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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. To be patient is OK. But we should talk about the problem to collect experiences that might help to solve the problem or give it some priority among others... I and some other users of Fiterize found that emails from Fiterize to Evernote do NOT reach desired folders at Evernote. Mails from my account to Evernote are OK. Looks like some sending servers are blacklisted on EN site. This is unacceptable (if it is true). Using blacklists is OK to block spammers. But there should be a whitelist available to override blacklists that are maintained on foreign sites in some cases. The current problem (at least with Fiterize) lasts since many days and EN support is aware of this. We should get an official explanation of what is going on at EN.
  2. Only as a reminder to our support and program management staff: It should be on user's choice to insert URLs that do not work in all cases. If I (as a user) insert a File Link to my local file systen, I know that this will work only on my system. If I klick on such a link on my mobile phone, it will fail - and this is completely OK! Or do you really plan to verify all destination addresses future? Maybe http://www.the-hell.com might fail... Maybe mailto:support@the-hell.com might be an unexistent mailbox... If you are consequent in your doings, you should disable these links also πŸ˜‰. But I hope you will concentrate on really important things...
  3. THX - will help to calm me down πŸ˜‰. Could You please check whether the link remains untouched after modifying the note anywhere else in 10.9.x and syncing it back to Legacy?
  4. Huh, haven't been here for some time and THX for showing up this before I'm going to install 10.9. Is it really true that this version removes the links from the note text? So that they are gone forever if I re-open the note in Legacy? If so, I'll lose my faith in Evernote 😒.
  5. This is similar to what business users see all the time even in Legacy 😞: Tags with the same name appear multiple with different counts (with no origin) - but the empty ones realiably disappear in all clients. They are retained in the server database and have to be deleted there by using the administration console. So, Your bug in EN-10 seems to be an easy-to-fix one because it works already with business databases πŸ˜‰. I would accept it until the next fix will come - except it makes a problem when assigning (shared) tags to other notes: which one is assigned? This is a problem in business accounts: If there are tags with same names, you cannot distinguish between your tags and tags of collegues... The only way to work around this is to negotiate about common tag names and usage.
  6. I also keep a diary by automatically creating a note every day at 06:00 o'clock and assign it a template. Because this kind of automation cannot be done inside Evernote, I use IFTTT go create the note by... set up a free IFTTT account define a rule to get the Today's Weather Report from Weather Underground in an Evernote note in a specific notebook (i.e. Diary) thereby tag it with #NewDiary (or any other tag you like) use Filterize to attach your template by... set up a free Filterize account define a rule to change headline of new note if it is tagged with #NewDiary thereby attach a template of your own and remove tag #NewDiary use Evernote to define a saved search "notebook:Diary created:day" ... and pin it to the top of Your Favourites OK, setting up IFTTT and Filterize might take some time (depending on your experience 1-4 hours). But from that point on You have a One-Click-Solution to open a well formatted diary page to log your ideas πŸ™‚
  7. This is a bug in EN-10. You should open a support ticket for that. If You need this to work correct, You should use the old "Legacy" version of Evernote. You might download it from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph
  8. Fine. It means (my interpretation): After having it indexed on servers, recoIndex-information is stored on servers "behind" a GUID <resource-attributes>...<source-url> en-cache://tokenKey...+https://www.evernote.com/shard/s333/res/...{GUID} </source-url></resource-attributes> So after deleting the note and re-importing it from ENEX, there is no need to re-index it because it points to already computed index data (which has not been deleted on server side). This makes sense in your test case (and even real cases in which transfer/re-index times should be saved). But when and how do the servers cleanup their caches if not along with deletion of notes? This might be the end of our game without insider knowledge πŸ˜‰. Let's wait for support answer(s) Frank's ticket...
  9. Hmm, note representation in ENEX format seem to be different in Legacy and EN-10 Legacy contains found word in an recoIndex-section within the ENEX file EN-10 points to a cache entry outside ENEX file (on server which in turn might be cached on client) referenced by an en-cache:-URL By doing so, EN-10 has no need to sync the note itself after OCR scanning servers have completed their job. Background might be better syncing speed because only cached recoIndex-data take fewer bytes... ... and makes syncing effects more mystic πŸ˜‰ (am Rande: KΓΆnnten wir uns hier nicht auch auf deutsch unterhalten?)
