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Scott T.

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Everything posted by Scott T.

  1. @PhilBarberSo is the issue that you never receive the initial SMS that is sent when you are trying to enable 2FA? If so, can you let me know what country you are in and what the prefix is? It's possible there's a problem with our SMS provider sending for specific international numbers/prefixes. I can investigate further with that info.
  2. @agsteeleI agree that you should be able to clear out items from the history. I think that will either be possible or not necessary once we update the backend for Shared With Me. Without getting into details, the existing view is basically pulled from your WorkChat data since that has historically been how shares were managed. We've since created a new system that stores your share data and can be directly queried, whereas the existing share data is really hard to aggregate. So now, we basically need to shift the Shared With Me implementation to use the new backend. We're currently reviewing our large backlog of sharing tickets and hoping to start working through them.
  3. FWIW, it's not that it's "intended", but more that it's a side-effect of how that data is populated. The data is based on historical share data, rather than the current state. So it is not really clear what is no longer shared/accessible. Not ideal, but it was a quick way to build that view prior to further development that has since occurred. The team responsible for sharing is going to be ramping up after completing some other important work. You should start seeing some improvements in sharing in the next 6-12 months, hopefully. I'll look into whether this is on the roadmap, but I'm pretty sure it should be.
  4. Is it blank or are you getting the flashing/blinking rectangles that symbolize that data is being loaded, but nothing after that? Also, are you on iPhone or Android (I assume Android, but double-checking).
  5. @Paul A.Took a quick look. We have a ticket in for this and it's got a higher priority. But the editor team has been knocking out a whole lot of other high priority issues as part of the overall effort to improve the quality and performance of the V10 clients. I'm not part of the editor team, so can't speak to when this might get fixed. But, I will ping the manager about it and see what I can do. Can't promise more beyond that. 🙂
  6. Not sure...just tested it myself and can't reproduce following the steps. Search index seems to update within a few seconds. @Tmanmickle, are you still having issues? If so, I can see if we can have somebody look at the search index for your user.
  7. @darrenbuttoniowJust wanted to follow-up. It looks like support got in touch with you and we have your issue logged. I think it ties into an issue other users are seeing as well. We're currently investigating all the problems that seem to be pointing to a common problem where the client believes there is a task, but can't find the note it belongs to (may have been deleted or unshared). That causes the query that fetches tasks to fail and therefore not be able to display something. Hoping we can improve the error handling here as well as fix the issue where it can properly resolve cases where a task should no longer be accessible and therefore be properly removed. This is a top priority for the team that works on Tasks as well as our client devs.
  8. @darrenbuttoniowI've asked someone in our support to reach out to you. They can help diagnose the issue you are encountering. Sounds like you've tried several things yourself, so I don't have any quick fixes for you. Hopefully they can help address your problem.
  9. I suppose that's one way to solve the problem...old client won't show any of the new features like Tasks and Calendar integration. 😂 Probably not the solution they're going for, though.
  10. Also, we have somebody working on a detailed help article for boolean search with examples. It should be ready soon.
  11. Where did you get this information? Boolean does indeed support tags. For example, I just ran this myself: (tag:Bob AND tag:"credit card") OR (tag:backlog) I had multiple notes tagged "Bob", but only one had "credit card". I separately have one note tagged "backlog". So the search above returned two notes.
  12. @Gilles B.What client are you using, desktop or mobile? Do you know what the specific version number is? If you're using multiple clients, do you have the problem on all clients or just one?
  13. @StoppaI've been told we have fixed this issue that was impacting a small set of users. It should be in an upcoming desktop release. I apologize that this is impacting you, but you are not supposed to be seeing it constantly. It should go away and not be seen again.
  14. Thanks @ianmjones. Great catch. I will file a ticket to address this. Seems to be an issue with the calendar within the Note info window. Calendars within newer functionality like setting due dates for tasks work fine. Seems a good opportunity to converge on one library for that UI component.
  15. @nowell29, I made some fixes to the Android beta program just the other day due to an issue with some beta users being stuck on an older version. Can you please try an uninstall and reinstall of the app and let me know if you properly get 10.14? You should hopefully not have to leave the beta program to do this, which @PinkElephantnoted was previously required. Your feedback would be super helpful to further confirm my fix is working (beyond my personal testing).
  16. @TazUKMy understanding is that this is a bug affecting a small number of users, has already been fixed, and will be addressed in an upcoming desktop release. Basically, it seems the "Not Now" button is not making the correct entry in the database to indicate to no longer show the ad. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  17. I just checked on this and we have active work going on to improve the performance of bulk actions within the core client code. This needs to be completed before we can change the UI to support >50 notes at a time. The performance issues are why there was originally a cap set.
  18. I'll see if I can get this into our roadmap. I think it would be valuable for people to set up a custom filter/sort for a Tasks widget. We're working on it. Regarding the bug, I'll reach out to you in a private message since it would be useful to get your logs to review.
  19. We're currently looking into how to better manage completed tasks. That might include an option to archive completed tasks (maybe after X days). We're also looking into options to bulk select/delete.
  20. @tgodfroyThe Tasks widget discussed in this thread does not show completed tasks. If you are referring to the Tasks view available in desktop and mobile, they both have a menu item called "Show completed tasks". Make sure to uncheck that option. This is currently not an option within individual notes, but we are currently looking into a solution for that.
  21. @Mike P The Tasks widget uses some specific criteria for what to display within the widget. The main driver for the content is due dates. Without getting into the exact criteria, you should expect to see the most important and immediately relevant tasks at the top. Overdue, due soon, flagged, etc. If you are getting non-dated tasks while dated and overdue are missing, this sounds like a bug. Are you able to provide screenshots showing the widget and the due tasks that are not showing up (like a screenshot from the Tasks view)? Feel free to block out task titles if it is private. If you're more comfortable, you can reach out to me privately and we can discuss further and track this issue down. Thanks!
  22. @b3dzik It's possible that you have some bad data locally due to a bug we fixed that can cause the spinning circle. Unfortunately, the client can't currently auto-fix the issue (I've requested that feature). Can you try these steps? Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out. Restart your computer. Sign back in to Evernote This will have it pull down the data again from the service.
  23. @Truong Dai I personally don't have an M1, but we definitely have our developers testing on there. In fact, our CEO just confirmed it works on his M1. 🙂 Since you tried on Chrome, can you go there and open the Developer Tools console? It's in View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console. Please look for any errors and send me a screenshot. It will help us understand what is going on.
  24. @Truong DaiWhat browser is that you are using? Have you tried other browsers to see if it's a problem in the specific browser you're using?
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