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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. However .... Today we have 2 extremes: Desktop, where you can’t „unsync“ selectively, and mobile, where you need to sync, even if you downloaded all your stuff. I think most users can live with these basic setups. So I would set these as starting points, one for desktops, one for mobiles. Power users should then have a chance to put their individual selection somewhere in between. I just hope that all that do are aware of the implications the choice will have ...
  2. There are 2 competing threads (or better: on both issues multiple threads) running: Selective sync for the desktop clients, to avoid that all stuff from the cloud Storage is building up on the local disk Full download for the mobile clients, especially driven by powerful machines like the iPad Pro Series. It seems the best solution would be a sort of unified client, where the mix of downloaded and web based notes could be set by the user, at the same time defining memory consumption and related functionality like multi-note operations (merging, batch tagging an moving etc.). This could be controlled by 2 basic sets of installations, one completely web-based (like todays mobile clients), one completely local database (like today’s desktop clients), and the option to select this notebook by notebook.
  3. Let not concerns put a shadow on our mood. EN posted a new video today, which shows some stuff they are working on to improve the web client. It does not look as cutting back on features, all the opposite. For me it looks as if they really want to create a unified AND improved user experience. They showed features like nesting tags that are currently missing on the web client, and want to add these - not take them away from other clients. So do as Asterix the Gaul does: The only thing to fear is that the sky will fall on our heads. Don’t worry, be happy !
  4. Since it seems even hard to agree if we are watching a bug-at-work, or an ill defined non feature falling on our use experience, I have moved this thread to the voting section. Here, anybody can put his vote in favor of this, instead of discussing why it is not as it should be. I myself as a heavy iOS user find a lot of merit in the proposal to remember the last position when a note is closed by any system action.
  5. ??? My experience - see above. When switching from the App Store client to the free one, I. completely purged the prior installation from the system, using AppCleaner, and making sure I had checked all folders to be uninstalled. When moving on to 7.11, I just updated, nothing else.
  6. Hi Nick ! Tell Ian, if you deliver all this, from my side you can take any vacation you want to take ! Just do not go for hunting down elephants !
  7. I am not sure of this - since I started directly with a Premium Account, I have no experience with a Basic account, and what happens if you update the client. And I do not know how new notes are treated when the upload limit is exceeded. It is just a fact that the desktop clients for windows and Mac keep a local database on the machine itself. The cloud server will have the lead copy of the data, but many operations are executed on the local client. So if Sync is off, you will see what your local copy holds as long as you are on the desktop client. Mobiles and the Web client will show what is on the cloud server. So if you say things got bad from the moment you updated, it seems that the update forced a sync, turning copies that were local (with pictures) into synced copies (without pictures) somehow. Since EN is first and dominating a cloud based service, this would make sense, even if you regard it as a mistake. It regards the cloud copy as Master, all the others are slave copies, to be updated from the cloud. But again, I am assuming this - assuming is not knowing. If you want notes not to be synced, you are free to put them into Notebooks defined as „local“. They will not sync, but this means as well the only copy is the one on your desktop disk drive. Thus if you do not have a backup, this is it if the local disk goes bad. With synced notebooks, the copy is safely put away on the cloud server. So you have at least one copy somewhere else when your house burns to the ground, with your computer right in there. Conclusion: You can have your own copies in any amount stored in EN, but not synced, or you can have the comfort and security of the cloud synced notes. If you exceed the upload limit, you can have this only when paying for it. The guys at EN have to put something into their fridge as well, so I think it is fair they expect a payment when using the service to some extend.
  8. No, just works fine on my Mac / Mojave. How did you do the uninstall ? Maybe get something like AppCleaner, and make a complete uninstall before reinstalling. When you cleaned out, restart the Mac to have a clean starting point.. Hint: If you do uninstall everything, all not synced and all local notebooks will get lost. Make sure you synced and have exports or backups of the locals. And the database will be rebuild from the EN servers, which may take a while depending on the size and internet connection. When reinstalling I would use the direct download. Even when the AppStore offers the same version, this will run in a sandbox mode which caused problems on my Mac. They were solved with using the direct download.
  9. If you are working on the windows client, there is a local copy of data on your drive. Probably it was there where all the notes were saved that could not sync. And if you are running a backup of your PC, there is a chance you can recover at least some of the local database from the backup. This should be a backup created on a date before you installed the update, and started the other operations intended to save your data. All data entered after the update will most likely be without picture, I‘m afraid. If you want to save larger amounts of data in the future without a paid account, you can create local notebooks on your desktop account. They will not save to the EN cloud servers, so no upload limit. But as these notebooks are local, you can not access them from other devices, and you have to make sure yourself to have a backup. I run an automated backup job on my PC every day just saving my EN database. On my Mac TimeMachine takes care of that.
  10. What I do not get from the postings is on which device Scannable is running in the two initial posts here. Just looked it up on my iPhone, and options are few and pretty clear. Not much room for mistakes here. Anyhow, before scanning away dozens o hundreds of docs, I would always propose to do a test run. There is much on the way that can go wrong. Personally I use ScannerPro from readlle, which works fine as a scanner, has its own OCR capability plus allows for customized workflows that select a notebook, add tags and send everything into Evernote. Another option is to scan with the Evernote app directly, by creating a note and hitting the camera option. IMHO there is little room left for a solid usecase of Scannable.
  11. Since you have the problem, and are paying your dues, I would propose that you issue a support ticket - and let us, especially @MikeRothLA who is on BASIC know what will be the outcome of it. Thanks !
