size by 50%. A lot of ebooks come in multiple formats like EPUB, MOBI & AZW3 and a little free app called Calibre con not only read all those (and about 75 more) but can also convert from one to the other. The most efficient format is EPUB where file sizes are significantly smaller. I even have The Complete Works of William Shakespeare in my library - all the plays and (AFAIK) all the poetry - at less than 100MB. (It's not in Evernote, just on an external hard drive) Evernote is currently trying to improve syncing for everyone - both in speed and convenience, and I hardly think they (or the rest of us) would welcome large uploads taking up maximum bandwidth for long periods and slowing the process down. Evernote already had the experience of offering "unlimited" uploads a few years ago, where a small body of users immediately used the opportunity to backup PC's and store their film libraries there for convenience... can't remember how long that lasted, but it wasn't very long. I appreciate "all" the OP is asking for is a 500MB limit, but until there's a clear general need for higher limits I agree it's down to the individual to find a way to reduce file sizes, or store the material elsewhere. It is still possible to include a file link to Google / Dropbox or wherever else you may have stashed your library, so you're not having to step away from your studies to refer to a publication, you just click or tap the link in your notes and keep reading... @jacklee777 if you want to post the file type of your large files, maybe we can suggest other ways to reduce the size...
  18. There are overlaps, sure; I choose the notebook by the most important link if there's more than one, and add tags for any others. In the Amazon example I gave I'm bought my monitor from Amazon, but it's a Lenovo monitor, and by my own logic I should also have a |Lenovo notebook. In this case I'll tag the |Amazon-filed notes with "lenovo" and "24-inch monitor".
  19. Hi. Thanks for the summary, though as you say everyone's mileage may be different. I'm a long-time user, currently just shy of 60,000 notes. My original strategy was only to create a new notebook when I had to - so current projects / shared notebooks or notes added maybe 10 extra notebooks with the vast bulk of my notes being in the Default Notebook. - So every action started with a search; finding the most recent notes for the person, company or project that i was interested in. Because 60,000 notes is a LOT of notes, I'd then have to exclude topics, add tags to identify notes to include or exclude from searches next time... there was a considerable curation overhead. So I've transitioned to having a separate notebook for each person, company or fact - surprisingly (to me, anyway) that meant as lilttle as 500(ish) notebooks. Overlaps are handled by tags - all my Amazon purchases (forinstance) go into the |Amazon notebook. The fancy "|" prepend meaning I can specify the notebook name easily. Since there were quite a few last year, each individual purchase (which included acknowledgement, 'on its way' and 'delivered' emails) also got a tag (like <24"-monitor>) - although I'm now transitioning to an additional level of 'parent' and 'child' notes. |Amazon's Parent Note lists all the purchases in one ToC, and all the Child notes listed there are ToCs or single notes containing the various .msg email files for each individual purchase, dragged and dropped directly from Outlook into the note. I can reopen them in Outlook at any time to read them in full or respond. My two main email addresses are running at zero inbox, and if I want to find out when I bought that new monitor screen that just stopped working, all I need is a couple of clicks to see the related emails - which is far faster than searching 60,000 notes and finding the required three or four emails/ notes from much longer lists of hits. Plus - my note growth is now negative; I'm condensing the total as what would have been several notes for each item becomes one (or maybe two); and I'm mindful of succession. Sooner or later some other family member is going to need to take over this database and while I'm a bit of a supernerd for searching and organisation, they're... not. So the admin needs to be simple, well documented and family-fumble proof. I also use Filterize to keep some ToCs up to date, including lists of "uncompleted tasks due up to today", "due in next 7 days" and "due 8+ days" - plus that add-in means I can just redirect emails into Evernote and Filterize will automatically sort them into the correct notebook and add any required tags. Sorry to go on at length - one of my "someday" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tasks is to fully document the process - when I do I'll post it in the Forums!
  20. If you're dragging a thumbnail view of an image, they're usually very small and will be very low quality when seen in larger size. Again a screen shot or a URL of a page causing the issue would help us suggest options...
  21. Yeah - the alt-tab switch is a windows feature; why is any slowness an Evernote issue?
  22. If it were that easy, I think Evernote would have done it by now. If you added your vote at the top of the page it may help Evernote to decide where this feature lies in their long list of enhancements due, but if you really need the feature now, you may be using the wrong software...
  23. This is a forum where everyone gets to express their views, whether or not you agree with them. If you hover over a member profile there is an 'ignore' button which should mean that you never have to see that person's posts again. If you feel that the person is being especially critical or unhelpful you can also report individual posts to the Evernote admins. I think we have sufficiently exercised the frustrations and the disagreements in this thread so far. The takeaway seems to be - if you have an "unreasonable" price increase on your account, it's certainly worth contacting Support, who might be prepared to offer concessionary terms...
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