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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Let's get one fact straight here: the term "Guru" is chosen by Evernote based on number of forum posts, and not any special knowledge of how Evernote works. That's all it is -- you could be one, too. That being said, a lot of the people with the 'Guru' tag -- DTLow most definitely included -- are indeed often helpful to other users. Flip side, we too are forum users, just like you, and have opinions that we're allowed to express here in the forums. All in all, the request is valid, but Evernote hasn't chosen to implement it. If you're ok with the way that Evernote manages your data's end-to-end security then cool. If you're not -- and that's entirely valid as well --- then you should consider using a different product, as it's not clear that this situation will change any time soon. We should all have tools that work for us, and which we can trust. As usual, your mileage may vary from mine...
  2. Your computer certainly has password protection. Is there some reason you don't use it? What DTLow said about text encryption.
  3. Have you filed a bug with NixNote?
  4. A web search on 'web clip to pdf' turned up a number of possible solutions -- have you tried any? Once you have a PDF, then you'd save it to an Evernote import folder, you'd have it.
  5. You should also be aware of the matching keyboard shortcuts: Alt+LeftArrow (go back in history) and Alt+RIghtArrow (go forward in history).
  6. It's certainly useful when editing code, but code is typically edited in mono-spaced typefaces all in one point size. Not quite as useful when using typefaces that are variably-spaced (and may also contain a mix a mix of point sizes).
  7. This is not universally true. If your application is I/O bound, then the I/O may very well dominate running time. For compute-intensive applications, then 64-bit will probably be faster. It really depends on what your application is doing. Evernote is probably a mix; remember, Evernote runs on a SQlite database. Without doing some benchmarking or profiling, it's hard to know for sure. Is the infamous lag-while-searching problem due to I/O or to searching through a large in-memory cache (and is that cache well-designed, and the algorithms well-chosen, which is an entirely different set of criteria and mainly independent of word size)? And let's not that Windows system calls incur their own overhead. Where I work, we support 32- and 64-bit versions of a large-ish GIS application that can suck in huge amounts of data (think large Lidar point clouds). I'll take 64-bits any day, particularly once all of that data gets into memory. The release versions of our executables are actually roughly the same size (~60MB, plus ~210MB of DLLs). The pain points for supporting both models have mainly been getting compatible libraries for the things we do.
  8. Did you verify that the file "C:\Users\Ray\Evernote\Databases\rayz1.exb" exists, and is writable?
  9. Is it correct that your forum account and your Evernote account(s) are wholly separate? That's my understanding anyways. If so, it might be a good idea to change references like 'your Evernote Account' to 'your Evernote forum account'.
  10. Moved to the Feature Request forum so that you encryption lovers can all vote on it, or any of the other note/notebook requests that exist...
  11. I see the source URL displayed at the top-right of the note panel, when the editing tools are not displayed. This is in the newer web client, btw. In the older web client, it was in the info link; but the old web client doesn't appear to be under active development as far as I can tell.
  12. This use case here seems to be independent from the archive issue, at least the way you describe it. There are any number of ways to identify notes specific to specific clients; tags and note titles being pretty popular. Having done that, you could then use an archive tag to further weed out old, irrelevant notes. I will say this about the archive tag workaround, though: I'd guess that most folks who want some kind of archiving scheme want to be able to search current notes by default as their most common use case, but only rarely want to search outdated notes. The archive tag makes the user turn things around, requiring them to explicitly exclude old irrelevant notes in their most common use case. That's not very efficient. My usual approach it to keep a notebook of current projects and tasks, and search that first (could be a stack, I suppose). Once a task is completed, it gets retired to a Journal notebook, and I won't see it unless I really need to. I realize that this may not scale to other folks' organization or work flow. I can sympathize, though this isn't really much of a problem for me.
  13. You bet it's a thing. And that thing is called a "feature request". Standard workarounds: sign out of your Evernote account to lock other users out of your local Evernote instance, or use your Windows OS's Lock facility (Win+L) to lock other users out of your Evernote account. Is there some reason that those aren't adequate for your use case?
  14. ?? You have an account password. You can log out of the Evernote client, which will require you to log back in using the password to see your Evernote content. Not sure I see the problem. ?? So use a long/strong Evernote password. Their bad passwords are their problem. I don't understand the point of that; their passwords won't get them into your Evernote. Hopefully you're not keeping your personal stuff on your work computer. If you are, why are you? I thought that you said that you had free accounts for each of your home and work computers....
