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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Sorry I don't understand why you think the app is holding subscriber content 'hostage' - as long as you have a valid payment method and your subscription is up to date, you always have access to all your notes. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Bye.
  2. Hi. Try signing out of Evernote and back in / powering your device off and on again to jump start the new account. If you paid over the holidays it's entirely possible that the banks haven't transferred the funds to their accounts yet, so updates might take a few days. To yell at them or demand a refund (we're just other users here) you'll need to contact Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" (It may take some time for them to respond)
  3. Hi. If you don't have your security information or a backup you'll need Support (which is not the Forums here) to look into it. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" (It may take some time for them to respond)
  4. Hi. When you are logged in this is the way to change the address - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313338 If you're getting 'already in use' messages it means you have another account with Evernote using that address. If you don't have any information about that account you'll need Support (which is not the Forums here) to look into it. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" (It may take some time for them to respond) This page has more information about Google log-ins: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/230436427 Your notes are never 'lost' - they're safe on the server until you can get your access back.
  5. Hi. The only thing I can suggest is that you sit side-by-side with your friend and compare the way in which you share notes. If it is identical, maybe the app on your device is faulty - try a complete uninstall / power off and on again / reinstall...
  6. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? Screenshot(s) of error message(s)?
  7. There's no such thing - every company wants to be paid when you use their services.
  8. Depends on how you're changing the note. Each note is unique - wherever you view it from, you're seeing the same content. So changes to the body of the note will always appear no matter how you access it. If you change the title though, any link showing the title will display the old version, while the note will show the new one. The link is through the note's numerical ID, not the actual words.
  9. Hi. If you have another device connected, like a 'phone or a tablet, have you tried there? (Beware you're only allowed to connect from two devices on the free service)
  10. There is one (with various options) here... https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/evernote-2024-calendar-template-new
  11. Evernote follows the language set by your system. There will undoubtedly be Italian speakers in Support (probably now based in Milan). I just use https://www.google.com/search?q=translate+italian+to+english for foreign language queries...
  12. Depending on how many items you will have in your ToC notes, I'd suggest creating a notebook for each item, then your related notes can be created in that notebook and you'll be able to see a connected list each time you open that notebook. If you expect to have multiple tables of content, you could consider creating a Stack instead: so your Business stack will contain notebooks like Employees / Products / Customers and your Hobbies stack could contain Stamps / Photography / Recipes... The important thing is to start your system. You'll quickly find out whether or not it will work. If not - try a different system!
  13. From the current blog... https://evernote.com/blog/2023-recap They seem pretty focussed so far...
  14. Generalised tip too... I haven't used Excel in ages so was rusty on some formula uses. I asked an AI (as I have a lot in the past several months) "Using Excel, how do I..." (in this case it was a complicated split for the contents of a cell.) I think AI firms are getting tired of people using their service for practical lookups, because initially I got the "I'm only a text look-up service not a technical expert" push off, so rephrased the query "Assume that you are an Excel expert. How would you..." - And immediately got four options, one of which used a feature I wasn't even aware had been added to Excel! You can assume that AI has read all the manuals and user guides in the world - if you want to know how to do something in any software: ask an AI! That does come with the caveat that you use the answer at your own risk, and should check it very carefully against a COPY of your data before you commit... but that's true of my own fumbling steps in coding. Plus sometimes explaining very clearly to a dumb AI exactly what it is that you want to do may unlock your own solution!
  15. Weatherwise we're good (so far!) - didn't realise you were so close: I'm in Newport, just across the river. As you say - windy, wet and miserable. No very high winds yet... As far as the software changes are concerned (and yes, I was drawing a parallel there) - I would respectfully disagree that Evernote needs to apologise for their Support overload; they're only human. While it would have been good to anticipate the extra contacts and staff up in advance, I suspect they didn't foresee all the upgrades they were required to make to an allegedly operational system. Regardless, what's done is done and they'll make their own decisions as to the next step(s). Beyond adding to the QoL points I don't think there's much benefit to jumping up and down and shouting for different new or improved features. Evernote took on (though they clearly didn't quite appreciate it) an enormous job to get the app back on track in terms of operations and usability. They already have a new UI in development and no doubt that will cause some reactions from users - I'm fully expecting a 'Save v10! - it was much better this new 11!!' movement soon... Basically I'm still in 'wait and see' mode. The v10 app works well enough for me in Win 10/11 and Android, and I'm keen to see what else is going to be released in '24. Things should only get better from here....
  16. Don't know if its related, but my area of the UK got flagged for a Tornado warning - if anyone wants me tomorrow I'll be in my bunker...
  17. Yup - local notebooks are no longer a 'thing'. You can save onto an external HD or a different cloud and keep the link in Evernote, or rely on their encryption and jump onto the net storage.
  18. Hi. Try Appcleaner to remove all traces of Evernote and reinstall from there...
  19. Hi. You were recently having trouble logging in to your account, then wanted to know how to organise your colleagues to use the same tags, and now you want to blank the account? The easy way WHICH WILL DELETE ALL YOUR NOTES ON ALL YOUR DEVICES is to literally select notes and notebooks and delete them from your account. Empty the Trash Notebook, and your account will be completely empty.
  20. I'm happy to confess I know absolutely nothing about how Evernote works in detail (I have my doubts that they do sometimes...) so I guess we'll have to wait and see...
  21. Hi. That's a common problem in shared systems. There are probably other suggestions, but my top 3 would be Publish a 'pattern' for contributors to follow - something like <date(YYMMDD)><reference><Title> Have one person in each team review all new contributions so that there at least one constant style is applied Publish a central list of all permitted tags and require that any changes or additions be cleared by a supervisor
  22. Ah. I forgot this bit! - When you copy a note link, paste it into the note to which it relates, then copy that link into any other document. You should see a "live" link which will be the title of your note. - But if you forget or prefer a bare text link, paste / Ctrl K / paste again will create a link from the text.
  23. Yep - hope for the best / plan for the worst is my continuing motto for 2024!
  24. ...and if you're already free user (I checked using my test account) you'll get offered up to a 40% discount off the first year. So $9 (ish) a month. Still a lot more than free, but a handy safety belt if you need time to examine what's going to be your best option... EDIT: OK Caveat time - the 40% discount applies to annual payments which are now in the $77 range and the equivalent of $6.50/ month. Monthly payments are still $14.99.
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