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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Regarding such important behavior of older versions there is no need to threw coin. It's a MUST to retain this functionality.
  2. FYI: I opened a support ticket for that problem. Up to now I got only one answer: They escalated it to a higher level of support πŸ˜‰. I'll come back to here if I can get answers from there...
  3. Hmm, whom should we believe in? BS mentions an "extremely strong team of employees to focus on EN" (1) in parallel to a "mass layoff" of EN employees (2)... (1) is cited from the accidently posted BS text πŸ€” (2) is cited from EN employees in LinkedIn 😒 And the one who is best known within the EN user base and seemed to be a really credible rep (Ian Small) is no longer part of the team... His vita shows "CEO Evernote from Oct. 2018–Jan. 2023" after "Evernote was acquired by Bending Spoons S.p.A. in January 2023" 😀 But: He didn't stop to be member of the "Board of Directors of Yinxiang Biji - Evernote's spinoff serving China [markets]". So he is still on board πŸ‘
  4. @agsteeleCache is readable by anyone. Please be kind enough to remove the name of the poor man that made the mistake from here. THX PS (sometime later): Maybe this will not help to stop the waves 😞. LinkedIn shows many statements of EN staff members who describe the situation they face... I hope there will be a clear statement from BendingSpoons/EN to explain the situation in very near future πŸ™
  5. The problem is located on EN server site. Links to shared notes like https://www.evernote.com/l/... stopped working. Maybe this is by intend to force users to generate links in EN10. But it would be a unserious act because it makes thousands of links unusabe even if they have been generated in the past... I cannot believe EN to work in this manner. Hope they will repair their server configuration. πŸ™
  6. Like some others here I cannot see a real (and save) need for bulk editing notebook and tag names itself. It's better to (re)assign notes to new tags and books and delete the old ones later... But it would be nice to get a possibility to work in a note list like in a grid to re-organize notes. I've logged this as a christmas wish before 2 years - but nealy noone reacted to this 😞. Maybe I should do some advertising πŸ˜‰
  7. Just tried it in Legacy and EN10: both work correct - any size and position changes before closing the note window is retained so that opening a new note in a new window will show this note in position and size of the formerly closed. Do you use any tool to organize your window positions (like MaxTo or something else)?
  8. The settings apply only to newly inserted links and attachments. Once inserted this setting can be changed for every link or attachment individually.
  9. Yep - seems to be the same structure on Windows. Notes are in other subfolders that are controlled by the database (conduit-storage\, conduit-fs\ and some other) - but surely not in a 1:1 file:note structure. So it might be hard to implement IFilter- or IPreviewHander-methods to calc back to a specific note (title and URL) to display it in Windows search or Mac Spotlight lists. From this point on, we'd need to get some support from @EN-developers to figure out further possibilities πŸ€”
  10. That's not the problem: if you implement an IFilter for your documents, you may implement an IPreviewHandler to manage previews to notes without opening the app itself. These methods are to be implemented in DLLs that have to be registered to be used. Only if the notes are to be displayed or edited completely, you have to start the App itself. ⚠But there is indeed one problem: Because EN manages notes within a local SQL(?) database, they are not seen as single files. I don't know whether it is possible to show small but many pieces of such a database as unique objects in Windows search 😞
  11. I know πŸ˜‰ - Hope @EN-Admins forwards it to their developers to add EN-notes to Windows' search index. And I think, Apple offers a similar way to fill Spotlight's database with EN-notes content...
  12. [Botting] OK. [Spotlight or Win-Browser search]: If I remember correct (*), files are not read and interpreted by the operating system. OS finds the file and asks a foreign service to read it and to return found words back to the OS service who stores it in its own index. (*) It took me only two questions to GPT to find https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/search/-search-ifilter-about πŸ˜‰ Filter handlers, which are implementations of the IFilter interface, scan documents for text and properties. Filter handlers extract chunks of text from these items, filtering out embedded formatting and retaining information about the position of the text. They also extract chunks of values, which are document properties.
  13. If so, it's a nice try - but helps to wake up the idea πŸ˜‰ It would be really nice to see EN notes covered by Spotlight on Mac or Explorers search on Windows. I think in both cases EN has to implement some OS-specific callback functionality.
  14. Ah - OK - THX for this hint. I figured out this is an option that has to be set (Ctrl-<Comma> -> Notes -> Evernote links...). I had to exit EN10 and restart it to make this acitve.
