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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It doesn't. But you're posting guesses not facts or useful information. My point was - you're not helping either... Has anyone had a response from Support yet?
  2. Hi. You were using a version of Evernote that was considerably out of date - so much so that (after a year or two of warning messages) the company cut off access to the remaining few users of that whole family of products at the end of March. As long as you were logged in at some point, your notes to that stage should have synced with the server, where they will still be available if you sign in at Evernote.com. Sadly anything created after then may have been lost. You should also be able to download and install the new v10 if you wish. If your old installation of 5.5 still exists on your desktop you may have a large database file (EXB or similar) which could contain unsynced notes. If you can give us more details of the file type we may be able to suggest some options which could give you access to the content - forinstance via a SQLite application - if there's important data you absolutely need to recover.
  3. The process should be fairly simple, but is currently slow... contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (but be very patient for a response) EDIT - Oh, and as you could have done at any time: please go to https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action (it's the 'Billing' page of your online account) and check out the very bottom of the page, just above "Terms of Service". 'Cancel your Evernote subscription' is there - choosing it will downgrade you to Free to avoid further billing.
  4. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.
  5. Not that I'm aware - is this an exact duplicate? No spelling or capitalization difference at all? Have you tried restarting your device? ...And what is your device? You're posting in the iOS Legacy forum and that service was closed last month...
  6. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.
  7. Don't think it's related to account type - I had a legacy test account until recently; converted it to v10 without any issues. I doubt you'll get to the bottom of this with or without a poll - what you need is to contact Support - which may take some time, but they can fix your login issues...
  8. Wasn't me that said that - the author is no longer with us, since it was irrelevant to the discussion and seemed like typical bland AI-speak. On the general topic - Legacy was declared obsolete (and potentially dangerous) 3 years ago. v10 was a new and different product which replaced it, If you find the new product inadequate for your needs, there are plenty of other options out there...
  9. A good first step would be to (politely) point out to Evernote that you would like to be able to see a listing of all your assigned tags, plus sub tags. I saw somewhere else that less than 5% (I think) of Evernote users actually have a tagging system, and I'd bet that far fewer have such an extensive setup - so just like your Legacy use, you're very much in a minority. Evernote's current owners had nothing to do with either version of the current tagging system, so they might have plans to improve it - or it might be a low-priority item to consider at some future time. You'll never know unless you ask...
  10. Evernote Desktop runs very quickly on my Dell Win 11 Desktop, but even there the Files section has a bad attack of molasses. I agree it's unusable at present, but I look forward to it getting better... though I also don't know why I'd go there for a file rather than look at the note it's attached to. Unless there's a possibility that the if file becomes detached from the individual note I could still find it there? (But shouldn't it be in Note History too??) Confused.
  11. Which is expected - the fix will be released soon; I don't think anyone has the update yet.
  12. It's not something they stay up to date with on a day-to-day basis, but they are fixing some of the issues that get raised here. They won't respond in this forum - use a Support ticket for that - but I'd bet that it all gets read sooner or later...
  13. Hmmn. Can you run through exactly how you create a task? I'd use the '+' or '/' access and set up a task and then add details. You seem to be starting with the detail?
  14. ...and you say this on what basis? Please don't post unless you can be helpful.
  15. At this stage I'd say Support is your best (if slow) bet - whatever is happening on your local system is not expected behaviour; looks like a conflict with security software or another app. I doubt there will be an easy work-around, but the Support team should be able to fix it... hopefully...
  16. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.
  17. Printing is not one of Evernote's strengths - if you need to produce a physical document it may bet better to start in a word processor and attach that file to a note. Copy/ paste the content or print to PDF if you need the content visible in the note, but edit and print from the WP file for better output control.
  18. If you're creating text that might need to be copied into a Word document, why not create it from scratch in a Word document and attach that to a note? You could copy/ paste the content or print to PDF if you need to see it inline...
  19. If you create an Import Folder on your desktop and move new files there, Evernote will use the filename as the title of the note it creates. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967-Create-import-folders
  20. Hi. Sounds like you're exiting Evernote by signing out. If you use File > Quit Evernote in the main window, you should find that a restart will open the app without a login.
  21. If it's a difference between 10 notes or 13 notes, I'd suggest you search for the tag in each case and copy/ paste the note links into a table of contents note so you can identify which 3 notes are missing. Check those notes to see whether there is some common factor, and report the whole thing to Support - we're mainly other users here. As a work-around to avoid future instances you could create a new linked note from a single ToC note so that you always have a current list of your 'fingertip' topics.
  22. Have you tried working in a code block? (Ironically /co to start...) The grey text-only area does not react to further uses of '/'.
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