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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Just the single note, and I believe there is some verbiage along the lines that once the AI work has been done, the content of the note is deleted. It is also recommended that Evernote not be used for password storage and instead use a password app such as 1Password instead. Also, consider activating 2FA on your Evernote account, if not already done, to further protect it.
  2. Yet they have reinvented things like super and subscript and highlighter in six colors. Not everyone is content with the status quo. Workflowy is a great tool, with its own set of limitations, but is available now as a (and I agree with @Frédéric Sagaer) cumbersome workaround. The hope and request is the team will, at some point, eventually work on further modernizing the editor and implement some features that some of the newer note apps have found reasonable and maybe even desirable to include.
  3. I think customization can be different such as which widgets are selected and their order, but you are still limited to one scratchpad, calendar and pinned note.
  4. Is the AI all done in house, or farmed out to another company?
  5. Both plans do allow customization but differ as to degree. There is a more detailed comparison chart out there somewhere that I’ve seen. I still think this is in error but am interested in what support tells you.
  6. That would be surprising to me but welcome. Let's see if it sticks around. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  7. Interesting. I recently dropped from professional to personal due to the price increase and I was dropped back to one pinned note, one scratch pad, and one calendar. I haven't tried 10.61.1 yet (I'm a little gun-shy on new versions at the moment). I'd like to think this is a new change, but it is likely an error that will be corrected in a future release.
  8. However, after I posted this, it appears that new web clips were being added to my shortcuts. A close and reopening of Evernote did fit it. I've seen this a couple of times now. Maybe something new in 10.61.7?
  9. I haven't noticed a difference. It is hard to tell, but I don't think mine looks as light as yours.
  10. If you use recurring tasks, like I do, it sounds like we should sit this one out.
  11. It requires you to log in like you do on the web, but you should see this screen after logging in. If this still doesn't work for you then, as mentioned above, try your mobile device: Settings - Support - Submit a support request.
  12. If we make it that far then the next logical step would be local unsync'd notebooks as an option, but that is crazy talk.
  13. If I believed this factored into the feature backlog in any way or had any indication that it did, then I would vote. Maybe the new owners will change my mind on that.
  14. Thanks. It is mostly a guess on my part but it makes sense, at least to me. I'm all for improving what we have. Instead of tinkering with the backend note history, I would prefer a local, desktop user-definable backup. RTE updates the server copy. How about an option where, on a successful update of the server copy, it would then trigger an update to a local database copy, so in a sense, we would have a local, definable history and the system history we currently have? One can wish and dream 🙂.
  15. I always thought, and probably incorrectly, that the frequency of note history was mainly due to when the servers were backed up and there was no set schedule other than several times per day. I think note history is just a benefit made possible by system backup needs. I imagine that our data is spread out over multiple servers in multiple locations. If that is how this works, that would explain the inexact “several times per day” and making the frequency of note history user selectable could be quite difficult.
  16. What version are you using? I haven't seen this problem since v10.59 IIRC.
  17. They have fixed some problems and introduced others. For me, time will tell. As far as thread relevancy, I responded to your comment.
  18. While I don’t expect EN staff to hang around here, having someone as a designated presence, such as Shane use to, would be nice. Back in the day staffers would say even if they didn’t respond to all posts they did read them all. I have no idea if that was true or not but I tended to believe it. Other than the threads that Frederico is in, it is hard to say what the team may pick up from these discussions.
  19. Agreed. I will also suggest that repeatable and consistent errors are problems that should have been caught (for the most part) during testing and never released. Intermittent problems sometimes reveal an issue in the underlying architecture, and though less noticeable are sometimes the more important ones to fix and should not be ignored. At least that has been my experience in product development.
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