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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You seem to have reported this issue in July and August last year, and now 8 months later in April 2024 it's happening 'again'? This sounds more like a connection issue than something connected with your account. What fixed it the last two times?
  2. Hi, There has never been a 'live' customer service. Use Settings from the mobile app and look for a Support link.
  3. Hi. You're mainly talking to other users here - try feedback@evernote.com for direct contact.
  4. My 5c - might be a coding error in which case it'll get fixed quickly; might be in response to user pressure "why are these links different colours?" in which case they'll maybe have to offer an option whether or not to show links in different colours. More coding, takes longer. Meantime if you want to show a difference - use an emoji for internal links? 🔸<link>
  5. Depends if you use one of the functions frequently - '/' plus a letter gives you a much shorter list of options, / plus a couple of letters may allow you to just hit 'return' to choose your option. Don't like it? Don't use it...
  6. Giving more detail here might help - Support is via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  7. I don't think user error is something that can be prevented by Evernote. I'm also pretty sure that two account may not have the same email address unless one of them was mistyped. I'd suggest you log out of whatever Evernote client you're using and try logging in again. If you still have a blank account, you'll need to contact Support to help you unscramble this. Contact them via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  8. As far as I can see multiple Large headers can hide content with individual Medium and Small headers right on up to the maximum note size limit. The only drawback may be in display speed, though that was, I believe, under review... (Huge notes are slower than small notes) -And with the usual caveat that having all your intellectual eggs in one basket can be risky...
  9. You'd have to ask Support - I had the same experience as reported above - on a couple of occasions I've had an attached file show up as 'untitled', and in one case I downloaded it and added a PDF extension to recover the file, in another the file name was present when I looked at the note again. Anything that needs to be downloaded depends on local network traffic at both ends, and the speed in between - and in Evernote's case there are millions of connected accounts, so maybe there's still some queuing going on.
  10. Hi. You're already complaining about code blocks in at least one other thread. Please don't duplicate that discussion here... Evernote describes this feature as a 'code block' which according to my friendly neighbourhood AI is "a section of text that is formatted differently from the surrounding text". Some editors use colours to help differentiate between sections of code, but Evernote has never offered any particularly advanced tools in the area - all I ever used was plain text. You may have seen that Evernote introduced 'real time editing' and faster syncing recently, a side-effect of which which meant that current v10 notes use a different format (??) from older v10 and the obsolete Legacy formats. Older notes may still need to be translated from these older formats to the current code when opened for the first time. So it's entirely possible that converting notes from the old format to the new causes issues with some code block content, particularly if extra formatting like colours or symbols has been applied. It's likely that such extra formatting is only used by a very small proportion of users, and quite possibly issues with conversions have not yet even been reported to Evernote. So please report this issue to Support (yes - I know...) and bear with them until someone gets to look at the issue. I suspect you're an edge case, but unless someone here has already reported the matter and gotten some sort of response, we won't know what - if anything - they can do.
  11. Still flogging a dead unicorn? The old Evernote web was marginally usable in which ever of the three versions you tried. All of them were - in various degrees - different from Evernote Windows, Mac, Android and iOS which all had own specific features unique to that OS. None of those variations are 'coming back' - the staff that decided almost 10 years ago that so few subscribers were actively using some features that they would not be included in the new application have left the building. v10 is a new stand-alone application that has its own specific benefits and challenges. Build on what you have - the past is not coming back.
  12. Three or four recent new users appeared to be getting through their first few posts (which get checked more closely than subsequent ones) by using generalised AI generated text, some of which was obviously not applicable to anything raised in other posts on the same topic. While I have quoted an AI answer a couple of times, I'm concerned that if an individual doesn't personally know the answer to an issue, they're unable to verify that what they're posting is correct - AI's being a tad unreliable in that area. Those new users are sadly no longer with us.
  13. I like their attitude to AI too - " it’s sceptical about the currently “ridiculously over-valued assets” in AI, Ferrari says, preferring to stick to the company’s applications of AI to enhance the products it acquires."
  14. Right-click the grey bar of the PDF file. You should see a drop-down that includes "single page" and "all pages". Tools > Settings > Notes will allow you to set a default for future attachments.
  15. Try using a different style. In my current Evernote Windows 1: test 2: list Does not trigger auto-numbers. Using a stop '.' does.
  16. I've said elsewhere - Legacy is dead. No features are 'coming back' because v10 is a completely new product in a different code base with different limitations. If a process is not possible within the current application it will require considerable time and expense to introduce it, and so requires a detailed explanation of what is needed and why. Evernote's new owners need to evaluate whether it is economic for them to try to redevelop the facility. They don't seem unreasonable or unwilling to consider changes, but they are dealing with millions of users, many of whom have their own ideas about what features should be added and when. If a feature you need seems to be missing currently you have to consider whether you can work without it, or somehow work around it? Or can you get it elsewhere? Whether or not something was previously possible, introducing it now means months or years of delay - it's not like the code already exists and just needs to be dusted off and re-used. Additional features need to be integrated into the new - and very different - architecture of the current app.
  17. Hi. Sorry to hear this. Without a lot more detail we can't be much help - and this is a mainly user-supported forum so we have no ability to deal with password or account issues. Please contact Evernote Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new?guest=true - and give them full details. There's some help here, but it's probably no longer applicable in this case - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  18. There's no issue as far as most of us are concerned - my clipper has been working without a glitch for years in Chrome. Have you tried restarting your device / a different browser / a new profile? If you have reported this to Evernote support, do you have a ticket number?
  19. I don't use Firefox, but Chrome has been working for me daily. You need to look elsewhere for the issue.
  20. Because it's the first time the topic has been raised here (as far as I can tell) and you quoted no background. So do your files still exist but are shown as 'untitled attachment', or are the actual files completely gone from your note?
  21. Not saying it's great, but I've used both methods. Double clicking a single note is a quick way to generate a new note from a template. Importing several hundred notes? I'd rather not have them dumped unidentifiably into one of my existing notebooks. Having an Imported notebook means I can sort through them and deal with them as appropriate. Having just taken a new project on board I have 25 Imported notebooks which are conveniently separate from my own notes. This, by the way, has been a standard behaviour since v10 was introduced, so maybe not so much 'inconsistent' as 'unfamiliar'.
  22. Hi. Have you checked the Trash notebook? If the note was deleted by accident it should still be in there. I see that you're using the Free account - there are strict limits there as to what can and cannot be saved - if you have more than 50 notes or more than one notebook it may not have been possible to save the last version.
  23. Hi. Check Evernote Settings on the Android - you should have a Support link there.
  24. As far as I'm aware no one has yet shown that data synced to an Evernote account has been 'lost' through no fault of the user. Given the in house backups and the common sense option to keep local backups, it should not be an issue either way. Please don't make unsupported derisory comments.
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