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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Same here on Windows 10.49, which is a shame - it still works in Legacy! You might want to feed the need for a copyable list back to Evernote - specially since it's a downgrade from Legacy capabilities. Using a little lateral thinking I took a screen shot of a selected group of files and ran it through a Windows OCR app to generate a searchable PDF... don't know whether that might be practical... you'd be limited to grabbing individual screenfuls unless your imaging app can cope with a scroll.
  2. We don't seem to have much Kobo expertise here - I'd suggest you ask https://help.kobo.com/hc/en-us how you can best export books and/ or notes to PDF or another document format. Evernote can import .ENEX files as notes, or can import pretty much any other file format as an attachment to a note. Attached files will open in whichever default parent app is installed on your device to deal with such files. 'Kobo' book files might open in that app if you have it installed. Evernote doesn't have a specific integration for any individual ereader but a general internet search might give you some tips - like... Extracting my Kobo highlights and integrating them with Evernote and Readwise | Chez Pierre (postach.io) Kobo and Evernote : kobo (reddit.com)
  3. Big operations like Evernote probably have the next couple of years planned out, and even if they changed their plans (or are told to do so) it would take months to develop and launch something radical. I don't believe there is a "near term" in this situation. Plus BS won't be in a position to influence much until Q2 next year. Evernote are the experts in their own field, so (IMHO) are likely to be given a pretty free hand to do what they want - although they will have access to some new resources to include in their plans. They did 'just' launch the new product levels, so I don't see price increases as likely - unless it's for another level with brand new features. Losing the Free tier wouldn't be a problem for me if they chose to do that. It's normal practice for IT companies introducing radical changes (or closing down) to give a "lifeboat" option for existing customers - maybe introducing a new provider to take over existing accounts, or reduced terms to upgrade. If you decided to drop from professional to free (forinstance) I'd expect you to get good couple of months at that level, even if the free account is no longer available to new users. Likewise anyone with an existing free account should get a couple of months to "move it or lose it". IF that happens. But I stress no-one knows - it's pointless to make plans "in case" something bad is coming along. As long as Evernote continues to do whatever it does for you, at the same price and with the same efficiency (whatever that means) as it generally does, then why waste your nervous energy chasing a better deal? Wait until you see a company announcement - Journos are selling their stuff on clickbait headlines, third party providers are doing their best to cash in on user fears, and a slew of people who don't know any more than you do are venting their unfounded opinion. (And yes, I'm including me in that!)
  4. @k-stone I see you raised this topic 3 times in two different threads - please don't do that. Multiple posts are against Forum rules. One issue, one post - then you don't get duplicate (or conflicting) answers...
  5. Hi. Do you have a way to connect via a VPN? If you try to connect via another country can you make a connection?
  6. Hmmn. "Ghosts" aren't usual behaviour, but I don't have any more suggestions for fixes... have you tried Support?
  7. Hi. Evernote tasks are pretty much self-contained at the moment - they're accessible as part of notes, and can be linked to a calendar; but I can think of any way to generate this sort of a breakdown. More functionality is going to come, but what and when is unknown.
  8. Hi. These forums are mainly user 2 user; you really need to contact Support for assistance - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new If you're not a subscriber, use "continue as a guest".
  9. Hi. Reported already - see other posts in the forums; if you are a subscriber please contact Support for more information on fixes and timelines.
  10. Hi. Did you switch the Android off and on again between uninstall / reinstall? Have you checked another client to see if these ghosts exist on any other platforms?
  11. Hi. Device / OS / EN version... and where and how have you tried logging in?
  12. Hi there... I'm on the beta panel - but I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to say that, so don't look for any details... there are NDAs - plus Evernote knows where I live.
