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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Have you tried uninstalling the app, powering the device off and back on, then reinstalling?
  2. Not how it works for me, either. I would have suggested that you uninstall with Revo Uninstaller, power the device off and on again and then reinstall, but if this solved your issue, that shouldn't be necessary now.
  3. So: the basics. Device? OS? Evernote version? Subscriber?
  4. Support was being overwhelmed before the year-end holidays, and there have been only a few working days over that period so I'd guess they're even more busy. Can't guarantee that flagging your post will do anything special - we're mostly other users here - but hopefully you'll get a reaction soon!
  5. Hi. We're other users here, not Evernote. Note History will have details of your previous content, if it was synced to the server for at least 6 hours before loss. Evernote says backups of note content are taken 'several times per day', so it's not guaranteed. If you notice an unwanted change on any device, the standard 'undo' should work at the time. Otherwise changes are saved to temporary local storage and are probably un recoverable. AFAIK templates cannot be applied to an existing note. The process if to create a new note, apply a template to create the formatting and standard content, then add your own information as necessary. If you highlighted an existing note and then applied a template, it may have simply deleted the current content. If so, Note History is your only possibility. You can try contacting Support, but they were overwhelmed before the end of year holiday period and it may take several days to receive their reply. Use https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - and the issue type "Account"
  6. AFAIK Evernote is still a Goole commercial client, so it's likely that user data and backups are stored in datacentres around the world. You'd have to ask Evernote for anything more - and they're unlikely to be specific or quick to answer. (We're mostly other users here.)
  7. Hi. And congratulations, a new UI is being released shortly.
  8. Hi. Already raised and (I think) fixed in a recent update.
  9. Hi. Contact Support with https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account"
  10. Sorry but all payment queries have to be dealt with by Support - most of us here are other users - and Support have been very very busy for weeks. If you can pay by another means, maybe that will work - but otherwise you would have to contact Support.
  11. Mainly users here - to talk to Evernote please contact Support. (Though they're a little busy...)
  12. Best advice would be to find your ticket here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ and tag on a reminder. No one actually knows what's going on there at the moment...
  13. Hmmn. OK - no clue. Sorry - if it doesn't work for you, you can either subscribe or find another provider. I got nothing.
  14. Notes that haven't been changed will not contain a date; so <clientname> -2024 (forinstance) might be a start. I know things 'should' work, but if they don't and a bit of lateral thinking can come up with a workaround... <clientname> 2024 will find all the notes actually changed in january (or at least from now on) and either version of the search can be added to tags or note details to narrow down results. just suggesting...
  15. Ahh... OK then; try Appcleaner to remove the app / power the device off and on again / reinstall from Evernote.com. That seems to reach bits that a standard uninstall will not...
  16. Maybe start entering the date with each actual change to a note? (Alt+Shift+D) - then at least you have an accurate timeline for the future...
  17. The current owners only had less than a year at the table , and they mostly spent that fixing things up. More, they say, will follow...
  18. @Boot17 Thanks! With that incentive I can now confirm that Troubleshooting still exists in 10.72.2 - but it's hidden behind Ctrl and Shift ! (ie Ctrl+Shift+Help)... and once I triggered it, the additional menu is still available under 'help' (?) - Maybe it will disappear again when I restart... Hmmn. And to be fair to @TerryGrey it's just my assumption that the post is AI based, but it does look very like it - and it's still misleading...
  19. Hi. Do your devices have enough storage to hold all your notes? Does your account show they have been downloaded?
  20. I believe your question was answered as far as we users know in the link posted above - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313618-How-to-find-to-do-notes-checklists-
  21. Hi. You can wait out the suspension or subscribe again for access. The device limit has been in place for years.
  22. Hi. Thanks for the detail, though we're not support and it's not helpful here. Best advice would be to uninstall the app and then reinstalll from Evernote.com. EDIT: also please don't post twice I deleted your other note on this.
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