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Alvin C

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Everything posted by Alvin C

  1. I have notes deleted before, but their titles are shown on note list/search results like below: Apart from iOS, I also see it on new Web version while it doesn't happen on Legacy Mac app. Just make sure if it is really deleted or just cache. (When tapping these notes, there is a message "Note unavailable: Unable to load this note. Please refresh the page or try again later.) I have just newly installed the app so I don't think deleting and reinstalling can help. I don't know if people have already talked about this. If they do please help me merge my post to theirs.
  2. Tags can only be added in database and usually they will lose when moving to other databases (sometimes it works by luck).
  3. After one and a half month since iOS was launched, I like the UI but don't like most of the things need one more step, say clicking a link on MacOS/Windows. I am confusing when using iOS, especially iPadOS. Sometimes there is a sidebar and sometimes there is not when searching. There are so many useful functions but they have been hidden, especially when you are frustrated with the performance. Still buggy/battery hog even after v10.1 on iOS/iPadOS and v10.2.4 on Mac. The company is reluctant to respond to users, just being interviewed by YouTubers. Irresponsible to customers, and just leave it to customer support (you're a team!)
  4. I submitted the support ticket yesterday and got reply (not the automatic one) 6 hours later. However, they are not sure when this will not be fixed. (You know that fixing one bug can lead to other new bugs.) btw, thanks @Sayre Ambrosio for the workaround and luckily there is a way to edit when needed.
  5. I have this problem too (already on the latest v10.1) when I give one more chance to Evernote. You can edit again when you edit it on desktop/web app first. I'm really tired of it and never go back. Even though there are improvements.
  6. Bear is very solid and stable. They don't easily promise something and although they are regarded as slow they still deliver something best to users finally. They have already had a roadmap on the new editor which can hide Markdown and will support table. A beta version is open to everyone. No enrolment is needed and opinions/bug reports are welcome. Bear subscription is also cheap, even though you may need extra money on iCloud storage. I don't see any reason to stay on Evernote which is much more expensive while notes can be duplicated, lost, messy. Evernote will become a note-taking app which cannot take notes one day. Revolution of digital note taking services! Because they will remove "Add Note" function!
  7. If you subscribe through Apple Store instead, you can go to reportaproblem.apple.com to request a refund.
  8. It's insane to speak for a feature due to lack of people using. A feature can be important and useful even only 2% use it. If Ian Small's statement is valid, should some professional products like Mac Pro not to be launched on the market? Should Boeing line be removed because only 2% people on the planet are pilots? No products or services released in the market just because many need it or use it. They are launched at first and people are inspired and educated to find it useful, and they start letting it become a part of their work and life. If Ian Small is right just because he fails to promote some note-taking skills. You see Bear app (nested tags without notebooks) is working well. It's Ian Small and Evernote's failure to understand what a note-taking app is, failure to encourage people to create values in using it. They shouldn't put the features to somewhere or remove to punish users.2% users are also users who pay. His statement makes me never trust the company again. Maybe one day he will remove the add note feature because only 2% add new notes while 98% just editing existing notes.
  9. Improvements Sketch can now support high resolution, and turning on scribble does no longer affect the drawing. No blinking on dark mode. No more unnecessary space on the shortcut on the sidebar. But I found an issue that I don't know if it's due to v10 or whether it exists for a long time. Say when I insert a 3-MB image and then annotate it, the image size will become much larger, for example 15MB (just adding an arrow). In such case, both local and cloud storage is usually made bigger. And I know Evernote loads an original size image in all devices, while others usually prepare a few versions fitting different devices (iPhone smaller while Mac larger but all are resized until you tap for an original image on Notion) or resize before uploading (like Apple Notes with images max size about 2000px width). In the long term can the company consider at least the Notion's way to save time in loading notes?
  10. They have too many bugs to fix. So it can take several years to add back some features. But don't expect everything will be back as they will rewrite the app a few years later. (features removed again).
