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Everything posted by jefito

  1. The Evernote hotkey is Win+PrtScr -- you see it when you right-click on the Evernote icon, next to "Clip Screenshot". Not sure what the standard Windows equivalent is. You can click on the desktop to clip the whole screen, or click on a window to clip that, or drag to clip an area on the screen.
  2. The Evernote screenshot clipper can do this as well. The default shortcut key is Win+PrtScr, though you can change that. When I use this (rather than right-clicking on the Evernote icon), open menus are locked in place and are captured in the screen clip.With the left mouse button down you can use Ctrl or Shift to modify the destination as above (Evernote, clipboard, desktop). I could see that having a configurable default destination would be handy, since I use the Ctrl=clipboard destination most often, but that would require having a keyboard modifier to select the Evernote destination. As it is, I'm used to the way it works now, and like the flexibility in being able to change clip destinations -- I use all three in my software development duties, and it's really handy.
  3. Already exists in the Windows client: try holding down the Ctrl key while you're dragging to send the clip to the clipboard; i.e., * Clip screenshot... * With the left mouse button down, hold down the Ctrl key, and drag to the other corner (notice that the prompt now says "to clipboard"), then let the left mouse button up. Your clip is on the clipboard, and not in Evernote as a new note Similarly, holding down the Shift key will send the clip to the desktop as a .png file (I think, that's configurable via the registry though)
  4. Note: this is a Windows-specific subforum. But anyways, a multi-user computer should have separate accounts set up for each user. Evernote will locate each user's database separately, and all will be well. Log in to your account, use Evernote, log out of your account. Or log in, use Evernote, sleep your account, someone else can log into their account separately. Or whatever. I'm sure it all works this way, or similarly, on Macs.
  5. Whoa, that might just do it. I don't think anyone's tried sarcasm before...
  6. Appears to be Mac-only. Is that true? (this is a Windows-specific subforum).
  7. Look for posts in this topic by 'engberg' (you can use the search box above). He -- Dave Engberg -- was the CTO of Evernote for a long time (gone about a year, I think), and about as official as you're probably going to get here, as Evernote tends not to pre-announce features until they're close to shipping (sometimes you can get clues from following beta releases). I can't remember whether any other Evernote staffer has contributed to this topic or not, but engberg was pretty definitive. My usual advice is is to use an application if it works for you today, and don't wait and hope on future features.
  8. What criterion? You can create saved searches that encapsulate most search filters...
  9. Sorting isn't always based on numerical order. See, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collation. Note that Evernote sorts tags in a case insensitive order ('a' and 'A' sort to the same slot, even though they have different numerical values). Note also that Evernote uses UTF, not ASCII. You may need to use trial-and-error to determine the special character that you seek, unless someone here has already solved it (I haven't).
  10. I'll add a caution that sorting of special (i.e., non-alphanumeric) may vary by Evernote platform.
  11. Tag + shortcut: this is a canonical Evernote technique; simple and effective. Tags can cut across notebooks, so notes need not be moved around.
  12. If you absolutely need this, then the best way around it is to have a second account on your space-limited machine, and share notebooks from your full account to the other account. It's not a perfect solution, but it does have the effect of giving you control over which notebooks appear on that machine. The Demand Sync is new in the latest Windows beta, I don't have any feel as to how well that works, but it might be worth a try.
  13. Evernote can export to HTML just fine. Microsoft Word can read HTML documents just fine.
  14. I've always felt that this behavior is pretty funky. It's not fatal for my use case, though (I share between a personal and a work account", but it is occasionally annoying, and I never figured out the rationale behind it. So I have some duplicate tags in the various tag lists; fortunately, a search for a particular tag will pick up notes that have that tag in both accounts, which is what I want anyhow. If you think it's a design flaw, then you should make a feature request in one of the forums dedicated to such (there's one in the main forum, and one for each individual Evernote client OS). Tags are certainly useful across different notebooks in a single account, if that's the context you referring to. Tags are unique inside an Evernote account, period. Since you can't prevent different accounts from having the same tag names, uniqueness across an account and any notebooks shared to it cannot possibly be enforced. You cannot tag a notebook; you can only tag notes in a notebook. When you attempt to tag a note that's in a notebook that's shared to you, you may only choose from the set of tags that the notes in the notebook contains. Otherwise, the tag will be rejected, since you cannot add tags to someone else's notebook.
  15. The response (based on my ~8 years of forum participation) would likely be something like: "Thanks for the suggestion. We read all posts, though we don't respond to all of them, and feature requests are evaluated for addition into Evernote's products. We do not usually comment on or release plans for future feature inclusion". Or, as it says at the top of the forum: I see 0 votes for this feature currently. You should add yours.
  16. As a point of practicality, sorting 500 to-dos is a fool's game. Don't do it. You cannot do 500 things at once, so focus on the top few; the rest don't matter. Grade them into several buckets, e.g.: critical, high, medium, low, using tags, and then attack the critical ones. By the time you're done with those, you may have more todos, or the remaining todos may have changed priority, so reload from the next highest bucket, and repeat. Spend your time doing things, not calculating priorities.
  17. And you're expecting exactly what from the Evernote Twitter feed?
  18. This puzzles me. Round-tripping to me means that I can start a note in Marxico, edit in Evernote, and be able to continue in Marxico again and be able to pick up in Evernote, all without losing content. According to the Marxico site: If this is true, then round-tripping is not supported by Marxico. Once you add content to Evernote using Marxico, you need to always then use Marxico to edit that content. Which is swell, except that I edit notes on my mobile devices as well.
  19. As far as I can tell, Marxico doesn't really support round-tripping MarkDown <--> Evernote. Once it's in Evernote, and you make changes there, then getting Markdown back can be problematic, since Evernote can use pretty full HTML. If it works for you, then that's great (or or if I'm not understanding their web site then please correct me), but let's be careful about turning this into something that it's not.
  20. Maybe, but that's not what the original poster asked for as far as I can tell, nor what I replied to.
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