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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Most likely "cost-benefit aware" would be more appropriate. Note that Evernote staffer @Matt W. did express some enthusiasm for the feature earlier in the topic, but decisions are likely made elsewhere (and no offense to Matt, of course). Thank you. Not everyone does.
  2. Just to be clear, this is something that can be done independent of the editors, common or no. Duplicate finding would operate on note content, which has always been available via the API. Modulo that nitpick, I've upvoted.
  3. It could not. This is a novel definition of the term that you will probably not find in the dictionary. Ignorance is that 'state or fact of being ignorant', not of ignoring someone else. In any case, you're not being ignored; your desires for SD support have not being implemented, true enough, but that's not the same thing, unless you wish them to come back and report "no progress on this" for everyone who posts here. They've stated their stance in their first reply (and in the referenced FAQ); if it changes, we'll know about it then. BTW, you're paying for the Evernote service, not for the ability to have all of your feature requests implemented. While that would be grand, you won't find it in your user agreement. In addition, the stated reason for not implementing SD support is "security and performance"; you're not being told "over and over" that it's for security concerns, unless you really like going back and re-reading the first reply to the original post. Personally, I'd be curious to know more about both of the security and performance issues, but that doesn't seem to be forthcoming; I can live with that; I'll take them at their word. In any case, this would be a nice option to have for the Android client. I upvoted this request. Did you?
  4. Funny, the feature exists in the Evernote Windows client version 6.5 as of 3/21/17, as this indicates. This is not just "some day" talk, though it's also not exactly the same as the 'selective sync notebooks' concept. That has been an option for the mobile clients (Android and iOS for years, as you know, because of obvious memory limitations on those devices. I don't follow the Mac product, you're on your own there. But hey, you're not an Evernote user any more, so ???
  5. And why not just vote this existing request up?
  6. I could have been a little more specific there. Note also that you can delete your own posts: You should see an 'Options' link directly under your post; if you click it, you should see a 'Delete' link...
  7. Moved to web client Product Feedback forum
  8. Ah, OK, my mistake. I don't know any way to do this at all then.
  9. Please search the forum for 'linux' to find an existing feature request for a Linux client, and add your vote, rather than making new requests. There are several.
  10. If you add the term "-resource:application/pdf" to your search, this will exclude PDFs. I know of no other way to do this in the Evernote clients that I use (Windows, Android, web).
  11. What are the limitations? Evernote-written clients also use the Evernote API, right?
  12. And adjectives and keywords have not been used successfully and happily by millions for years? Pretty much all of the new "debate" is rehash of the prior discussions. Bottom line: Evernote made a design choice; it works for many, but not for all. Hey, user choice!! Er, horses for courses. And maybe dead horses for some...
  13. Keep watching the Evernote Blog. You never know...
  14. Well, another inconsequential tempest in a rusty teapot, driven by fake facts and misguided opinion... Current thread status: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdf5EXo6I68
  15. Word on Windows certainly allows you to make multiple selections and apply the same style to all of them. It also allows you to make columnar selections and manipulate those as well. Some code editors can do this sort of stuff as well; Visual Studio can certainly do columnar selection/editing.
  16. It would help if you posted some examples of sites you are having problems with, and what operating system/version you are using.
  17. Moved to Feature Requests zone. Should probably be merged with the topic in the above post, as it's essentially the same thing.
  18. Many things that involve programming and seem simple are not straightforward at all. In this instance, picking out author, date,and other metadata from a web page's text can be non-trivial indeed. What if the language is not English? Then you need to recognize whatever "written by" translates to in that language. What if there are multiple phrases "written by" in the text with different names that follow, plus maybe "author", "published by" etc, etc.? Which one do you choose? What if there's a phrase "written by an Italian poet from the 13th century"? Disambiguating plain text is not easy. That's why HTML has metadata (data about the content), so that the content provider can describe the content for a machine that reads it in a standard way. See, e.g., HTML <meta> tag. No question that this is useful data to have as part of your note, for sure, but getting it reliably is important as well. Scraping the content may accomplish that all that well....
  19. It does seem likely that it's being turned from text into an RGB value at run-time, so the hex sequence 0xFFFFFF for that particular setting may not be found in the any of the executable's disk images. So it could be "255, 255, 255", "255,255,255", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFF,0xFF,0xFF", "0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF", "#FFFFFF", "#ffffff", etc., etc. in Evernote.exe, or possibly a separate DLL. The sequence "255, 255, 255", in ASCII, is certainly found numerous times in Evernote.exe, but my patience for spelunking this stuff is pretty low, particularly since I don't find pure white to be objectionable.
  20. My scenario isn't a family, but I use two accounts, one for personal use, and one for my work, with shared notebooks between the two accounts; my personal account is Premium, the work account is Basic. This works well for me. I don't care about Microsoft products -- it's a false comparison: they don't do the same thing (the new word for that these days is "whataboutism"). If MS's suite did what you wanted, then we wouldn't be having this discussion; you'd just be using them. With shared accounts, you control the costs for your family. Your assumption is that everyone needs a paid account, but that's not a necessity. Of course, if you're paying out extra bucks for all of Junior's extra devices, then a Plus account shouldn't be much of an additional added cost. I'd call this a "nice-to-have", at best. In my usage, notebook creation is a very rare occurrence, so managing sharing is not a huge deal to me. Too many notebooks in Evernote, in my philosophy, means "you're doing it wrong" (I almost never create a new notebook unless one is absolutely required; I have ~25 across two accounts, and I'd have fewer if I weren't so lazy about combining notebooks that really should be together.). I'd guess that the actual need for sharing would be pretty rare: how many notebooks do you really need for your family? Granted, I'd be swapping tag management for notebook management, which is a bit of a different issue. In any case, why wouldn't a single "Family" notebook suffice? Much easier to manage, and shared reminders would fit in there nicely. Ok, maybe you want a shared notebook with your spouse, private from the kids; but that's a separate sharing arrangement than the one you use for everyone. And maybe a notebook shared between the parents and each child separately (so little Timmy has a separate one from little Sally). You still need to manage sharing... I don't see any problem here. You're going to be uploading as much with any family account as with any shared account scenario. Uploads are uploads (new content + updates to edited notes), not storage. Bandwidth is the same either way: you use zero extra bandwidth due to sharing notebooks. *shrug* Not really seeing it, nor am I seeing much of a compelling reason for Evernote to offer such a product ;it costs time and money for them to develop new UI, training, support for such things. But good luck.
  21. As mentioned above, use of separate accounts with notebook sharing should work fine. Any of the accounts may be a paid account, so you can control costs on your own. I don't see a huge need for Evernote to provide a separate family plan. It's extra cost to Evernote to create and administer new plan types, and for what gain? But just to explore it further, a question: what would the proposed family plan have that the approach that uses separate accounts w/shared notebooks lacks? The only downside I can think of is the fact that you cannot create tags in someone else's account. And maybe the device limit on free accounts.
  22. So what you probably should do is to add a feature request in the appropriate forum (probably Windows Desktop Product Feedback) so that other users can upvote it, comment, whatever (of course checking first to see whether someone else has already added the same request, in which case you can add your vote and comments to that topic).
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