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  1. Same here. Another great improvement of evernote with IA. So smart. now we only need to (shift+winK+F)+(release)+[(shift+left) OR (ctrl+a)] Evernote viene a ser como estar casado con una gorda fea que que hace que te preguntes ¿cuando me case yo con esto? y recuerdas que al principio era delgada, joven y guapa.
  2. I have already read that policy. I do not believe it because of the erratic behaviour evernote does. It is not clear how that IA thing works. Every one that wants IA should ask for it. I know there is no way you will agree because I have read the thread and you keep posting that evernote would not do it so now it has became a difference of opinions. I do think they have indexed all of the notes by openAI and I know you do not think so. It is just so invasibe and anoying and out of place and so well defended that nothing can be done. EDIT: Remember at first before evernote was sold, they promess us total privacy, no one would ever read notes. Then they start saying they will read notes for out wealth and then they sold the company with all of our data, in that moment the promess was broken. You can believe all you want but the truth is that they manage your data the way they want and just give you void promesses. Evernote IA did go though my notes without permission, I can not explain how but it is something you know by the behaviour. I never allowed the IA in my notes but they are. Dont talk about buttons press by accident. It is the most invasive thing ever in my property.
  3. The IA may be optional to interact with manually to get things out of it but in reality it has already indexed all of your notes. In some moment Evernote decided without your permission to share all of your notes with OpenAI. Indexing notes takes some time. You don't just activate IA and it magically works, so it is based on the previows indexing. You have been already hijacked without permission. Are they going to do something about your notes? probably no, but your information is not private anymore. It does not belonge to you even if you think you do. Just stop paying and you will see. EDIT: The only thing that prevents me from coming here to post more issues is the force in the forum that protects every change in evernote. It is like if I come here to say something about evernote is anoying, people here will start defending evernote reasons instead of understand what I say. It's been like that since I remember from 10 years ago.
  4. Durante más de una década estuve usando evernote como notas rápidas dejando el cuerpo vacio en la mayoría, muchas orientadas a la hora en la que ocurre algo y me ayudaba mucho la hora de la creación o modificación que apareciera a la derecha del título y que fuera también editable. Llevo como un año con este nuevo evernote instalado en windows, actualmente la versión 10.80.3-win-ddl-public (20240314162820), y me da más trabajo que ayuda ya que no puedo usarlo como lo solía hacer, pero me voy a centrar solo en la fecha y hora, actualmente tengo que presionar (CTRL+SHIFT+i) para que salga una subpantalla pero yo prefiero que salga al lado del título como llevo años acostumbrado sin presionar nada y que podía verse desde el listado incluso todas apiladas. ¿Alguien sabe cómo ponerlo como estaba? Ya aprovecho y os pregunto sobre esta nueva búsqueda con IA que hace de todo menos agradarme los resultados, ¿puede desactivarse de alguna forma? me gustaba lo que me funcionaba, entiendo las mejoras que seguramente gusten a muchos, pero debe haber alguna opción donde desactivarlo para los que viven anclados a lo que les iba bien. Gracias. Saludos.
  5. Thank you very much. Do you know a good tutorial that you can redirect me to that explains to bulk process all of the notes or notebooks at once to html?
  6. Hola ¿Hay alguna forma de exportarlo desde evernote a un formato que pueda abrirse desde un ordenador que no tenga evernote instalado y no requiera de la instalacion de evernote en ninguna de sus formas? Me interesa tener toda mi informacion accesible en alguna especie de texto plano o HTML o lo que sea, pero fuera de evernote. Gracias.
  7. Hola. No consigo ver la la hora de creacion o modificacion de las notas desde Android, creo que se olvidaron de ponerla porque no sale ni en informacion de la nota. Desde la aplicacion web que nunca uso, se puede ver pero hay que ior a dos puntos, informacion de la nota, Es una de las cosas que mas usaba antes cuando tenia evernote instalado en windows pero se me rompio ese ordenador y no veo alternativas que se le parezcan. La hora es una cosa que usaba muy frecuente mente y es como si no fuera importante para los desarrolladores al estar tan escondida. Gracias por cualquier aclaracion.
  8. I understand defenders but defenders also should understand that it is true that we first started paying at afordable price for some people. I don't think it is bad idea the new features but what I think is not reasonable or right is to push people to more advanced features if they are fine with what they had from start. They should have offered a premium or gold plan or any name they want so we could have free users and then 2 or 3 levels of payd users been the first level the minimum price like 20€ that is how all this began for me. You want all features? pay 120€, I find that much more reasonable. I started with evernote because it was cheap and fast and simple and some people like me thinks those things are gone now.
  9. Ok. I will just wait for next update hopping they will fix whatever is wrong. Thanks to both of you for your help.
  10. Ok, I tap magnifying glass, enter the word and not pressing any search button does not automatically show the full search results. Only displays a list of notes where the word is included in the title, so I guess it only works for title search. As an example, writing [amigo] shows 18 results and to get this same result in windows desk the equivalent search is [intitle:amigo*] but writing [amigo] should throw out 466 results instead of 18.
  11. Thanks for replying. How do I enter words without taping the icon? edit: I have some saved searches shortcuts that when I press it shows results really fast but, is this means that I have to add any word I want to search in the form of a shortcut?
  12. Android version: 7, Rom name: Superman-Rom, Rom Date: 23.12.17 Edit: My current version in evernote App under Settings / Support displays "current version is 8.9" This has been happening for about 2 weeks and today I decided to reinstall Evernote app and is still not working I have seen a similar problem in this topic with no apparently solution and I am not sure that is the same problem: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/119365-search-not-working/ I type any search and a circle starts spinning like searching but that goes forever. Also, In the left menu, the syncing animation that displays a circle of 2 arrows running clockwise is displaying "OFFLINE SEARCH INDEXING" The main purpose of evernote is to search and if it does not search what is the point of having it. I went to the web and in the web works fine, and in the Windows desktop platform also works fine. Thanks for any hint to solve this big problem.
  13. Very annoying thing about this shortcut is, 0. It does not allow multiple notes, so you have to go 1 by 1 in the most annoying way: 1. I Ctrl+h, intro word, but pressing enter doesn't work, you have to go to the button with the mouse. 2. Go to next note and the dialog box disapear, you have to press Ctrl+h again, no problem but. 3. Text has disapear, you have to input the word again, and again, unless you use the paperclip. Not very friendly user from my point of view.
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