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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I count only one previous issue in this thread, and they may have forgotten to feed back a fix. If you can also report this to Support they'll have another contact point and you'll get direct responses.
  2. Given that Evernote has millions of users, if the web app had issues with free accounts I think there would be more than just a few comments here... and the jury's still out on device limits for some of the posters. Provided you have no unsynced notes you're down to the Big Four options - Sign out of Evernote and... > sign back in > restart device / sign back in > choose "remove my data from this device" / sign back in > uninstall app using Revo Uninstaller Free (& choose "remove my data from this device") / restart device / reinstall app / sign back in Of course there's also the possibility of subscribing, however briefly, mainly in your case to get easy access to Support...
  3. Hi. Difficult to see what could be going on here - if you've verified with Evernote that you only have two devices listed there should be no bar to your connecting on at least one of them. Has anything to do with your internet connection changed recently? Antivirus / firewall / provider??
  4. Hi. Please don't post issues more than once - I replied to this here:
  5. Hi. What's Web Classic? If you mean the old legacy version, it's still chugging away for me on Android and Windows 10. There were two versions of the online editor at some point, but I gave up using the older version years ago. There haven't been any options in the web version to switch between versions that I was aware of either.
  6. Updated to 10.54 a few days ago - just checked saving attachments with no obvious issues here...
  7. Fair comment - and I'd think that links / tables of content etc. would not seamlessly translate into a different app with (presumably) a different structure. There will inevitably be a lot of clearing up to do in the event of moving to another provider. "Moving" in Evernote terms though is merely logging in from a different device so the server provides all. Moving to OneNote (forinstance) would mean a major restructuring job. In the (unlikely) event that one or more notes goes missing from an account, there might be some work involved in importing and re-connecting it/ them to an interconnected linking network, but barely more (I would have thought) than merely importing from backup.
  8. ...and now I can confirm that Tables of Content are compromised too! Just did a quick test with a ToC pointing to 2 test notes. ENEXed all three notes, deleted the originals and emptied the trash, then restored the three notes. The test notes are restored with the ToC but it no longer has access to the individual notes. So my ToCs are now a casualty of this issue... Have to go back through in my copious free time (!) and tag the linked notes.
  9. Wouldn't know without testing - at a guess internal links are linked to a note's UID which may or may not change on being restored. You do, however have the accurate note title (unless you choose to change it) and could do a search...
  10. It's only an issue if you use links intensively and continue to do so after you know it doesn't currently carry through to ENEX back-up. We're not arguing it should get done, and under Evernote's new management that might happen sooner than otherwise; but unless they were already planning to release it, this won't happen for at least a year. Meantime, back-up differently or change the system (ToC's come to mind)...
  11. Along with routine maintenance, bug fixes, developments that are already in the pipeline, and about 1,000 other requests from sync speeds to choice of thumbnails. There's probably enough work in there for the next 10 years - why should this be first? Or even soon? Evernote don't get involved with discussions about new features until they're released because they'd rather be working on code than arguing what's next and answering demands about when what's in progress will be released, and why any particular feature was chosen over someone else's personal favorite.
  12. Hi. You could change the system to use tags and just search on tags (which do have nesting) or use the web app which will (unofficially) allow you to save searches - just copy the URL of a completed search. Or there's Filterize which will create a ToC (table of content) for many things, including searches, and keep it up to date; so (forinstance) all notes containing the words John and Smith can be listed in one ToC.
  13. Hmmn. Check https://status.evernote.com Evernote did do some work recently...
  14. All due respect - this isn't a 'fundamental problem', it's something they didn't know would be required when they designed the database structure 20 years ago. While they might be willing to change it now, Evernote claimed to be the largest manager of personal information on the planet - 200 million+ current and past customers have their data stored in this old structure, and a sizeable number of us connect with Evernotes servers every second of every day 24/7/365. Changing the structure would be like walking across a busy racetrack to repaint the lines. Of course all the new guys are starting from scratch, or close to it - they have the advantage of Evernote's experience (want to bet most have been users at one time or another) - but none of the downside of hords of darn demanding users! And I bet Evernote don't have hundreds of employees any more...
  15. Hi. How many devices does the web app show connected to your account? If you have more than 2, upgrading will definitely sort your problem out by removing that limit. Or you could disconnect some devices... More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  16. Laughing with you, not at you - I just use a different password app! 🙂
  17. I did some bulk document scanning a few (10!) years ago and was careful with the OCR - after a few checks that the process actually worked to my satisfaction, I let the scanner set one of its default titles. I have a lot of notes still with titles like "2013_01_15_12_08_14.pdf" (which is actually a cutting from the Sunday Telegraph about motor insurance in April 1985 - don't ask!). I use a 'triage' system on re-naming - if one or more of these comes up in a search, I'll go through them and rename to something more relevant like "19850430 - Telegraph - motor insurance" (which is what this random note now is*) but if I don't find them in searches I leave them be as my standing archive of old information... * I don't generally use tags if I can avoid them - I do scan to folder, because any mistakes or sudden inspirations can be dealt with there, including renaming. But tags are not available as such. My keywords are in the title. Mostly.
  18. Hi. I gave up Macs 10+ years ago, so not qualified to offer anything on your main query - but how did you seek help? Are you a subscriber, or a free user?
  19. I recently switched from Edge (based on Chrome) -where this [I thought] was working, to Vivaldi (also Chrome) where it definitely is not. Also enjoying some generalised sync / import folder / clipper / overheating issues at the moment across 10.53.2, Legacy and Android 10.48. Beginning to feel a little overheated myself... 🥵
  20. Hi again - as I said previously, the parent copy of your database is stored on Evernote's server, not your local computer. You may have saved a local version, but that is just a copy. If you log into your account again via a browser, or from another computer, you should be able to see all your notes. No need for backups - just check the original version online.
  21. Seems unlikely that any coder would complicate things just for the fun of it - that makes it doubly complex - difficult to code in the first place and impossible to debug.
  22. Well... If you're willing to work in the web client. try running a search and copying the location bar. It'll look like "https://www.evernote.com/client/web" but when selected, it comes out a w-h-o-l-e lot longer - and that appears to be the route to saved searches, direct access to stacks and notebooks, and who knows what else. It's a hack rather than a feature, so it may change unexpectedly and depending on device, browser and OS YMMV but for Vivaldi (Chrome) on W11, it works for me...
  23. Have you tried it? What comes up in your browser is different from what's in the link (or was, last I looked), and notes need to have their sharing link enabled to be visible outside of Evernote's firewall. Contents are not searchable even then, and - while I wouldn't use the word 'unhackable' in this day and age, working out on which shard your note is hosted, plus the note's UID, is going to require quite a lot of horsepower...
  24. Hmmn. Not directly - I use Filterize for some tables of content. It 'looks' at all newly-synced notes and can have rules like "if this note has tag 'example', add it to ToC 'ExampleParent'. You can then link to the ToC confident that all notes tagged with the keyword are listed there. Filterize also moves notes between notebooks, shares and unshares and can carry out very complicated processes. I use it a lot - (this was doing a bit of mass reorganisation) It's a subscription service for more advanced usage, but worth it to me (for the moment...)
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