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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. As usual I seem to be the outlier - quick note works for me... either right click or left click generates a note without any issues.
  2. Yeah - Bill Gates never replies to my emails either... it's a CEO (or Head of Product) thing... 'Spoons wound up doing Italy's Covid monitoring app, so I'd say the parent company are a serious IT powerhouse in Europe. All the (2-3?) takeovers I've been involved with involved something like the current situation: a lot of folks saying "they bit off more than they can chew" / "service is terrible" while the new owners work behind the scenes to fix things. A lot of people leave for various reasons; every competitor in the market talks in terms of a crisis to recruit as many new clients as they can - and then the new company gets it together, uses their resources and expertise to move back to being the best-in-class, and a lot of temporarily former users climb back on board making much less fuss than when they left... Personally I'm cutting out the middle acts and just sticking with a subscription. It may take a few months more, but I'm sure we'll get back to normal service soon. I'm just glad I'm not part of the crew bailing madly this time around. The new Evernote team seem competent, professional and determined to get this thing back on track. I'm impressed that they got things this far in less than a year. 2024 should be interesting!
  3. Based on what we other users know so far, your Evernote Plus account will be converted to Personal at next renewal at a significantly higher cost. Up to now a shared account has carried with it the permissions of the owner - so theoretically your 'free' users will be able to edit and add notes to your shared notebook. Copying or moving notes into their own account would be subject to the now standard 1 notebook / 50 notes limits. However I don't know how the '1 notebook' deal affects sharing - will users be limited to 1 notebook even if it is a shared notebook from somewhere else? On one hand this means Evernote lose out on making paying customers out of everyone in situations like yours, where shared free account notebooks are used for teaching - on the other hand they may see it as a good use of their apps. Only time (or @Federico Simionato) will tell... If the shared notebook idea doesn't work out in your favour, you might want to look at Postach.io for your own account - you can create a 'blog' based on one or more Evernote notebooks. Just add the tag <published> to a note and your students can access the content as easily as a website.
  4. Hmmn. I had a recent Windows update to the new version and that box remains unticked... worth checking though!
  5. At a rough guess... New owners buy the company - have limited 'hands on' experience of supporting these individual product features New fixes for existing problems - syncing much improved, but occasional glitches cause additional support requests New features added - increases support requests and feedback Fixes cause API changes that glitch connected services - third-party companies and users report issues US staff given generous severance and project moved to Italy - in house staff find volume and nature of support requests more than expected Across-the-board price increase - greatly increases volume of complaints / refund requests New initiative to limit Legacy users and promote v10 usage - greatly increases 'new user' support requests for assistance with unfamiliar product Latest initiative to greatly limit Free accounts to avoid substantial and unproductive drain on resources - greatly increases feedback traffic Once into a bit of a support 'hole', impatient users start to repeat requests, further increasing admin overhead Adding new staff and resources to clear volume takes time - weeks to recruit and more to train. New staff take a while to deal with queries efficiently. Meantime us users in the Forums here may be able to help if you specify Device / OS / Evernote version number and supply a detailed description of what technical issues you're dealing with...
  6. Nope - blue is the colour on my Windows 11 notes too... -Which begs the question - how are you choosing text for highlights? Clicking and dragging the cursor?
  7. So the 'killer' fix is usually - uninstall / power cycle the device / re-download and reinstall...
  8. With a bot of help from Bing GPT (misspelling intended) I got these uses for Evernote going forward - Recipe Collection: Save favorites Learning Notes: a new language or studying a new topic. Book Summaries: to remember key points. Travel Plans: travel itinerary, places to visit, restaurants to try... Fitness Tracker: workout routines and progress. Meeting Minutes: important points from meetings or conversations. Event Planning: parties, weddings, guest lists, food, and schedules. Budgeting: monthly expenses and savings. Gardening Notes: when seeds are planted, when to water, tracking growth. Dream Journal: record dreams as soon as you wake up. Seems like it's still a great app to use from a mobile for instant access - even if the notes have to get transferred elsewhere later...
  9. Yup. Reported several times now. Fixed - in some cases at least - with: 1 - Exit Evernote / delete data from device 2 - Uninstall app with Appcleaner (Mac) or Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) 3 - Power device off / allow 10 seconds / power back on 4 - Download latest Evernote from Evernote.com 5 - Reinstall. It will take a little while for the app to be fully operational
  10. Hi. Have a look at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412901122451 which is part of Evernotes help pages on tags. You should be able to call up a list of tags and click as many boxes as you need tags. Someone with more hands-on experience may be along soon....
  11. Hi. So you are the original owner and creator of the notebook? If so, you should (AFAIK) be able to throw someone else out at any time regardless of their access. I'm not an iOS user though, so I'd suggest you wait for a more informed opinion!
  12. Thanking about it - the ability to have 50 free notes of (presumably) 25MB available in a browser is a pretty nice freeby. Want to make a shopping list? Take your travel docs with you? Keep your favourite recipes handy? Share (again presumably) with your partner / colleagues? -The only major drawback is going to be you're a sitting target for the nagvertising to subscribe...