  11. I have already finished switching. From Evernote to Apple Notes, after temporary staying on Notion. Notion can replace Evernote for me, although some adjustments are needed. However, I don't want all of my notes and databases totally online, and I am aware of some security and privacy issues. I also don't want to fall into a trap of designing a beautiful website or dashboard, feeling a sense of control rather than true autonomy after taking notes. I finally deleted the account and tried other apps like Nimbus, Standard Notes, Joplin, Bear... Joplin is okay for me, but on MacOS it can't work. Will follow their updates and see. Standard Notes are great to have end-to-end encryption, but not sure if it is good for me (need to pay for more functions). Finally came between Bear and Apple Notes. I like Bear's Markdown but its syntax can't be hid, although they will have a new editor I don't know how long I will have to wait. Apple Notes provides great and fluent sketching with table functions, sync is more reliable than Bear. The only drawback is without export (except PDF not batch), but this function is not a must because there are always notes I no longer need (I finally need less than half of it). Thus I settle on Apple Notes and until now I am happy with it. They don't have tags but I later realise that they can allow flexibility while creating unnecessary complexity. Notebooks (folders) can be nested without limitation, and you can drag and drop them to move and rearrange as you like. This means I don't need to rename one by one to meet my needs. They don't have inter-links but I think I don't really need them. When I need, usually I just want my notes to be readable like a website. Apple Notes does not have many functions as Evernote and even Notion. Its simplicity allows me to truly think and figure out something when taking notes so that I will no longer just put everything into it (but of no use after many years) or making a beautiful visual something. Evernote is too messy while Notion is too beautiful. Meanwhile, Apple Notes does a great job of free flow of personal ideas and keeping your notes as easy to be revised.
  12. Evernote 10’s user interface renewal is shockingly bad As the new Evernote released, more and more people raise their concern and problems about the application. The whole UI and workflow is better while the details like more steps and buggy issues almost destroy its usefulness. An app should be like a kind of craftsmanship which has to be carefully taken care of, as it is the only way to provide full services for users. Yes, software is free, but if it's quality is bad, users cannot get what they want/what the company promises to provide after paying their membership. The long term ignorance and denial of the company kills all. The interface issues raised the article above is worth noticing while it's been suggested by a few users. I would like to refer to the author about the question of beta testing. I can confirm that it's Evernote ignores users' reports. He (or she) said, Plus I wanna share the following two articles which seems not relevant to Evernote but it's important to make a great app. We are having great devices but we still face a lot of buggy issues wasting so much time. Brilliant Hardware in the Valley of the Software Slump People expect technology to suck because it actually sucks
  13. I don't mind they make mistakes, but do mind how they deal with it and whether they are willing to learn from it. Usually a company at least has official saying in this case, but after more than a month Evernote has not said and promised anything yet. They updated iOS version for four times (v10.0.1 to 10.0.4) but no further actions for more than two weeks. They updated Mac/Windows but stopped at v10.1.7. The latest action was to further limit number of devices for free users including counting against web version. The customer support also stops replying to me as well. I don't know what situation the company is in. It seems everything fails to operate now except security issues like compromise, not being able to log in through Apple ID, losing notes etc. Beware of more shocking things do happen, and I am worried they can shut down this forum suddenly.
  14. I never thought of Apple Notes until Evernote v10 sucks. Apple Notes is very solid and reliable and fast. Notebooks can be moved and arranged as I like through drag and drop, unlike in Evernote in which renaming is needed. Unwillingness to communicate with users, just say something through YouTubers' interviews, is a deal breaker for me. They update iOS version to v10.0.4 and stop. They may be working their best insisting on launching the Android version. Nice they have grit like this! If Evernote is sincere, please issue an official statement through your website about the roadmap as users request and schedules about when which features will be back and when the legacy version will be pulled. Don't just spread words through YouTubers as you can ask them to delete the videos, and users do not have time to check what you said by watching clips again and again. Written words is a must. Would you prefer a contract through a video? The disaster has been more than a month. Seems that the company feels that is not exciting enough, stepping up to beg free users for money. But they know how to play a game, and they move to Notion to play another game but to make a dashboard satisfying themselves. Evernote, are you still persisting in this game challenging and betraying users? Will you continue by closing this forum to shut users' mouth? I am really looking forward to it!
  15. They are trying to step up and challenge more and more users. Unusable iOS version to some mobile users. Mac/Windows versions removing features to larger amount of power, paid users. Free users' number of devices limited (calling up to pay before their new Evernote is complete). For step 3, they have done similar before. The price hike in 2016 without any improvement. I have followed Twitter by searching "Evernote" to see how users respond to the above actions. They have sparked more and more users' frustration for a month. More people addressing Windows issues, and much more people are talking about the free limitation, especially claiming to moving to Notion. A Reddit user worried about Evernote would disable export function (You can't rule out this possibility as their new Evernote has removed other formats expect .enex and the company does not want to communicate with users, enclosing information including the roadmap). If the Premium and new software is reliable solid fast as well as willingness to communicate (not just interviews), users will be happy to pay. But they ask you to buy more pains, just giving you false hopes that twelve months to be waited to bring back features and reliability. Will you really trust this company?
