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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. ...all of which suggests that 2nd line are having trouble replicating your issue, or have done so and are tring to find out how to fix it. I'm not doubting your timeline or your frustration, but in some cases it just takes time to resolve issues. 3-4 weeks is not usual, but it doesn't indicate some kind of breakdown in society. I flagged your ticket, but the Admins here are probably a skeleton staff by now. Nothing is going to happen until the latter part of next week at the earliest.
  2. Your first post here was on Tuesday, when you mentioned 2 weeks without contact. Since then you've said that the issue was bounced up to 2nd line support, so obviously you've had some feedback on this at some time. There are about 6 working days left in this year, so while it would be much more convenient of things happened faster, I'm sure the team is doing as much as it can. They will get around to you. Sometimes it just takes a while!
  3. Hi. You would have had a support ticket number - can you post that here? I can ask an Admin to look into your situation.
  4. Do you still have those deleted notes in your Trash notebook? Emptying the Trash might speed up your account(s). Don't know exactly how you deleted that many notes, but if - as I gather from your other comments here - you're using both Legacy and v10, remember that changing a large body of notes means processing a major update to your account - one which has to be synced to and from the server multiple times as the databases for both versions try to stay up to date. Evernote can probably identify the server where your data is stored from the heat it's generating! Evernote has 200M + users and -understandably- doesn't have a return-of-email support policy. When you raise your ticket, you get a number which puts you in a queue for 1st line support. If they can't fix the issue, it gets bounced to a 2nd line who will investigate. 2nd line are inevitably busy, and if your issue is not easily duplicated it might take a week or two to come back with answers - or more likely, more queries. Support has dealt with several of my issues this year and they were resolved satisfactorily. At least one was me being dumb. As we're at the year end when 90+% of the world takes a holiday, it's not surprising that responses are very slow. I have to disagree with my colleague here - I used to run an IT support team, and I hated duplicate tickets. Worst case, someone would start working a new issue and waste a few hours until it was recognised as a duplicate. Best case - the new ticket gets linked with the old one and the team continues as before, having wasted 'only' some admin time in linking the two. Additional tickets are just an extra load a busy team doesn't need! In conclusion I'd say your account needs some quiet time to catch up. I'd suggest you choose either v10 or Legacy and keep the other version closed until you've cleared the Trash and are sure that both you and the server have the same data. Then open the other version and leave it time to catch up. Meantime I'm not at all sure your clipper issue has anything at all to do with the above. As PE noted, clipper talks to the server, not your local account. It could be that the server is busy catching up with your major maintenance (I don't yet have 60,000 notes, but my database is around 30GB so syncing a similar volume of changes back and forth to two accounts is going to take some time!) Please be patient until the Support team get back to you - if you don't hear by early next year (about 5 working days away), a reminder email is reasonable, but like my logo says - don't panic; the team will respond as soon as they can.
  5. Just dropping in to say I use Edge, which is now based on Chrome - my current version 108.0.1462.54 (Official build) (64-bit) - and I have no issues with Clipper. There is the occasional rogue page which due to bad or overly protective coding won't clip correctly, or at all. Then I'll run through the work-arounds like copy / paste, printing to PDF, Nimbus screenshot, or the zillion other websites that offer to copy a web page for you. If you have a particular continuing issue and you've tried restarting the browser / the device / clearing caches / reinstalling Clipper / updating evrything.. I'd say raise it with Support (remembering that 90% of the world is on holiday over the year end*). Do specify your device, OS, Evernote version, Browser version and the URL(s) with which you're having issues. * You'll get a ticket number, which means you have a place in the queue. They'll get to you.
  6. Please provide your full details - device, OS, EN version and exactly what is happening when you try to upload a file
  7. Hi. How long have you had the account? Evernote activates sharing after a few days on new accounts to avoid the feature being used for spamming.
