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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Curious. I'm wondering whether we're talking about the same situation here. Here's my scenario: Notebook N is in my account. I have notebook S that's shared to this account. I have a note that has tag T in N. If I move that to S, and S doesn't contain a note tagged with T, then T is removed from the note when I move it to S. This makes sense to me, since you can't create a new tag in a notebook that's shared to you. If, on the other hand,T does exist on a note in S, then the note is still tagged with T when I move it to S. I tested these with my accounts on my Windows machine.
  2. Unsurprisingly, the tags will be deleted, since you cannot create new tags in someone else's notebook. If I understand what you're asking for, if you have a tag that exists in your account, then moving a note with that tag to someone else's notebook that has at least one note with that tag will preserve the tag in the note. Only the tag name matters; it doesn't matter where it came from.
  3. By replying, I didn't mean to insult you; I certainly questioned a couple of things you wrote, and I disagreed with a couple of others. This is a public forum, and different viewpoints are common and expected; sometimes disagreements are caused by misunderstanding or lack of clarity, sometimes by not knowing the problem domain, and sometimes it really is just different preferences/beliefs. Discussion can still happen most of the time, hopefully. I do understand that people have learned to do things differently by widespread use of file folders, but I think that most of us here can learn to use different methodologies (e.g. tags) as well if our preferences aren't provided for, provided that the tool at hand provides some greater benefit for using it. Of course, it's certainly fair game to ask for new features or improvements, but they may never come (nested notebooks have been fervently requested for over 8 years now, and Evernote rarely provides timelines for future features), so we're really stuck with the tool we have now, with its hierarchical tags and flat folders (that's kind of the it-is-what-it-is clause). Moreover, Evernote's capabilities and best uses aren't always known to newer users -- they sometimes even escape longtime users like me and others here -- so sometimes you may get explanation about capabilities that you may already know about. Anyhow, I apologize if I gave offense.
  4. Does this have anything to do with Evernote?
  5. And yet you use adjectives, which are entirely similar. Tags are designed to be like keywords: to describe the content of some larger document. They're really quite simple in that respect. But the bonus is that you can use Evernote's tags for organization as well. I don't see the problem. How are they too cumbersome? I clip or add some content, select one or more tags and put it into one of a small number of notebooks. Easy. To find it, I don't aim to search to narrow to exactly one note; narrowing it down to <10 will do, using a combination of tags and text, which is not complex. I do the same thing with web searches. ?? If I apply a tag to a note, I can go straight to that tag and I know that the note will always be there. Sure, strict hierarchical systems (which nested notebooks would be) are straightforward but they're not as flexible as tagging systems, since items may validly belong to more than one hierarchy. Tags can handle that situation nicely in a way that hierarchies can't. For people who really want to build hierarchical structures, you can do that with Evernote's tags too. I don.t but many people do.
  6. I like to run Evernote barebones...
  7. Not sure why you posted this here; doesn't seem to have anything to do with Evernote. 3rd Party Application Discussions or Off Topic Discussions would probably have been more appropriate forums for this information.
  8. No, there is not. You can open a note as a separate window by either double clicking on it in the note view, or right-clicking on the note in the note view and selecting "Open Note", or by using Ctrl+Enter in the note.. Also "Open in a New Window" is the first option in the main menu's Note submenu. Not sure what you mean by "context"; I think that you lose the current cursor position and selection in the new window; it's not a problem for me as I tend not to have long notes.
  9. There is no support in Evernote for internal note links (what is called an "anchor tag" in HTML). This has been requested before.
  10. Moved to Feature Request forum so that you can now vote on it...
  11. This is kinda a pain, and it's somewhat explained in the search grammar reference (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php), but it would certainly be handy to have better Evernote search facilities, including this one. Upvoted.
  12. This is part of the Evernote web clipper product. Do you still have it installed? Are you logged in? Do you have the Web Clipper Options 'Show Evernote content related to my web searches' checked?
  13. There's no built in way to hide notes in Evernote, but one way to go about this is to have separate work and personal accounts, so you can enforce separation. If you need to see one account's notebooks in the other account, then you can share them across. I've been doing this for several years, and it works fine. Not sure that I agree with that, but if it's important to you, then all you need to do is click your heels together three times take advantage of Evernote's existing facilities, at least until such time as they implement some sort of note hiding facility, if they ever do.
  14. When you ask a question on the forums, it's important to mention which Evernote client you are using (Windows, Mac, Android, OS, web), so that we can help you better.
  15. Looks like a mismatch in the tool tray icon menu and the Evernote options dialog: "Capture screen" is "Clip screenshot"; I'd call that a bug. Set the "Capture screen" shortcut key in Options to whatever you like (though Win+PrtScr is apparently not kosher on Win 10), and you should be good to go (Evernote should detect this, I feel). I am using Win+Shift+S.
  17. @EdH : hey, Ed, did you ever get this to work? I really believe that the Evernote web clipper does all of the things that you seem to want here...
  18. May depend on the client: In the Windows client, "stack:A" works fine. For other clients (Android and the web), this doesn't seem to work. I can't speak for iOS or MacOS. I think it's just a bit of user-friendliness that the Windows folks added -- it's useful, but not a good thing if you use other clients as well, e.g. when you use it in a saved search. Seems like it would be a nice thing to have everywhere.
  19. How about a tag workaround? A 'star' character is a little awkward; using '*' would not really work, and using a Unicode character (★) might not be easy to work with, but maybe the '$' character would work. So, five new tags: '$', '$$', '$$$', '$$$$', and '$$$$$'. You can search for these explicitly ('find all 2-star notes': tag:'$$') or using wildcards (find all 4-star or better notes: : tag:$$$$*).
  20. Try using the "Go back in history" toolbar button (it's a '<' on your toolbar; if it's not there, you should add it, it's useful). Click once to go back, or hold it down to see the whole history. Alt+LeftArrow is a shortcut to go back in history. A tip: it's more useful to use search to filter your note list down to something more manageable 10 +/- 5 or so notes. Trawling through long lists is tedious and slow. Using tags can help with this a lot.
  21. If you right-click on the Evernote tool tray icon, what does the menu say next to "Clip screenshot"? If it says "Win+PrtScr", and you're on Win 10, that may be a problem, because I believe that Win 10 reserves Win+PrtScr for its own use. Try changing it to something else (I have Win+Shift+S configured on my Win 10 box).
  22. Yep, does for me. Single click on the desktop to clip the whole thing, single click on a window to clip that window, left mouse down/drag / release to clip an area. Everything I've mentioned in this topic, I verified before I wrote it. All work with a menu open: the open menu is captured as well. Are you sure that you're using the shortcut that's configured for the Evernote screen clipper? Interestingly, when I clipped the whole screen (click on the desktop), that clipped both screens of my dual screen setup at work, but only the primary one in my dual screen setup here at home when I clicked on the primary desktop, though both screens when I clicked on the secondary desktop at home. Not sure what that's about (might be a difference between OS's: Win Server 2008 at work, Win 10 at home), but I wouldn't call either a fail.
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