  16. Thinking that some places like Hong Kong and Taiwan, which can still enjoy the original USD$45/year subscription, will have a price hike to the same as other countries very soon. Next up, (I predict) this forum will be shut down as it provides support for basic free users. To have support please pay first and contact their support team directly. I don't want to criticize the company like this but every their move is showing me they want you to pay (more) while giving you less and worse.
  17. I have been switching to Apple Notes in which notes do not need times to load (already offline), and local notebooks are always on every device. Sketches are not laggy and in high resolution which can be converted into texts and even links if you like. Notes can be printed too. Widgets and Apple Watch are here. Spotlight can show results other than note titles. Yes, there are only notebooks without tags that Ian Small may think as the most ideal, while Apple can make them into n subfolders. Drag and drop makes moving notes from folder to folder without any steps. And these features do not cost you any except for the iCloud depending on your size of contents. All these features mentioned above are also included on Evernote (especially v8.24.6), but for USD70/year which still does not guarantee you do things faster and better than free Apple Notes, but in the opposite ironically. Not to mention fixing few of the bugs may inevitably lead to other bugs you never think of. Money will buy frustration. Evernote will keep their ears shut when you voice out. Do you think 98% non power users will keep using Evernote? At least Apple Notes is free. At least Notion can bring a sense of satisfaction when you devote time and energy to create a beautiful dashboard.
  18. I did have before, and EN shows about 5 times compared to notes apps like Notion and Bear with the same screen time. Mac version does have the same problem which can make my MacBook Air turn on.
  19. If you use Facebook for free and you are the product, the case in Evernote is definitely much worse than that. You have paid but you are worse than a product. A toy? No. A ***** labour who have to pay to the employer rather than getting paid. Well said. The worst company I have ever seen in the world.
  20. From releasing the new iOS version I have already called for pulling down and legacy version, urging for an official statement addressing the issue besides the normal customer service. The company ignored almost all of this and still insist on launching Mac/Windows in which much more people are affected. They have missed the opportunities of first round, and also missed the second now, where many users asked for the roadmap and called for moving out. The YouTube clip shared here yesterday about the interview of Ian Small is nothing. Actually I am really shocked to see a company can COMPLETELY overlook all of the voices in this case. Their new product is already a crisis, and I am sure it is just the beginning of the fall of Evernote. Cancellation of the renewal is a must. If they are willing to talk to us and improve, they should have done it when the iOS was launched. If they didn't do it before, they won't do in both short and long run. Don't expect this company will change and you can't force them to do so. Leaving is already the best solution.
  21. If he really does something, he should have come here to directly answer users' questions, or post a blog article to address the issue. He at least didn't do something like what former CEO Chris O'Neill did. Ian Small is indeed the worst Evernote CEO ever. Beautiful words alone are only false hopes and scams. Only actions consistent to words can build trust and confidence.
  22. I think everyone has his/her particular needs, so there are no best apps or the best replacement of Evernote. We use Evernote as it suit everyone's different needs. That's it. But when you leave EN, you have to ask yourself which apps suit you most. Yes, Keep It and Nimbus seems similar to Evernote, but their UI and UX can be a bit different in which users can find it not satisfied. This is not the app's fault. For me, I will prefer Notion, Bear and Apple Notes. Notion is in a different approach but I can figure out how to change the way to organise and write notes, but no offline support and security issues (no 2FA yet; enlarging photos/documents needs to open a web browser and generate an Amazon public link which is valid for 24 hours). I don't mind there are lacks of PDF support on Bear, and some features like layout, export, wiki-link and tagging are nice. Solid, reliable and fast on the whole. But do I really need it? Apple Notes do not have export functions, but I find out even an app allows you to export, importing to other services still needs a lot of work, and most of the notes are useful only for a long time ago. Thus I don't mind adding a new note again, copy and paste and even rewrite in a few simple sentences. What I like Apple Notes is just simple enough, note layout not so beautiful and tidy as Bear while not so messy as Evernote (especially after v10) which is difficult to revise. But do mention that this is my case. Your circumstance is much different from me, and I won't force others to try or argue which is the best or not.
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