  13. Hi. What do you mean by "lists"? Are we talking the output of a search? Because if you right-click the title area of that list page you'll find that there are a variety of additional switchable options for titles, and while only a few are sortable within Evernote, Ctrl+A on my windows desktop will select all the items in that list and I can copy/ paste (in Legacy at least) any or all selected lines into a spreadsheet. Each column is then sortable as required. Haven't tried v10, but the extra titles and some limted sorting by titles exists... It's also possible to bulk copy and paste note links as well as the 'index' list. It isn't. Bulk select notes, or choose a notebook and export all its contents. See comments above - is there a reason Evernote should re-invent Excel for users' convenience? (In the latest subscriber versions by the way you can view the content of an Excel spreadsheet from a note to which it is attached.) A section of this forum exists for suggestions like this to be voted on by other users - the more votes, the more likely it is to be adopted - but it will take years for any major changes to work their way through development and testing unless they're already being worked on as we speak. If you truly need this feature now, it's work-arounds or find another app that does what you need. Just as a general (and final) opreration, I also use a third-party app called Filterize which maintains my 'to do' dashboards. I have a list for 'today and outstanding', 'coming soon' (today +1 and the next seven days) and 'All Tasks'. Filterize will effectively conduct a daily search based on my criteria and update a Table of Contents note with the current list. - It's a combination of an automatic saved search, and a sort to my requirements. There's a 'free' sampler for a couple of filters if you want to try it out. Legacy used to, and V10 presumably, eventually, will have the option to sort lists in different orders depending on the notebook or (maybe) the search. It doesn't at the moment though, and I think the company has a couple of other priorities it might want to address first.
  14. Hi. You should be aware that installing the new version will 1) give you the option to convert any local (i.e. unsynced) notebooks to standard synced ones - there's no such thing as an unsynced notebook in v10; and 2) it will likely remove the legacy app; not the database, just the app - although since you have the updated 6.25.2 version it may not - you'll find out. If it does do that, reinstalling should be easy and quick. The two apps use different databases, so you'll have a period where v10 is populating its local data - don't worry if you don't see notes for a while. If your drive capacity is tight with two databases to support, you should be able to relocate the legacy database - don't mess with v10. Changes in one app will be synced up to the server, and then (AFAIK) back down to the 'other' app, so you should, as you say, definitely not run the two together! Good luck - let us know how you get on...
  15. There is undoubtedly a huge amount of BS about the BS "takeover" (if that's the right word...)
  16. OK - that would be mainly copy and paste then. Evernote will export notes to HTML, and there are third-party services to publish pages as PDF or Epub books, or a blog. Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML Export notes as a PDF http://postach.io/ https://www.fastpencil.com/
  17. "Evernote's Next Chapter" seems to be a bunch of guys wading through the history of the company and trying to get Uncle Phil to say something controversial about the buy-out while he continues to stress that it's been 8 years since he left, and he has no useful opinion... More non-informative speculation is no doubt being prespared for publication as we speak! Unca Phil does rubbish one well-known (not Evernote) logo in this, but a man whose current company is called "mmhmm" is in no position (IMHO) to criticise... Nice background to his feed though...
  18. Given that they're into fitness and photography - and not even in control yet - I can't imagine...
  19. Yep - I use attachments a lot (also on a professional account) and I haven't noticed any issues, even with large PDF files pushing the 200MB limit. Obviously large files take a little while to sync, so a busy or intermittent connection might hiccup a bit...
  20. Hi. You're presumably not a Teams users - that's a business account. So - device / OS / Evernote version? And are you using the code block feature or the standard editor?
  21. Hi. Unless someone else uses Awesome Note and can comment, I can only suggest that you talk to their support. They're presumably connecting to Evernote's API somehow, but if they're using anything other than an 'official' channel Evernote's recent development may have broken the link.
  22. Hi. Premium accounts were withdrawn a couple of years ago. Check here to see your current status - Account Summary (evernote.com)
  23. Hi. Please remove your email address from the post - this is a public forum. Are you looking to import a remotely stored ENEX file into your own Evernote account, or export a notebook from that account to Wordpress?
  24. Hi. I take it these lectures were not public YouTube posts. It sounds as though YouTube's privacy restrictions are blocking general access. I'd suggest you contact both YT and Evernote support.
  25. These two companies are now separately owned and no longer necessarily share the same architecture. I'd suggest you contact both Support teams.
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