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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. There's nothing like a well thought out, reasoned explanation of the need for a new feature to motivate a company to consider spending a lot of money developing and releasing it.
  2. Hi. You seem to have completely misunderstood how Evernote works, and has always worked, and as already noted you're expecting an awful lot as the free user of a professional package - including being allowed to edit large notes, or upload large pictures. If you want to continue to edit your notes, either subscribe or download the notes and leave. If you're happy just to view the information you have already saved, and even add a few more small notes, then continue as you are. The graphic which you added... tells me that a lot of people were interested in Evernote 12 years ago, and rather fewer are searching now - maybe because they bought the app back then. It's as meaningless as your favourite term 'gaslighting' and I do not think either of them mean what you think they mean. Your current choices are pay or leave. Please pick one.
  3. Mainly users here in the Forums, so the way to get attention is to contact Support, though my web client works fine (I know - totally unhelpful) and all I can think is that you have systems or network issues that are slowing things down. Your systems logs may be helpful to Support in tracking any issues, but if you're just going to turtle down and wait for a resolution you may be waiting a long time...
  4. Hmmn. Weird. I had tumbleweed blowing through my Forums email folder for a few hours, then things got back on track. I closed my ticket and things are back to normal. Internet Gremlins no doubt....
  5. Hmmn. I would have thought that if you have selected your 'inbox' notebook and move a note out of it, that note would disappear and you'd be left with the rest of the list. Is that not what happens? (Away from a computer at the moment...). Worst case you could save a search for your 'inbox' notebook and click the link to jump back to the main list...
  6. Hi. Was this in a browser? And if so was that browser on one of the two phones you did not revoke? If you were browsing on a different device you are still connected to three devices and that's why you can't see notes. I'd suggest you connect again and (if you're allowed - revokes are limited too...) revoke every device that is not the one you're using. Then when you connect on another device you'll have reached the maximum. The device limit elapses after a waiting period or you can subscribe to get around the limit.
  7. For the record I used Brave for a while and liked it - apart from the fact that it just didn't work with several sites I used. Brave is so violently anti-malware / anti-advertising that they have inbuilt protections against various processes that other sites use for 'normal' activities. Brave themselves at one stage said - "if you have problems with a site, please report it to us so we can investigate". So I'd suggest you start with them and see if Brave support feel that Evernote is blocking them. I now use Vivaldi by the way - another Chrome clone - which deals with most things (including Evernote) pretty well.
  8. The forum is a third-party website and does not count towards 'use' of your account. You do need to be logged in to revoke devices, so Evernote in practice is 'Web + one' with the 'plus' being changeable (within tight limits) to allow new devices to be adopted.
  9. Check the add-in settings - including attachments is an option...
  10. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version? My app shows this:
  11. Hi. If you select more than one note, you'll see a blue onscreen menu with various options including 'move'. Selecting only one note, choose the three dots menu at top right for these options...
  12. Hi. Known issue, fix coming soon via Google Play; please search before posting.
  13. Hi. The Forums here are mainly supported by other users, and we're not Evernote Support. You should really contact them for more help with this. Please confirm for them what device you're using, plus exactly what OS and Evernote versions you have. Plus. Have you checked your account in another device, preferably signing in via Evernote.com? It's most likely that while you can't see attachments on the Mac, they are still in your account - just not being displayed correctly.
  14. The layout might be slightly different - easy to check by forwarding an email, plus clipping the same email. See if you can detect any differences - if not, use whichever is easiest...
  15. Hi. We're mainly users here, so unless someone else uses the Slack integration the way you want to, the way to find out most of this is to start using the feature yourself. Evernote do publish some information - How to use Evernote for Slack
  16. Hi. If AOL was unwilling to deliver your message, that was an AOL issue, not an Evernote one. Phones don't generally offer useful access to Evernote Web, though it should be available on a tablet. Can you use any other methods to add the missing information to your notes? Share from a phone / copy&paste on a tablet or laptop?
  17. Hi. What exactly are you trying to do to multiple tags? Find notes with all those tags? Any of those tags? And what device / OS / Evernote version are you using?
  18. Being a profoundly lazy person, I don't want to have to go to any effort to find new posts in the Forums that I may be able to "help" with - so I set up a series of alerts to send me an email when anything new is posted. Normally that generates anywhere between10 and 100+ emails a day which get shunted to a mail inbox so I can pick individual cases when I get the time. As of midnight on 9 August that just...stopped. Although I can see more posts on here, I'm not getting notified. I raised a ticket (sorry Support!) #3731466 to find out what's going on. In order of paranoia - recent changes in the email system zapped this function somehow I broke something A secret clique of disenchanted Evernote users decided to silence me and hacked the system! Until this Question of the Ages is resolved, it's going to be a bit quiet around here as far as posts from me are concerned. Enjoy the peace & quiet while you can - to quote the great Schwarzenegger: "I'll be back..."
  19. No. That's three devices. Use the link I posted earlier to disconnect everything except the web device you're using. You can then reconnect one more...
  20. ...and have 200 million fewer users to worry about...
  21. In that the pay-monthly price is a higher, then yes!
  22. Hmmn. Got nothing here - you'd have to talk to Support for some in-depth teching...
  23. If you're on the free plan, check your device limit. You may be sure that you only have two devices linked, but does Evernote agree with you? So far I'm still on 10.52.2 with no update in sight, but it should be available in days. Meantime, there's always the web version if you have a tablet... Understanding the device limit
  24. AFAIK the first download can take a little time, depending on the speed of your internet connection, the size of your database and the amount of traffic at the time. Evernote is still usable during this period, if a little slow. There's a thread somewhere about a user being surprised how quick the download was, so YMMV. My database is around twice yours, and I didn't really notice any difference after a recent re-install and DB refresh.
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