  10. THX for the link - didn't see it so far... ... and it approves, that indexing is done on server side. Because there is no direct link between EN-10 and Legacy databases on your local system, all that is a syncing problem: Every change on notes and embedded images have to be transferred to the servers servers do their OCR job (at any time with regard to your account and their load) after this job is done (and recoIndex is added to the note), findings have to be merged to the search index (on server side) and note has to be distributed to clients within the clients (except Web clients) a (back-)synced note has to be merged to local index tables before newly found text can be found be search operations within Web clients the new text should be recognized immediately because all search operations are executed as server requests If I do not oversee anything, all effects are bound to syncing lacks with the EN-10 clients. I had some cases in which syncing between different Legacy clients was fast, complete and therefore reliable. EN-10 clients did not see changes in time even if changes in EN-10 have been sync to other clients in parallel. It seems that EN-10 use other syncing-server-farm(s) than Legacy and there is a lag in syncing the server farms... If OCR scanners run in a third class of servers, it's completely unpredictable when a note will be provided with recoIndex information. But if all the servers are on a "normal" load, this all should be no problem. It's only of theoretical question within seconds or few minutes πŸ˜‰.
  11. Oups, aren't PDFs and images indexed on server side (only)? If so (as it is/was my understanding), using EN-10 should not show differences. If it does (and it does if I'm looking for πŸ˜‰), it might be a sync issue... I tried the following: I've an image, that contains "offizielle Abgabefrist" in two notes: both (Legacy and EN-10 on Windows) find the notes I've copied this image to an other note in EN-10: EN-10 does not find the newly extended note After a sync in Legacy (even nearly immediately after the copy operation in EN-10) Legacy finds the newly extended note (A) Even after 10 minutes (and some other change in other notes that have been synced correctly to Legacy) EN-10 does not find the newly extended note (B) tested in EN-Web ... finds the note (C) re-tested in EN-10 ... finds the note Regarding [A] this is a real problem to me because there is no indicator that tells me "Sync is done completely" - which is a problem not only when searching in images and PDFs... Regarding [B] I cannot believe that EN-Web also maintains a local index - so this is a true sign that indexing is done on server side and all works well there (and in EN-Web that relies on server availability). Regarding [C] is another true sign that syncing is a gambling in EN-10
  12. @Mike POK, sorry for opening this new thread. But maybe it helps to get it solved soon πŸ˜‰
  13. In Legacy it was possible to simply copy an attachment by typing Ctrl-C (or Ctrl-X to delete it) and pasting it with Ctrl-V to any other application like Outlook, Explorer, Evernote πŸ˜‰ a.s.o.. More easy: You can drag&drop attachments from notes to Outlook... In EN-10.x this no longer works. Commands are grayed out (inactive) RClick-menues: Drag&drop operations only work from Legacy to EN-10. Dragging from EN-10 to other applications results in inserting meaningless Icons like in spite of the files. Dragging within a note in EN-10 works (it moves the attachment). Dragging withing EN-10 from one note to an other works (it copies the attachment) ==> Windows Clipboard is filled with some information - but not correct. Any sending applicaton should supply as much as possible information to allow the receiving application to select proper representations. Currently it looks like EN-10 sends information only in a format that is known by EN-10 itself. The only possiblity to extract an attachment is to download it by using "Save as...". This breaks my workflow of storing information in EN and distributing it "on thy fly" to collegues. If I (and other) are forced to use 10.X, we have to first export the file, navigate to the destination folder in explorer and the Ctrl-C
  14. After some weeks of not using a specific maschine, I updated EN to 10.8.4 and tried to use it... In parallel I opened Legacy. Both instances had to sync their data... Legacy succeeded after app. 5 minutes - EN-10 seems to do nothing since > 60 minutes. Klicking on a tag that should lead to 12 notes: Legacy answers immediately and shows all 12 notes. EN-10 answer immediately and shows only 2 notes (in spite of telling me "(12)" right beside the tag name). After some time, it shows 3 notes - whow - sync is running! (*) BUT there is no other indicator like the rolling arrows in Legacy AND the sync takes an eternity (are there other servers active for EN-10-clients?) ==> We really need an the sync-indicator (to understand what's going on) and a button to manually trigger a sync if we are in doubt of the sync state... (*) updates Do, 11.02.21 18:50: it shows 4 notes now! Do, 11.02.21 22:12: all 12 notes are here πŸ‘(but I had to exit/restart EN-10)
  15. Your problems might result from a mix of App- and Program-installations. Your App is version Evernote_10.7.6.0 (old) whereas the Program is 10.8.4 (the actual one). I would suggest the following: Uninstall the App Uninstall the Program Verify that "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" and "C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Programs" do not contain anything that belongs to "Evernote*" Install Program (Exe) from https://evernote.com/download (NOT the App) Are Your doing this only for test purposes? If not (if You really need to work with Evernote), You may use the Legacy version from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314 PS.: Justet tested to use App and Program in parallel: it works. But it installed 10.8.4 in both cases...
