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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Sorry - not a Teams user: does any of this help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006117-Evernote-Teams-Toolkit
  2. BS also do -or have done- (Italian) government work so I'd guess they have some reasonably high standards.
  3. Did you pay through iTunes for the upgrade? If so, I'm surprised Evernote was willing/ able to refund you. If you did pay that way I'd suggest you contact iTunes to see whether they can help.
  4. It may be elementary, but Evernote doesn't currently include that option. You can write your note on paper and photograph or scan it into Evernote, but the app has no internal direct handwriting inputs. There are various third-party devices that will output to PDF files that can be attached to Evernote notes.
  5. Hi. Did you accidentally create a new empty account when trying to log in? Sign out and back in...
  6. Hi. You need Android 9 or above on your phone to support the Evernote app. Even without the app it is possible to send information to Evernote and even create new notes by email. "Share" emails or web pages to your Evernote email address or create a new email note to your account - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote
  7. Hi. What's your device and what number versions are your OS and Evernote app? What kinds of slowness are you experiencing?
  8. Hi. Are you not able to select the line and delete it? (Backspace may also be required to remove the checkbox)
  9. Hmmn. Can only suggest you contact Support - please be patient; I'm not sure how quick the new support process is yet... (You should be able to contact them via Settings in the mobile app.)
  10. Oops - sorry; misunderstood... what's your device, plus Android and Evernote version numbers? My experience is that the app waits quietly in the background for me to get done with another task, then pops up quite normally when I switch back. The only real way to 'tech' a mobile app is simply to uninstall / power the device off and on / and reinstall.
  11. OK - I removed another user who seemed to believe that rules did not apply to them. While we're pretty relaxed about the topics that get tossed around here please can the normal rules of polite grown-up conversation apply?
  12. Just for information - I've got two or three apps where I seem to have purchased a 'lifetime licence' more than once. In each case it's been a major upgrade to the original app, but I think the software market tends to look at 'lifetime' in a different way than the rest of us...
  13. Hi. You can't. Mobile devices default to not holding local copies of your data (except for working offline) so they have to download details of the account when you log in. If you switch accounts, they have to clear the temporary storage and download another account. You could consider sharing notes or notebooks from one account to the other so you can work in that account but copy some information across when you have more flexible access...
  14. Not yet tried - I only just discovered I have one too! More later...
  15. I deleted an unhelpful post here. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sometimes it's better not to put them online.
  16. Weird. Sorry - I'm now fresh out of ideas; only suggestion is - contact Support. It may take a while but they'll get back to you. Meantime the web and mobile versions should still be available to you... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  17. Evernote defaults to saving a copy of your database onto a local computer to ensure fast responses. If you prefer to leave your data in the cloud you could go to Tools and Settings and untick "keep a copy of my notes on this device".
  18. Hmmn. Try uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller Free which will clear out any temporary files that Evernote might have saved somewhere... and if you're not on Evernote v10.83.5, try another download to update before reinstall..
  19. AFAIK it depends where you got the URL from and how fully formatted it is. Typing "evernote.com" into a note gets me an automatically formatted working link to https://evernote.com (I'm on Win11 Desktop, Evernote 10.83.5). What are the details of your device and where are you copying from?
  20. If you lot spent half as much time on actually being productive as you do on scheming to resurrect a Zombie app you could be twice as efficient... and given that most of the start-ups seem to have spent at least a couple of years getting their initial code together, your chances of developing some thing new (that actually works as you want it to) seem quite low. Still good luck to you all.
  21. I removed an incorrect (and pointless) AI bot quote here.
  22. I don't believe the available discounts go that high...
  23. Just wondered if this was a browser-based issue.. Sorry - no real clue what might be going on here - you're running a resource-intensive app in a limited power system using a non-optimal browser. Maybe try a Linux forum?
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