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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Just to mention 2 more things: You won’t be able to move any note to another notebook, so this should be consolidated before the drop to Free happens. And the 2 devices limit is still effective, for devices and for unsyncs - better reduce the devices count by unsyncing devices before. Else the unsync will not be possible, because you run out of unsync slots before you can bring the devices count down to 2. In general the account should be running on Free limits already before the downgrade happens.
  2. Personally I use Apple Pages where comments are a feature. When done I save the document (with the comments), and attach it to a note.
  3. Don't know why Fujitsu terminated the availability of the conversion software. I saved the download software and instructions in a note. Here is the link: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s747/sh/b4e456be-7dcb-4fa1-b278-9a2da95df384/KmBVIxw5syrzkwn0N_zu32QmooSuTYApCthWiwyVYiL2lAIfoamCchHPPA It worked for some fellow users already who were in the same situation. However I post this "as it is", use it at your own risk. Worst case the scanner will be bricked (which is not worse than without the conversion, just permanent). Make sure it has electricity during the whole process. If available, plug it into a UPS. Loss of power (even short) is the biggest risk when updating firmware. The link will be available for 10 days only !
  4. There is a hard system limit of 100.000 notes - only on Teams accounts the limit is higher. Once reached no new notes are allowed any more.
  5. Weird. These are relative sizes depending on the screen resolution. It's on my 4k display, driven by my MacBook Pro. When I change the display resolution, relative sizes are following the setting. The smaller the values get, the larger is the display size. 1.600 equals 20cm from the symbol to the period, 2.560 13cm, 3.840 8cm. As described the quality of the screen content is not altered, just the size.
  6. Embedded comments are typical for apps that create an "official" document, and allow to embed comments. The official document will not show the comments on exporting or printing (unless it is specified), it will only print the official part. MS Office does it, iWorks and LibreOffice as well, and probably others. EN is a note app, not build to create "official documents". A note is a website, not a page mimicking word processor (or similar, spreadsheets or presentations are even further away). It never had such a feature in 1 1/2 decade, and I doubt it will get it in the nearer future. There is a simple option to get them: Use an app and collaboration where comments are available, then save it into a note.
  7. As told I just get a shareable link. Further the handwriting in AN is embedded into a text based note, similar to EN. Goodnotes has a canvas that mimics a real page, and is graphical from scratch. Text is overlayed as a text box. For handwriting or sketching it is the better approach.
  8. Some like it, some don't. Actually the new mobile GUI is better adapted to the smaller, portrait pointing screens of a phone. Probably whatever they do to improve, they will be met with "but I liked the old look better". That's ok, but leaving everything to be customizable is no solution either.
  9. This looks like a pretty fine screen resolution. I would increase the size by lowering screen resolution. The Mac will use the screens abilities to show everything with full details, but enlarge the presentation. Go to the Macs system settings, Displays. Probably 1920x1080 is a good starting point.
  10. For me it works seamlessly to drag & drop in and out. But of course, it’s on a Mac …
  11. NO setting need to be adjusted to mimic legacy. There is no way to mimic legacy by settings - and this is the right approach by all means. It‘s a new generation of software, and it was never build to mimic an outdated, years •00 design. Learn how to use it - and forget to find outdated code in some obscure corner. It’s not there.
  12. Downsized or not. Relocated or not. Fact is it’s not working - in this very moment. It is no consolation for a user with an urgent actual problem that in the long term the strategy will lead to an improvement. There is a time for strategy - and there is a time to take action and „stop the bleeding“. Nobody expects an engineering miracle in bug hunting. But WTF stops these guys to sort out payment and account downgrade issues 24/7 ??? And THIS can be outsourced for sure !
  13. Don’t know what you are criticizing then. The scratchpad is one of the elements of the new mobile GUI.
  14. You could try these pages: https://dev.evernote.com/support/glossary.php https://dev.evernote.com
  15. Usually the Store version will update without Admin privileges.
  16. Different users share the same client and install, but run on their own database each. It depends on the root cause: If something is wrong with the install, it will carry over. If it is within the database, the new user will do ok
  17. That’s the right software, and freemacsoft is the developer.
  18. The forum is user2user, and this is a rather old thread. For feedback send an email at this address: feedback@evernote.com
  19. You seem to have a problem with a specific phone. In this case a way outdated model (released 2017) with an exceptional small screen with in todays terms low resolution (4.6" with only 720p resolution). If you were a subscriber, I would direct you to contact support. Since you are on Free, this is no option. I think you have to take it as it is, and either move to a different device, or to another notes app. Even if support would know, I doubt they would build a special routine just to accommodate an old, outgoing phone.
  20. What you describe is to duplicate notes, just to have them in different places. This is what typically happens in Tree-style file-folder-Systems. And it should be avoided, it is bad practice. There is the concept of tags in EN. The idea behind tags is that every note can be tagged with several tags at the same time - but it is always the same note, existing just one time. This way the note is updated in all "views" (created by the tags) at the same time, when it is edited. Example: You have a note related to 2 persons (Carlos, Luisa), a project (Project A) and a Place (Mystery Hotel). Instead of copying this note into a notebook for Carlos, one for Luisa, one for the Project A and one for the Mystery Hotel, you have it (for example) only once (1) in the Notebook for Project A. You then add tags for Carlos, Luisa and the Mystery Hotel. Need to add Alexandro ? Don't duplicate the note again - just add the Tag Alexandro. You can easily filter for tags, together with notebooks or other properties. You can build searches from the filters, and save them for future use.
  21. iOS version ? Client version ? There are no hidden notebooks. What may be is a corrupted local database, that does not show all content. If you open your account to the web client: Does everything show ?
  22. It should not happen that anything directed at the Teams account is created in your Personal account instead. The Personal account that comes with any Teams account is for personal use, and strictly separate from the Teams account. It has different access credentials. So first thing is to check which account was given access to the 3rd party app that creates the notes. A Space is a view on notebooks - it allows to access several notebooks. The relation of Notebooks to Spaces is build by the admin - the API and external apps have no access to it. Furthermore I get the idea that things are mixed up here. Do you really create a new NoteBOOK when a new File enters your CRM ? I could understand there is a NOTE created, but not a NoteBOOK. And if it is a NoteBOOK, sending it to a specific Space plus making it a default would take several steps. I doubt this will be supported. Even if your description leaves open questions, I would approach the workflow differently: Create a series of Import Folders, each one related to a notebook in the place where you want to send the new content. Build the automation in a way that when a File is created, it is send to the specific Import Folder that is linked to the Notebook / Space where you want it to go. The Import Folder then moves it to the connected notebook - which should be defined as a sort of Inbox for the appropriate Space, with users knowing that when a new note shows up in the notebook, it should be taken to the process. You choose the Space by selecting the right Import Folder through the rules the automation is following.
  23. Maybe read the posts above yours. Then try to piece it together why the idea got burned, long ago.
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