  15. This topic, which is admittedly a long one, contains some hints about it from at least one Evernote employee, and some surmise about why it's not a part of Evernote yet. You could read the rest of the topic, or I could recap the surmise again, but maybe yours was just a rhetorical question (though you did say "seriously"), in which case I'd reply "just because that's what Evernote wanted." Funnily enough, current-day hierarchical file systems do not mirror the shape of actual human information particularly well (e.g., many items can belong in multiple locations, not just in a single slot in a tree). And also funnily enough, you can organize your Evernote notes using tags, which are indeed hierarchical as well as being associative. Further, you can link to other notes, and thereby model a network if you want, something which a strict hierarchy cannot do. I put it to you that that ain't necessarily so. Oh wait, you're looking for a blade? Sorry; but Evernote is a screwdriver...
  16. Aside from the off-topic wandering into tagging strategies, I think that relative to the request for embedding a search as a hyperlink, it would be nice to be able to select text in a note and search for it, similar to how you can select text in a web page in Chrome, right-click, and select "Search Google for <blah>". This would allow you do embed the text of a search in a note, and apply the search easily. For extra credit, allow adding the text to the current search, and allow the user to select and apply the selection as a search in either the current notebook/stack context or as an "All Notes" search.
  17. Caveat if you use this technique: you can only match on a tag's prefix, not on a substring inside the tag. I.e., if you use Kitchen Remodel 2017", this will only match queries like "tag:Kit*" or tag "Kit*", but won't match, e.g. "tag:Remodel*", "tag:*Remodel*", "tag:*2017*", etc. That's why I choose to use atomic tags.
  18. I think you need to say "Alexa, enable the My Notebook skill, eh?" [Sorry, gratuitous cheap joke from someone who lives in a US state bordering Canada with lots of French Canadian influence (Maine). No offense intended towards our friends from the North, and hope that you get your Alexa problem resolved.]
  19. Using titles to link project notes together is problematic in my view: you cannot retitle multiple notes at the same time (leading to the brittleness you refer to); using tags seems like a better approach, since you can tag multiple notes at the same time. In any case, I'm not sure why you'd end up with a cluttered mess of tags; you can organize those separately in the tag tree, that matters to you (spending time re-ordering my tag tree is a low-value activity for me, so I rarely do it). I'm also not sure why cleaning up your tags would require you to delete tags; you can move them around your tag tree without breaking any linkages to the notes they apply to, and you can rename them, again without breaking any linkages. Tags your notes accordingly, and don't depend on a tag/title link (tags are independent of titles). This should work fine. On a deeper level, I'd ask whether you've considered using more general atomic tags rather than unique tags for each project/activity. That is,, don't use specific tags like "Kitchen Remodel 2-017". Instead, use simple and general tags in combination to categorize your projects. Have a "Project" tag. Have a "Household" tag. Have a "Remodel" tag. Have a "Family" tag. Have a "Vacation" tag. Have "2016", "2017", and "2018" tags. Have a "Kitchen" tag. And so on, whatever categorizations are meaningful to you. These tags can then be applied in combinations to notes to make things more generally searchable. And add in specific tags, e.g., "Disney" as needed. So a search on "tag:Family tag:vacation tag:2017" will find all family vacations in 2017, a search on "tag:Family tag:vacation tag:Disney" will find all vacations your family has ever taken at Disney. A search on "tag:2017" will locate all 2017 activities. A search on "tag:kitchen tag:remodel" will locate notes related to your kitchen remodel. For each project, have a main note that -- similar to what's suggested above -- embeds the specific search to find all associated notes (each of which you would tag as required); hey, tag the main note with "Overview" so you can locate all project main notes. You can also plug those into ssaved searches as needed.
  20. Or they could be rephrased as "if Evernote doesn't have all of the features that you require, then you should consider using using some other application", which is a sensible approach for many things in life, including software applications. But the fact of the matter is that they haven't ignored the request. In the Windows client, at least, they've implemented some shortcuts for Markdown-like input (let's not even get into a discussion of the fact that "deciding to not implement at this time" does not mean the same thing as "ignoring"). On the other hand, I think that a full Markdown implementation might not be as feasible as some folks think; round-tripping between Markdown and Evernote format appears to be problematic. Evernote has evidently chosen to put their development resources into other areas. This makes a certain amount of sense due to the presence of an existing Markdown/Evernote solution, the Marxico editor. Evernote focuses on what it does best (including supporting 3rd party developers), and the Marxico developer focuses they do best (Markdown editing). Everyone should always consider their options. Fortunately for you, Evernote still lets you use their service for free...
  21. Yea, that hasn't been applicable in a lot of years (I started with DOS 1, so even before file directories).
  22. I use Android mainly for viewing notes, not for creating notes, and even that in a fairly limited way. The desktop is where I create note and use them more actively. And I use reminder notes to keep notes in a sort of "notes I 'm currently interested in" state.
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