  8. Anyone else noticed this? Brief background - I have a default notebook (obvs) but most of my ongoing projects are in their own little niche notebooks of which I have about 300 now. There are still quite a few notes in default, because I haven't gotten around to doing anything with them yet. (Maybe next year...) I had a situation recently when I noticed that a note I knew I had created, did not show up in a search; but when I repeated the action it magically reappeared. Then I noticed that if I randomly showed a default notebook note in the main note window I got a 'special' search window where the default was to search the... er, default notebook, but I could choose 'everything' as an option! This additional option does not appear when a non-default note is in the main window. I can see how this might help with some searches, but (the usual reaction) it's just annoying me! Anyone know the reason for this 'feature' or ways to nuke it??
  9. Hi. I think the word you're looking for is "abides" I'm a professional user and I haven't seen an 'upgrade' message since I subscribed. You may be doing something wrong...
  10. Can't comment on what's "standard behaviour" in iOS because I don't use it - but if you want Evernote to see your issue in a timely manner, you'd best contact Support directly. We're told Evernote staffers do read these posts, but whether that this week or in a month or two's time depends purely on chance and whether someone has the time to dip in. And I believe it is Holiday Time now, so staff may be a little thin on the ground for a while...
  11. Hi. We're (mostly) all users here, so they're not "our" ads you're seeing. There are several threads on this topic in the forums and the general response is usually - contact Evernote Support to raise an objection.
  12. Hi. If you mean issues with Windows 11, then the answer is no. I'm running a desktop with Win 11 and both Evernote 6.25 and 10 installed. Both work fine. Sounds like your installation got corrupted somehow. I'd suggest you uninstall Legacy and see whether Evernote 10 works correctly - if it does, try reinstalling Legacy again. If not, uninstall everything, restart your device and start over.
  13. I flagged the ticket - lets see if Admin can come up with anything...
  14. Hi. Do you have any screen shots for reference? The Clipper settings panel incudes activation, and a list of options. If the actions you want are not listed, there are various automation tools that might help...
  15. Hi. If the camera can't focus, is that being too close to the subject, or having poor light? My Android camera is working fine...
  16. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option in most clients).
  17. Hi. How long have you and the share-ee been Evernote users? Evernote doesn't allow shares on brand new accounts to avoid spam. They activate sharing after a couple of days.
  18. Well - if you're suffering from this behaviour, report it to Support if you can, mentioning the ticket number above or this thread - if there are several reports maybe Evernote can work out what's happening. Commenting here doesn't reach Support, and they might not even know there's an issue yet. Make sure to tell them!
  19. Hi. We're a (mostly) user-supported Forum here, so have no control over Evernote Marketing (I'm not sure anyone has control...). If you feel that the nagverts are intrusive, I can only suggest that you raise a support ticket and ask that they be stopped, or at least reduced to 'occasional' rather than 'constant'. The email offers and reminders you may receive can be flagged as spam, but if the notices come up as part of the app, AFAIK you have no control at all, other than to click through and continue. There was a suggestion that if you hit the 'upgrade' option and then close the window once that process has started, but before you're committed, then you might get a little peace & quiet for a while. I've not tried it.
  20. ...And I merged your two posts together because I'm guessing they refer to the same issue. Please don't post more than once... If you can quote your Support ticket number here, I'll flag it for an Admin to look at, but please bear in mind that the world generally goes crazy around this time of year with everyone on holiday and only a few staff left to deal with queries. Delays can happen...
  21. Hi. Seems a fairly self-explanatory message; you're attempting to copy a page that has too many elements for Clipper to handle. Can you use copy selection to get part of it, take a screenshot to see the whole page in one, or 'print' the page to PDF? If you're a subscriber it's worth sending the URL to Support (who are not us) for information, or you could post it here to see whether we can suggest any alternatives. If you are using the Legacy version, you could also try the same thing in v10 - as you probably know Legacy is no longer supported.
  22. Hmmn. Can't think of any other issues that would prevent uploads. I'd suggest you report this to Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for subscribers - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option in most clients) for free users.
  23. We're (mostly) all users here, but I can bounce your ticket number to a Forum admin to see whether they can help. I'm using MSEdge which is Chrome based these days; could you try that out to see whether you still have issues?
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