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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. I just tested for someone else and got through to Support, but maybe there's a glitch - have you looked in your mobile Evernote Settings? There's a 'submit a support request' at the bottom which just got me to a 'submit a ticket' button. NB Saying you paid by non-Evernote means will send you to iTunes or Paypal support.
  2. Hi. Welcome to conspiracy central. We're mainly other users here, so don't have any visibility of payments. I just got through that link without any obvious issues. I did get shown a lot of other links that deal with different styles of payment which might actually help someone... There's also an option in the mobile app Settings to contact support, so maybe try that? -And for the record, if both your accounts are on a free plan - how exactly did your payment details get into the payment section in the first place?
  3. Hi. Go to https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action (it's the 'Billing' page of your online account) and check out the very bottom of the page, just above "Terms of Service".
  4. Hi. No. You can append content by email, but not by Clipper. You could clip to a new note and merge two (or more) into one...
  5. Hmmn. Added UI_RE_GEN_STU_FULL_TERM_FREEZE to an old note and created a new one with that title. Gave it a few minutes and searched - both turn up immediately. In both cases here - maybe refresh the search indexes from the server by signing out of Evernote and deleting your local database / power the device off and on / sign in again. Worst case - you may need a Revo/ Appcleaner uninstall and clean reinstall to refresh everything.
  6. Hmmn. You could export all to PDF and use an Import Folder to import the PDF files automatically. You'd lose the markdown (presumably) but retain the layout. The filename would be the note title. (-Always test any process on one or two notes before you go all in!) Don't know how Evernote deals with markdown content anyway - I applied a MD style (H6) to the paragraph above and this is what it looks like when pasted into Evernote as MD - A straight copy/ paste from the original format just comes up as plain text.
  7. I'm also surprised that existing users with (way) more than 50 notes get to keep their free online storage. I agree that closing that down overnight would be totally unacceptable - but I'd be surprised if Evernote were not monitoring how many non-subscribers use more than say 1.5GB of storage, and planning to do something about that at the end of next year when all of the subscription changes have rolled through... (Apologies by the way for the earlier brain freeze when I got legacy users mixed up with price rises...)
  8. Sorry to trot out the old work-around, but maybe if you're having this issue use a word processor to set the styles and attach its output file to the note? DOCX files are searchable for subscribers.
  9. Hi. Not affecting me (AFAICS) - have you selected "everywhere" in the search box? Is 'Standard' search showing? Have you tried a new search to see if that appears?
  10. You didn't find the big red flash that said "You're using outdated software" a big enough hint? And they're not 'forcing' you to upgrade - they're just as happy if you make a decision and leave. They either get some income to pay for your months of use, or they put an end to a drain on their resources. I'd say it's a win either way.
  11. Hi. What export options does Obsidian have, and how many notes are involved?
  12. Hi. We are aware that Filterize is closing down - they say due to API changes at Evernote. I use them a lot too I'd suggest talking to them to find out how they lock your notes. It may be that when the Filterize connection ends your notes will automatically become unlocked...
  13. Hmmn. Best work-around I can suggest is to use another AI service and ask it to "rephrase shorter" or "rephrase in less than x words". Other than maybe having that note open on another device and RTE syncs causing an issue, I can't imagine how the note might be changed. I would say contact Support - but they have long wait times at present...
  14. Demonstrably not - see posts from users with thousands of notes collected over years, during which the cost was considerably lower than it is now. It's a business, paying for expensive bandwidth and storage and giving it away for free. They had to take action to cut costs, not spend more in hopes of converting 'some' new customers. (And by the by - Evernote do say that they chose a 50 note limit to cover 'most free users'...) So the increase in cost was the factor here, not the restriction on free use? Fine - if you don't think the service is worth it, there are plenty of other options... I agree. Bye.
  15. If you select your chosen notes, don't you get a pop-up on screen? You can move / tag / merge / print / export or bin from here - there are also 3-dot options...
  16. Hi. Not that I'm aware of. How are you using search within a notebook? Does the city name include any unusual characters?
  17. Hi. Is the button greyed out? More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/16280830963091
  18. Hi. If we knew what device, OS and Evernote version you were using, someone could maybe comment. On the basis of what you say it could be that large photos take time to process, and given an hour or some might settle down: or that you've updated Evernote (several times if you've been keeping up) and something went wrong with an update; in which case a clean reinstall may help,
  19. Back out in the real world people are starting to notice... Jon Tromans had some rational thoughts, some interesting extra information... and a great picture! New Evernote Free Plan Restrictions. My Thoughts & What To Do Next?
  20. Try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
  21. ...and on Windows (Win 11 / EN 10.67.4)
  22. Has anyone actually fed that back to Evernote? The more folks who do, the more likely it is to get fixed...
  23. Evernote has worked on a desktop, a laptop, two tablets and a phone (Windows & Android) for me over the past year without too many issues - what was yours?
  24. The last dozen posts have been more about transparency and stuff none of us have any actual information about than anything else.. can't we all just be friends? (that's a Jack Nickolson reference from Mars Attacks for anyone in doubt...) C'mon - the rules are: asking for help = good. Giving help = good. Existential discussions about the charitableness or otherwise of a commercial organisation = boring.
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