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  1. That's what used to happen (before 10.59). I could just leave my note on expanded version and once I moved it the next in line would open. Ever since 10.59 a window pops up saying "moving note" and it takes longer than usual but it says it moved it, changes the location shown at the top of the note to the new location but keeps the note open on the screen. I really hate to think I'm going to finally have to succomb to buying a 2nd monitor so that I can view Evernote on one screen and Quickbooks on the other. I've just been using split screen for years and it worked. But the expand, move, collapse, click on next note, expand is tedious. It might sound lazy to some BUT when I'm moving dozens of notes a day, I'm looking for the quickest solution.
  2. That worked! Thanks BUT . . . previously, once I clicked "move" it would then move it and open the next note in the folder. I can't seem to find a setting for that to see if it's something I can force it to do. Any suggestions on that?
  3. We have our scanner dump all files into a folder called "Inbox" from which we eventually sort into appropriate notebook folders. Typically, I will start with the newest note, expand it to full screen, gleen what I need from note and then click on the 'note' button in the toolbar and choose the appropriate button (i.e., move note to, copy to, etc). After the previous update (10.59 version) that button has had ZERO usable buttons. You can see what they are but none of the buttons are clickable. I submitted a ticket which was eventually marked solved after they released the 10.60 update but my issue wasn't fixed in that update. So I commented on the solved issue and also submitted another ticket with a screenshot. Any suggestions besides rolling back (I'm not interested in that due to all the horrors I've read on that). Don't want to waste my time uninstalling and reinstalling if others are seeing the same issue.
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