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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Thinking about this... It may be related to Evernote working on the servers, and/ or shear volume of traffic since there's a lot going on. At least I have a 'sent mail' folder I can easily sort/ search for my account email address to confirm what mails have been sent.
  2. Yep - there seems to be an issue. I forwarded an email to Evernote yesterday. It isn't especially large - 65K - but I had to resend today before it appeared as a note. Weirdly the several emails I forwarded yesterday mostly got through, with this and one other exception. A 2MB email got through fine, so the issue is not size related. Only and best advice is: if you find this is happening to you, please contact Support. I suspect they're a bit overwhelmed at the moment, but only Evernote can look into how and why this may be happening...
  3. Hi. Bending Spoons allegedly has some hundreds of millions of clients of their own, and specialises in AI and image manipulation - both requiring processing power and large file sizes, I'd think they would be passingly familiar with large amounts of customer data... At the moment, around 10 months until my (new, higher) subscription runs out. Having been involved in a couple of big company buy-outs (not always on the winning side) I do know that there are a million-and-several details to work out, and - in case you mised it - Bending Spoons just moved the whole operation (or at least the coding bit) back to Italy to allow a little more invlvement and control, Good news (I guess) but still more things to deal with. The new chief exec is being pretty hands on with the onglong bugs, and we expect new versions to be available in days.
  4. There are a few comments in the forums about email issues - seems to be a general thing, though some emails take a lot longer than 35 minutes to arrive. Resend if you can and contact Support with full details if there's no sign after a couple of hours...
  5. Try dropping on the actual note body in the note window?
  6. Hi. This thread is about not receiving emails. You seem to have a sync issue if your content is different between Web and Desktop. Please post as a separate thread with details of your devices, OS's and Evernote versions.
  7. You are responding to a 15-year-old post. To create new notes with a common set of tags either create a 'template' note and duplicate it as necessary save the tag list as "tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4,tag5,tag6" (without the quotes) and copy/ paste the whole list into the 'tag' field. Evernote will create separate tags. copy and paste the set of tags from one note into the next create a series of notes and apply a standard set of tags by multi-selecting them
  8. ? Click 'Skip Trial' (top right) to go to the 'free' product.
  9. Evernote Clipper has a new 'multi select' option which may help you. I've not heard of Spectacle before, but how and why copying website details into Evernote from their extension doesn't work - you'd have to ask their support!
  10. If the Android app isn't working, try another client - your notes will be available in a web browser via Evernote.com or the installed desktop app.
  11. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - though I think they know the increase was unpopular...
  12. Hi. This is a mainly user-supported forum, so we share your pain, but sorry - can't help. The situation is what it is - if you're unwilling or unable to cover the increase, then please visit your 'my account' page and remove any payment details you have there to ensure you don't auto-renew. When that transfer fails you'll be downgraded to 'Free' status and will still have access to your notes on two devices. Complete notebooks can be exported from the 'Notebooks' page - look for the three-dots menu to the right of the name.
  13. Hmmn. How are you searching? From Evernote's search box? You mentioned you just see all your notes - how about if you start the search again?
  14. I use the trick that CSV tags can be copied easily to save a string like <tag1>,<tag2>,<tag3>,<tag4>,<tag5> as the second* line at the top of my template. Copy the line, paste into 'Add Tag' box, and boom - you see tags! *The first line gets added as the title if you're not careful...
  15. Hi. Have you tried using the 'share' link from YouTube or the Evernote Clipper to capture the thumbnail? Are these literally JPG files from your screen shots that are not displaying? More description please!
  16. Hi. Are all mails sent from the same location, or were the fails all sent from somewhere? Email issues are hard - they're sent by 'normal' email channels, so some part of the chain across which emails pass might have been blocked for spamming, or might have had a techical fault. Contact Support if you can (we're not them) who may be able to delve further...
  17. Actually the latest version 10.59.5 is likely your problem - a fix should be available soon. You may also have an update available to ventura 13.5...
  18. Ah. Problem with that last release, discussed in the Forums about a zillion times already - fix coming in the next few days (we're told), meantime if at first your search doesn't succeed, try it again - they mostly work the second time. But search, then filter (if you use filters).
  19. Hi. When you say the app does not work, what exactly do you see? Blank screens? Error messages? Smoke? Plus: what version of Windows do you have?
  20. Don't know about everyone else, but I'm not going to worry about whether things 'might' happen - I'm too busy dealing with the real world right now to have that much spare time. I use Evernote a lot, warts and all - and I already paid my increased sub, so I'm here for the next 10 months at least. Chicken Little has left the building. Bending Spoons are a respected European company that built up their own business to the point of being able to buy out Evernote lock, stock and socks. They seem professional, businesslike and -not surprisingly- a bit busy at present. They've had the reigns at Evernote for 6 whole months and seem to have inherited a bit more technical debt than they expected. The CEO is an Evernote user, and a fan; and the company didn't blow all that hard-earned cash to do a Musk and run the company into the ground. This is like Disney buying Lucasfilm - there will be short term changes, but the force is still with us... We got real-time collaboration and AI already, and although there are some issues around the latest release, the team kicked out a fix (we hope) in pretty record time. It's expected in days, not weeks. (Note that the latest update and all previous ones were the work of a team who have been left behind in the US - there's a new European team working now...) 'Spoons have some hundreds of millions of users in their own right, and just inherited whatever is left of the 250 million claimed by Ian Small at one point. They certainly can't come hold the hand of every Evernote user and explain in detail why they should stay on. It's a hard decision, but the facts aren't going to change. If you're willing and able to pay the increased cost, AND you think Evernote's services are worth it to you, then you should stay. The extra cost will be like a cup of coffee a day - and we could all do to cut back a bit... If you're not able to pay, OR you think you can easily manage your activity with another app, you should leave. No need for any impassioned monologue about how many years you've been a devoted follower, or how many others you induced to join and pay - we get that you're annoyed, but get over it. You have bigger problems now - finding another reliable app. Quit flouncing and go. Find your "my account" web page and leave no payment details behind. When the next payment due fails you'll revert to 'free' status with lots of limitations - but you'll still have access to all your notes. My suggestion would be to avoid any mass transfer of notes to a new provider - just start a new account somewhere and create your new notes there. If and when you need your history, find the details in Evernote and copy/ paste them across. It shouldn't be a huge deal. Good luck with your new providers, whomever they may be - and stay safe out there!
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