  13. Well - if you actually paid, you wouldn't see the frequent nags. Congratulations though on probably being the 1,000th user to trot out the 'I nearly paid' excuse... (We're -mostly- other paying users in the Forums here, so our sympathies are what you might expect...)
  14. I think the poll would have to be - what do you need included in the 'basic' plan? More or less everything Evernote does (AFAICS) requires constant syncing with the server, and free online storage space. The service is pretty much either 'on' or 'off' there's no realistic half-measures I can see that might justify an ongoing discount.
  15. - exactly what issues you're having? I can see and download / open attachments just fine from Evernote Web - with the installed apps they open directly into an application like Word or Adobe, but in web or mobile, since you see a 'pointer' not an actual file, you need to download first. That's not a change AFAIR, and it's all working for me.
  16. Evernote aims here may be more to do with the cost effectiveness of implementing an arbitrary tight limit on devices and notes, and how many free users will actually convert to subscribers, given a very unsubtle push. Discounts have also been floating around cutting the cost of the first subscription by up to 50% which don't seem to get mentioned much. Once Evernote have worked out the numbers I'd expect A Basic account will be an excellent way to test out Evernote's services with a few notes, but is in no way attractive in the long term unless you are a very sparse note-taker The Three main products will be Personal / Professional and Teams at a standard subscription which will vary from country to country based on tax and exchange differences. Existing Free users will be told that unless they subscribe, their account will be viewable but editable only within the new limits. Accounts which have not been accessed for several months will be archived, and those without access for longer may be deleted at some point. Notice should be given to the users at their last known email address. Why any of this is seem as unethical or reprehensible in any way I cannot understand - except that those who are currently using a 'free' service and really don't want to have to pay are obviously going to make a fuss when it ends. While there are arguments that other services are available, they are supported either by advertising or by harvesting user data, or maybe both. Way back to the "buy a drink, get a free lunch" scams back in the 1890's - you either got salty food or expensive drinks - and sometimes both. TANSTAAFL is real! Evernote is under no obligation to create a new product to fit the budget of those who don't want to use its full features - that's a huge extra expense and likely source of future "if only you'd included <insert random feature here>..." discussions. If they didn't cut off the free users in this day and age we'd ALL lose Evernote's services, because the company could not continue. There's no way that a business operation can run a wholly free service used even by a few thousand users much less the infrastructure necessary to support potentially millions of clients. And in that event you'd be moving your data sooner rather than later. (Interestingly I've had about three services that I haven't used in several months tell me recently to log in or lose my account - maybe there's a general run on storage going on.) If Evernote is too expensive - please just find another service you can use in future. If Evernote was 'too complicated' then OneNote or Google Keep should be a good short-term option...
  17. There are a few threads here on this. Current thinking is: try a clean (re-)install / contact Support and wait... 1 - Exit Evernote / delete database from device 2 - Uninstall app with Appcleaner (Mac) or Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) 3 - Power device off / allow 10 seconds / power back on 4 - Download latest Evernote from Evernote.com 5 - Reinstall. It will take a little while for the app to be fully operational
  18. I have a Galaxy Tab 7 on Android EN 10.61 which already has some issues with the app - if I take a picture of a BC (had to search around a bit to find an actual card) I tap on the image and get an option to save it as photo / document (colour or b&w) / Post-it / BC. If I choose the BC option and then save, everything hangs - that doesn't seem to occur on the other options - ymmv.
  19. I don't think it's a question of forcing people to contribute - imagine how much it costs to maintain that many individual accounts with anywhere between 10 and 1,000 notes plus connecting to users if/ when they access their data. I don't think Evernote can avoid keeping existing user notes in free accounts for another 12 months or so, but getting occasional users to move to another service if they're determined not to pay Evernote should massively reduce the number of daily connections to the system. f some existing free users decide to subscribe that's extra icing on the cake; but not carrying this unsustainable drain on resources should improve subscriber experiences across the board
  20. I've been a subscriber (currently at Professional) for 15 years - I'll freely acknowledge that I used the free service for a year, but my not-very-deep thought process was that to pay for this meant Evernote... would be around longer could afford to develop new features had some contractual obligations if anything went wrong... The entitlement of some of the comments now a free service may end is rather astonishing...
  21. Same here, but zero lag. I guess everyone affected needs to contact support... and exercise extreme patience!
  22. I can confirm the experience, but (being in the UK) don't subscribe to the WSJ. The connection is being refused at their end, so you might ask someone there...
  23. Using any of the features means you're connecting to their servers and storing notes there, plus getting access from anywhere - the annual cost is only a little more than a streaming TV service or (here in the UK) a couple of cups of coffee a week. Well worth it for me - plus it means Evernote is likely to be around for a while longer!
  24. If that was a routine update, it may have gone wrong. I'm using 10.67.2 with no great delays - maybe try a clean reinstall? Dump the database, uninstall with Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac), restart the device/ reinstall from Evernote.com, sign back in
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