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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. The relevant question is: How is the situation on the server ? Open the web client in a browser and take a look. Everything fine: Reinstall the Mac client (with some details, come back here). Same problem: Stop probing, ask support.
  2. To unsync first log out of your account on the device you want to drop. Then use the „other“ device to unsync. Unsycing from the same device will often not work, because you need to be synced to unsync. This creates a deadlock, that will not allow the unsync. If you have already fallen into that situation, the best alternative is really to subscribe be for a month, sort things out and then fall back to Free again.
  3. Every note is a web site in itself. This is why the mail client shows it a HTML content. In general there are 2 standards for email: Text only or HTML. In many mail clients HTML is disabled by default, because it can be used to transport malicious code. In this case enable HTML view to show the content. There are clients that will only show text. In this case you need to use another client.
  4. Not on the export side, AFAIK. Can’t tell for the import, however.
  5. Everything on iOS run inside of a sandbox. This virtually isolates one app from another. The Mac OS version does not have that restriction. You can contact support about it - the forum is user2user.
  6. This is a know bug, unfortunately not solved since rel 10.1. This is just placed in the wrong subforum.
  7. The forum is user2user. Advise has been offered, done. You can contact support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  8. 😂 Just other users in the forum. Contact support by opening a ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  9. Has nothing to do with keeping you occupied. But this is something you better catch in the act, than later detecting that something is missing, without exactly knowing what has happened. An OS-side (dis-)function will likely not be caught by EN activity logs. Not much for support to work on, but your own observations. That's it, good luck.
  10. Sure, as there are plenty of other posts where "just allow me to turn this or that off" is requested. The quantity makes the poison ...
  11. ☺️ 😇 If you then greet the sunset with a cool beer, you get into the mood where a friendly "Good morning" by a bot able to read the clock and pick a greeting from a predefined set will not bother you any more. Hit the steel drum, don't worry, be happy!
  12. Possible ways to look at it: The app is still living and growing, so obviously no need for that feature. We now waited so long, it must have moved up on the priority list year by year. Where is it ... ? I think we all who would like to get this extension probably underestimate the technical side of implementation, and at the same time overestimate the sales potential of such a feature. I would like to see it coming, but I do not really expect to see it. Meanwhile, I use another solution (my password manager, having a "secure notes" section) to store that little amount of information that I don't want to entrust to my EN account.
  13. There is no birth right that every folly that was introduced into a software must be continued ad infinitum. EN cut a lot of old rope when they released v10, and they were perfectly right about it. Since the new app was 100% coded freshly, every tweak and loop of the old apps would have meant new tweaks and loops in the new code. To avoid this and start fresh was a big opportunity - EN has taken it, and every forward looking user should be happy about it. Backward looking users may continue with legacy and their beloved settings ....
  14. There is no issue I could report. If you have a problem, maybe read this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/217930798 The usual first aid is to log out of the app once, restart the iOS device, reopen the app and log in again. This is usually enough to get server and iOS device data back into sync again. And never forget: Due to iOS restrictions on background activity, the app must stay active until all syncing activity has terminated.
  15. Everybody who asks for "settings, settings, settings" should be aware that every setting must be reflected by a If-Then-Else condition in the apps code - or many of these, depending on the number of entry points where the setting must be taken into account. This bloats the app and adds a lot of complexity to the code execution. In general it is not a clever idea to make too many features user-defined. From my forum impression the very same users asking for "settings" will react with strange posts here when that complexity is reflected by new bugs creeping up from the program execution.
  16. You should run a supported version of MacOS to install v10. The alternative is to install the legacy client. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012107027
  17. Just issue a support ticket, let the devs do the engineering.
  18. You seem to be in love with large font - be assured the rest of the forum is not. To balance the thread I am sorry: I have to put the answer in very small font. Otherwise it may fall off the far side of the server, brought down by all the black tint. Dictation is an OS side function, it is not native to EN. You should observe what happens while you dictate - maybe it just stumbles over a word, and stops converting. while you continue talking. In case you observe this, I would try to contact Google support about it.
  19. LOL - Super easy - just open EN at noon at the erliest, better only in the evening. You will never be greeted with "Good morning" ever again. Or how they said in the radio: "Good afternoon, dear listeners, good morning, dear students ...".
  20. All data is safe in the cloud. It does not depend on your local copy. If you delete inside of EN, a delete command for this specific note is passed to the server. It does not delete because a note „disappears“.
  21. Yes, EN holds a master key to all accounts. It is used by bots (programs) that do OCR, search indexing, operate reminders and interfaces like calendars or sharing. All this can’t work without access to the data. EN promises that accounts will not be accessed by humans, and that locks are in place to prevent it. In the end it boils down to trust. The track record of EN on the security side is very good. When accounts were cracked it happened because users did not properly safeguard them; from observation of forum posts reused passwords were the most common weakness.
  22. You mean „listen to what I want. I, I, I“ (for full effect imagine a little child, stomping little feet on a dusty road, making little puffs of dust). If somebody says „WE the users“ it often means „I, the most important user of all“. Meanwhile: Some users like it, some users hate it, and most users don’t even notice (as they probably never notice agitated posts in this forum).
  23. Beside EN does not need to sell itself as a task manager at all. You buy a top ranking note app, and you get the task manager as a free bywork. You even get the basic functions without buying anything, by their integration into the Free plan. On the other end, you can get a task manager that allows to delegate tasks to other people (EN users or not), but staying in full control at the same time. Delegating tasks to others is something not even full fledged task managers are able to do, in some cases. This ability (of the Professional and Teams plans) points into the direction of project management tools, exceeding the scope of task managers. But I agree: Most task managers go deeper, than the EN solution does. Which is good, room for improvement for everybody.
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