  12. As long as you are signed in, there is not problem with being offline when opening EN. It will just open fine, PC or Mac. This is true for as long as the sign in is valid, which is usually for one year. It is just the sign in that requires an internet connection - and of course all that syncing that is a core EN function. The need to have an internet connection is the same on desktop and mobile clients. Conclusion: If I know that I will likely be without an Internet link when opening EN for the next time, I should not sign off before.
  13. I am in favor of getting markup capability, and voted for this feature as well some time ago. Just a word of caution: I do not think that adding this will be completely simple. It means additional stuff on the editor itself, plus an export function to make the markdown content usable for example as input for a blog or website. Just because a dedicated markdown editor looks simple, it is not necessarily so in the engine that drives it. Because EN focuses on unifying the existing editor at the moment, I think that „deep“ additional features will not be part of the next release. This is far from „not listening“, it is just setting the priorities on features that will serve all users.
  14. Thanks again for sharing. I specially liked the clear statement here about tags: Straighten and improve the experience over devices, but not twisting the concept. Now off to the fireworks !
  15. From my perspective, EN is designed to rely heavily on a syncing process. If using a mobile client, everything depends on sync. Thus I would rather prefer the link-to-solution over a full storage of videos in the EN database. Although it is possible, I do not think it was designed with this in mind. Another issue is that notes of that size nibble away from the upload limit. I once retagged a larger number of notes containing larger PDFs. Just tags and in some cases a little text of the Title was changed, but it counted the full note size including the pdf as if newly created. It was the only month ever I came close to my upload limit. Is there really nothing like Lightroom or similar used for fotos available and quasi-standard for archiving videos ?
  16. @vandevyver What issue do you have ? The thread started with the „keychain“ notification, now it is the „unexpected spotlight quit“. The keychain-issue seems to be solved by updating to 7.11., with a complete reinstall. If you have no local notebooks, that are not synced up to the server, you can make a final sync, run the reinstall through a complete delete, installing 7.11, get into your account and have it sync with the cloud server. Depending on your data base size and internet connection, this may take a while. Nick L. from EN (he is staff, not a user like us) posted a very good description of all the steps above. If you have local notebooks, you can either set them to non-local and have them synced, or you have to take care of them yourself. If you have the „unexpected quit“, there is currently no solution. As soon as there is, it will probably be posted here. If you mark Nicks account to be followed by yours, you will get the info pushed at you on release.
  17. Yes, it will consume the limit. I have scanned a lot of stuff since last year. A 100 Page Training documentation, b/w, with few graphics and no pictures will take about 20MB as pdf. Make 2 of them, and a few others, and you are done. There is one possible workaround: First scan everything, but always send it into local notebooks only, that will not sync with the server. When there is a good stock of notes accumulated, get Premium just for one month. Wait until it is active, then set the local notebooks to synced ones (or move the notes to new, synced notebooks). Let it run - 10GB sync will take a while. Then downgrade again, if you do not want to pay the Premium for longer. Even when back to basic, EN will keep what is on the server. You loose all of the Premium functions, but your notes will still be there for you. Just avoid one thing: Altering these notes. If you change a note (and if it is just a comma), it will count as if the complete note was just freshly uploaded.
  18. In fact it seems the app does restart every time it is activated again, even when it was all the time Open in the background. Thus it avoids freezing, but as well sets back all user info. Currently the best workaround seems to be to keep the EN app active in split screen mode. Probably with iPadOS, the situation will fundamentally change, because it will allow for more multitasking. I doubt that there will be a fix on this before.
  19. iaWriter is available on the Mac as well, but much more expensive that on the iPad. So if one can switch devices, it is o.k. to use the iPad for the job. If you are not a heavy user, the Mac apps are often simply too expensive for an occasional job. This is similar with many other apps - I hope that by the new feature of Catalina (ex Marzipan), there will be more and more affordable apps flowing from the iPad to the Mac.
  20. As a work around, I use iaWriter on my iPad Pro. But it means a more complicated workflow, and the need to jump between apps to and fro.
  21. Use pdf as format and (if on a budget) a smartphone as scanner. I am using my iPhone 6S+ (so really not a new model) with ScannerPro from readdle. It can create multi-page pdf (or several single paged jpegs) from a scan, can do it’s own OCR (which is probably searchable even with BASIC, because the search text is hidden in the pdf, not relying on Evernotes servers) and offers custom workflows that create the new notes already in the right notebook and with a set of standard tags. With Android, I have no experience, but there should be similar software available. In the internet there are many pages that will convert existing pictures into pdfs for free. The pdf files will be much smaller than a series of JPEG or PNG. Both are not good for scanned documents, because they contain a lot of information that will be useful if you post your newest cat picture on Instagram, but is not needed when filing documents. And pdf can be read on all devices, is friendly to printers etc. If going paperless, and want some more comfort, get a good scanner with auto-feed and duplex. I have an ix500, works perfectly, the new ix1500 is even more comfortable. And get a shredder, to get rid of sensitive documents in a responsible way. The smaller ones are just good for a few pages per day (!). So it depends on how much you want to digitalize and get rid of physically.
  22. Good observation, maybe it should be a new thread, but maybe not. Please get this to the attention of Nick by direct mail.
  23. Basically with a Business plan, you get 2 accounts, one for the professional stuff, and one for personal use, like a Premium account. The wall between those 2 is pretty high and solid. So better get some help on this, because even when you manage to move the notes, there may be permanent restrictions applied.
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