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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I think the 'old' Evernote would have wanted to be different from the crowd - and would have been worried that they were reinventing the wheel at some considerable cost for little or no reason. Heaven knows what the new guys will think - but as noted, they've been a bit busy fighting fires in their first few months of activity. Give them time to settle down a bit and who know what will happen? And as also noted - I use Evernote as my 'detail' filing cabinet but keep date-related things elsewhere with links back and forth to Evernote to allow me to edit either part of the equation.
  2. Actually it's not - the Forums are third-party software hence "Powered by Invision Community" at the bottom of each page. And wouldn't an "EN loyalist" expect a forum feature to work, whether powered by Evernote or not?
  3. Well, darn. Another theory bites the dust... Me too 😔
  4. Hi. They can't - we're mostly other users here. You're using a free service where the rules are pretty tight on connected devices, which is part of your issue. Use the link quoted by @agsteele above to raise a ticket on this - or if you can, try subscribing for a month. That'll both give you priority access to support and remove any device limit at the same time. Edit: oops... forgot Understanding the device limit
  5. Hi. Try signing in to Evernote.com via any browser. The web client is pretty much up to date with the installed version. The old 'Legacy' client won't update automatically to v10, but if and when you want to try, just download the installer from the same place. It's worth adapting as soon as possible, because your current version is no longer supported and may have issues with future updates to your OS.
  6. Again, Device / OS / Evernote version? And would it help to have two windows open at the same time?
  7. Hi. What Device, OS and Evernote version do you use, and what sort of 'sets' of notes did you have in mind?
  8. OK - don't know how long ago you submitted the ticket, but a return-of-mail ID number with a follow up a day or two later is standard in most apps - and Evernote got bought out, upgraded and moved in the last few months, so I'd imagine they're already pretty busy. Regardless you're staying with the company and just want your billing sorted out, so there should be no disadvantage in whatever slight delay. I'll flag the number now and hope that something happens soon!
  9. If you have received a ticket number we can flag it for an Admin to take a look at, but by the time we go through that process you'll probably have heard direct anyway. Go ahead and post the ticket number if you want... most of us here have been using the app for a long time so we're pretty familiar with most comment faults, but we're not staff.
  10. ? Backupery creates enex files from notebooks / Filterize adds tags, moves notes between notebooks and maintains themed 'table of contents' notes with (forinstance) "all tasks due in the next 7 days" / Postach.io converts existing notes into blog pages" - all of which is done by them -not me- as a new edit is syncing, so no - I'm not facing any issues other than the fact RTE works alongside these services and I can edit notes on more than one device at the same time. I do interact with Evernote staff - they're mainly friendly and as helpful as they can be, and my last couple of tickets got cleared within a few days. No big drama. Sorry if that's not your experience. Other than the 'two devices, one edit' thing I doubt any of us here have any in depth experience at API level. Since that's Evernote's ball (so to speak) you're kind of stuck with interacting with them if you want more. I have no axes to grind - I'm just a user, with limited experience here.
  11. AFAIK the API is alive and -mostly- well, since bits of it drive the three apps I mentioned that are connected to my account. RTE caused a literal hiccup because apps that were used to notes opening immediately, suddenly found they were taking some seconds for processing; so any intricate operations had issues. What limited feedback I got from the various third party companies was that once they worked out what the problem was, things got adjusted. Whether by them, or by Evernote I don't know. My deprecated and unsupported comment was prompted by your apparently wanting some clarity on Legacy ("If "Legacy" apps are not important at this time"). I'm not clear where you're going with this - do you have an app that won't work with v10? Do you need access for scripted activities? Like I said earlier - you're best off talking to Evernote about all the above. We're mostly only users here.
  12. Or you could check that you're running Evernote 10.60.4 and try Support to see whether they can fix your issues - a lot of us are reasonably happy with current performance after this latest update.
  13. Hi. Sorry we're mainly other users here - try the Settings > Support link in your phone app, or https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  14. Hmmn - some issues got fixed apparently... https://daveedwardsmedia.com/2023/08/14/more-fixes-from-evernote-version-10-60-4/
  15. This was presumably your initial report. As a matter of interest when did Geoff T send that update?
  16. There was a little fuss about it starting a few years ago - https://www.engadget.com/evernote-cross-platform-note-taking-app-redesign-interview-130026972.html (October 2020) Having said which you need to talk to Evernote about API issues - the services I use as Evernote add-ins (Backupery / Filterize / Postach.io) seem to be continuing their interface.
  17. You mean the 'deprecated and unsupported' move a couple of years ago wasn't enough of a clue?
  18. Hi. You may be looking in the wrong places, because there are links everywhere... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new I currently have Windows 11 and no trouble pasting into notes - but you seem to want to do so without having Evernote open? What exactly are you trying to paste where, and by what method?
  19. Most folks seem to think 10.60 fixed things, and it is available from the website now - has been for several days.
  20. You can see payment details here which may help - login via a desktop browser: https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action If there's an issue Support will be the ones to deal with your refund request...
  21. I don't think it does - according to Devonthink (see the link I posted above) they can import from ENEX files. AFAIK there's no difference between the Legacy or v10 ENEX formats.
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