  16. @Shane D.Now it's nearly 4 months after writing down this User Story. I can not count complaints regarding this issue 😞 Is it really that hard to implement a simple ShellExeute() (or similar call on Mac or Android πŸ˜‰) as an answer to a click to a URL? Your developers shouldn't be tooo smart: If a user wants to define a hotlink to a local file, he really knows why. Even a cloud-based service like EN should respect this. If the user clicks on his|her link whilst beeing on a foreign maschine, he|she should get an error message. But he MUST be able to define such a link and use it on his maschine (like it was possible in pre-10 versions).
  17. This service is not a client service. It is handled by the server as long as the server receives an eMail to your personal EN eMail account. There is no change to the service. I tested it just now and it works fine. So please verify whether there are any typos in Your subject line.
  18. @TK0047 all systems (keystrokes) running fine here - tested it with DEUtschem (German) and ENGlish (US) keyboard. 10.6.9-win-ddl-public (2254), Editor: V 116.1.14913 and Web-Version.
  19. Click on the Icon left of "Tags". A page "Tags" will open. Move the cursor right of the tag to delete until you will see three points ("..."). Click on these points. Now you can rename, delete or do other things with the tag.
  20. Oups, I wasn't aware of this function, THX. And I'm back to the forum since December so I haven't seen the previous discussion πŸ˜‰
  21. Just tried it on Windows by inserting classic and web links into a note, synced it and opened it in both versions: Legacy always opens the destination note within Legacy - even the https://...evernote.../shard/-link This means that Legacy itself catches "open" commands to https:-destinations, parses for "www.evernote.com/shard/ and redirects the open to itself - tricky, but makes sense... EN-10 opens the evernote:///view/...-link within EN-10 and https://- within a browser both is correct but not the same behaviour as in Legacy. If You use the links from outside EN (maybe by inserting the URL in browser's address line evernote:///view/...-links are opened in EN-10 https://-links are opened in browser ==> there is no way to open a note in Legacy by using an URL from outside EN 😞 I tried to figure out whether there are some definitions in Registry that might be used by Windows to connect "evernote://" to Legacy. But I'm not deep enough inside secrets of Registry. It's a point on which only EN support can help...
  22. The ANY: operator works in EN-10 - it's not a feature of the new version - it's part of EN's search syntax which works on server and client site. But there is no support of it by using the UI (no buttons or key clicks on tags) and the search list does not show the ORed tags 😞 You have to type your search string "any: tag:january tag:february" into the search box.
  23. Your smartphone does fine because it's not on EN-10 level? PLS check your EN version on your phone... EN tries to move all systems to one code base, so a size limit of automatically running GIFs might hinder you in future 😞
  24. <sorry for jumping in once more - we might open an new thread for this πŸ˜‰> GUIDs are designed to be unique even if they're created indepentely on different machines. Creating them only on server site might have been a design fail. If a note jumps into life, it should get a GUID. Syncing a note identified by its GUID means "take the last change" - in a first try. Next step to get a more reliable result is "Compare change dates with last sync date. If both note versions differ from sync dates put the older one to 'conflicts' and take the new one as actual." A user who meets too many conflicts will think over his/her workflow... If a note is identified by a GUID from birth to dead, it would be a really good idea to import it back from an ENEX with exactly this GUID (and its assigned "changed" and "last synced" date). Every link to this note would keep intact (if links are based on destination GUIDs also). Users might export notes, delete them from their workspaces, re-import them later or move them to other workspaces, ... - all without loosing any reference to the correct note. Forgetting notebook information in ENEX might be another design fail (which can be solved of course by an ENEX-2 in future πŸ˜‰) A notebook could be identified by a GUID. A note-to-notebook assignment means simply adding the notebook GUID to a note (like adding tag-GUIDs to a note). Notebook properties like its name, parent notebook, ownership (in business spaces) and so on are apart from that - and should be included to ENEX as well. By doing so, one ENEX might contain a complete user's EN account content with notebook information - no need to select multiple ENEXs with specific destination notebooks on import. If You (or current EN developers) are in doubt whether a user really plans to merge ENEX content to current notebooks, offer two commands: "Merge ENEX" means "use current notebooks (and tags) " whereas "Import ENEX" means "create new notebooks (and tags)". It's only an idea - it your (all) turn now to to spin it further...
  25. All my statements are based on my personal findings and feelings πŸ˜‰ Yes, I also cannot believe that EN-10 will become my all-the-time-tool within the next months because of performance and handling issues. But over the time I came to the same conclusion as Darryl Brooks in his Blog post https://dbvirago.medium.com/if-youve-never-tried-evernote-now-may-be-the-perfect-time-7a6526519674: EN-10 should help to widen EN's user base to grant a stable business. Legacy version enables legacy users to rely on their workflows until EN-10 meets their needs.
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