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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. This is going wildly off topic folks - please start another thread if you want to continue. While all of us are entitled to our outlook and opinion, it's not really useful to exercise them here - we'll find out what Evernote is doing when they get good and ready to tell us. I think the current lack of transparency is because everyone is maxed out fixing things - what say we let them get on with it and just get back to making best use of what we have?
  2. That would explain why I got weirded out earlier - try typing "# test" (without the quotes) and hit return - see what happens!
  3. There used to be something about Internet Explorer settings (it was a while ago) needing to be correctly set - but checking my (ugh) Edge a search for Internet Settings still turns up an IE compatibility section... MS have some good troubleshooting tools - why not try them? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/fix-network-connection-issues-in-windows-166a28c4-14c1-bdb1-473c-09c1571455d8 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/fix-wi-fi-connection-issues-in-windows-9424a1f7-6a3b-65a6-4d78-7f07eee84d2c
  4. This is my new tasks view - don't know what magic I worked to avoid a Sunday start
  5. You've not mentioned what these errors were so we can't really judge how serious they might be - and all subscribers get the same support service, which is normally a day or so before a response. Since the new owners may have guessed wrong about their support needs - and how panicked lots of users became - they got a bit overwhelmed and its more like 15 days. I mentioned before how difficult it can be to claw your way out of that situation, having done it a time or two in my 40 years or so in IT with Allianz and Fujitsu. Sorry you were inconvenienced - enjoy OneNote.
  6. Try creating a new note on the Android affected - a small update might be very low-priority on a connection that's already kept as much in the background as possible so as not to affect other uses of the device.
  7. Some information like what's your Device / OS / Evernote version, and which menus you have used to export your note(s)?
  8. Maybe you should ask for help then?
  9. You could try a full-on Clean Reinstall... 1 - Exit Evernote (if you can) / delete data from device 2 - Uninstall app with Appcleaner (Mac) or Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) 3 - Power device off / allow 10 seconds / power back on 4 - Download latest Evernote from Evernote.com 5 - Reinstall. It will take a little while for the app to be fully operational If you have any issues deleting Evernote data, see: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004231762-Remove-Evernote-data-from-your-Mac-or-Windows-device
  10. I assume you received a standard response, not a specific reply to your submission; sounds like they're trying to make sure that if there is any additional information available it gets added to the ticket before anyone even starts to deal with it. If you're sure there's no more to give, then maybe just wait until you do get a direct response? PS - Your post is not the topic for this thread. If you need any support from the Forums please choose something relevant or create your own!
  11. I get that everyone is upset that their nice free lunch got taken away, but since I've been paying for 15+ years for - apparently - pretty much the same service you've been taking advantage of for free, my view is a little jaundiced. You appear to have been lucky enough to enjoy several years' worth of service at zero cost. Sorry, but Evernote can't afford that level of charity any longer. Welcome to the subscribers club.
  12. I cheat - I use a text expander (Phrase Express) and assigned some emoji to key combinations.
  13. Hmmn. I can see where that would be very annoying. I'd suggest next time this happens, download your activity log and contact Support - which, unless there's a major change, wont get you a quick response - but at least it gets the matter in their hands. Meantime maybe tag your notes for their destination notebook as well as any other tags you might add - an emoji (🔸<name>) would make all the 'notebook' tags easy to find as a group, and then you could move the pre-processed notes in blocks rather than individually. Maybe.
  14. Evernote don't sell user data or allow in-app promotions - unlike all the other "free" apps out there. I appreciate that you're unhappy to have lost your free service, but the company can't afford to allow users to virtually run a business off free software. According to the announcement, the 50 note limit was set to cover most free users anyway. It's enough to get a feel for whether or not you want to use the app properly. If you do, you subscribe - just like most other providers out there.
  15. Yup - AFAIK snippets does exactly what it implies - it's where all the smaller images for note snippets are created and stored.
  16. Hi. Updates can fail for a number of non-Evernote reasons. Glad you were able to fix it.
  17. I think there's another update out there - try downloading from Evernote.com?
  18. Please don't post the same problem multiple times. Export should work if you're using the installed desktop app.
  19. You can't 'leave' something you're not paying for. And if a lot of free users find another service, that will only free up resources for actual subscribers to use. Services will get faster and costs will come down...
  20. Hi. And are you using the web version or the installed desktop app? This may help - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557 Exports only work from the installed app.
  21. I'm at 63,200 (ish) notes now and don't see any major issues. I deal with duplicates and old notes as and if I see them. Natural wastage has kept my note total close to 62,000 for the past few years, growing very slowly.
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