  15. This is exactly how I use linking to assemble my so calls "Overview" notes. πŸ‘ Together with the new feature "view as preview" or simpler "view title" and backlinks, note linking is a really killing feature of EN. πŸ’₯ Because I'm used to add new note content always on the top of a note, "view as preview" always shows the last information. Because I change titles of notes often (i.e. the state of a project changes), "view title" always shows "life" states in overviews (if I do not need at preview πŸ˜‰) Bacause I used note links since ever, the new backlinks show many background information of note generation in the past 😁 But I've some suggestions to improve the work with note links more and more in future: πŸ™ If I copy a note link (ALT-Ctrl-L), I'd like to get a possibility to insert a note links as a "view title" immediately currently Ctrl-V inserts it as a simple link that has to be converted to a "view title" in a seperate step πŸ€” "view title" links should be displayed inline with text currently they occupy a new line 😞
  16. THX @Mike P - but is it really our (user's) task to figure out such tricky ways to do what formerly has been on hand within a folder "Saved Searches" ("Gespeicherte Suchanfragen") by Right-Clicking on a search? @EN-reps: Why is it such complicated? Will the old folder and RClick-functionality be re-enabled in upcoming versions?
  17. I also miss the possibility to see and modify saved searches as it was possible in Legacy version(s). EN10 only allows to save a search and add this to Favourites. But it is not possible to change search phrases rename searches save result list format delete searches @EN-reps: Why? Will this functionality be re-enabled in upcoming versions?
  18. Here's just another idea: For such kind of knowledge collections, I use tags. If you us a tag "biases", just mark all notes that describe any biase with this tag. This will have the following advantages: It's very easy to retrieve a list of these notes dynamically by searching for all notes with "tag:biases" You can sort this list easily be clicking on the fields of the note list You narrow down this list by further search options It's very easy to correct mistakes: simply remove a tag from the note πŸ˜‰ If you have to work with a specific set of collected notes, you mark them in the note list and paste the internal links to the notes to a new note. ... <list can be extended as long as you want - just play with the tags for some reasonable time...>
  19. That's a good advice! For any reason, EN does not recognize new versions of attachments in really all cases. But I've the feeling that this got better with EN10 (uses a file watchdog instead of lingering for foreign program's death in Legacy). But if it fails in really rare cases - don't panic! There is a note history available that carries older versions of attachments also (see here - requires a Premium, Personal, Professional, or Teams subscription).
  20. "Print to PDF" from within any program and use EN import folder as destination
  21. ... that he has to think about... It's easy to catch followers with EN bashing statements these days... 😞 But he was able to get an interview with Ian Small before some months. So it might be possible that he'll get another chance - if he trys for that...
  22. Now he knows πŸ˜‰ ... and answered "to be frank, I didn't expect that they would add a backlink feature so quickly. Well, be ensured I'll release another video about this soon."
  23. Tom recorded his video in December last year. So some statements (esp. regarding Backlinks) are outdated. I think he'll update it near time... Hope this will come together with an update from EN reps regarding thier future steps πŸ™
  24. ... and note that Legacy doesn't have the problem: Images are copied (OK, sometimes twice - but even better than nothing πŸ˜‰). Embedded attachments are automatically extracted to an attachment folder and arrive in Word as preview images to the document that hold a link to extracted attachments. Not the best solution - but works for programs that do not support embedded files... @Evernote-developers: Please contact collegues from Legacy development (if not retired) and ask them how to fill the clipboard with appropriate information πŸ™
  25. Isn't this a contadiction? If the index is calculated on server site and replicated to clients, it should cover the same data - or does the server hold two index tables (one complete and one for the mobiles)? If the index gets corrupted - does it make sense to replace the entire local database? If a client replicates the server index, there should be internal mechanisms available to grant completeness on client site. And if any lacks are seen, a reload should be done in the background. But @Scott T. explained that V10 runs a local index service (makes sense for performance reasons if net connectivity is poor and local computing power is high). It this case the index databases might hold different content (like in Legacy). Maybe we'll get back local notebooks and CTRL-Help in V10? πŸ˜‰ PS (somewhat later): We already have CTRL-Help and a submenue "ProblemlΓΆsung" ("Solve problems" in English UI?) πŸ’₯. Here you can find possibilities to start/stop activity traces, reload notes and log cpu and network load...
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