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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. We need some context. For me: If I click a link from a note when I am in a notebook or in "Notes" with no filter or search applied the link works correctly If I filter (for me that is typically filtering by a single tag) the link goes somewhere else, often the homescreen or nothing happens. Sometimes the back button then goes to the correct link. Opening the link in a new window (ctrl+click on Windows) always works. Is your experience the same?
  2. I'm intrigued to know what you mainly use the insert menu for. I never use it because the biggest efficiency improvement for me is to use other methods (often what EN call Auto formatting, but I would desctibe as pseudo-markdown).
  3. Well you are certainly not on a server all by yourself and nobody else is reporting the problems you are reporting. Therefore it is almost certainly something to do with either your instalation of EN on everyone of your devices (I agree this seems unlikely) or your internet or your account. I'm not sure there is much we can do to help with that and you will need to hope that EN support do eventually get back to you.or some background process that runs on the servers sometimes sorts it all by itself.
  4. Lots of ways. The most intuitive to me are 1. Hover over the note title in the breadcrumbs (also alt+shift+M) 2. Drag the note from the note list onto the notebook in the sidebar
  5. And I assume you have tried my suggestion.
  6. No, those are supposed to be the keyboard shortcuts for move back and move forward arrows.
  7. We're just fellow users here. If you want to ensure EN get the message you can feedback to them directly at feedback@evernote.com
  8. No problems for me either. I suppose you could try deleting all the site data (cookies, cache etc) on your browser. It will depend on your browser but for Chrome you click the icon to left of the url Then remove the data (there will be several MB). You will then need to login again.
  9. I think all the markdown type formatting commands requirte a real hitting of the space bar, enter or tab rather than a pasted character. I haven't used textexpander but you should see if it is possible to emulate sending a key stroke with textexpander.
  10. I disagree. If you want to do a proper search you have the edit tags menu as you describe. I normally know what my tag begins with so I'm very happy to only have tags beginning with those characters. If I'm looking for "outdoors" and type "out" I don't want "youtube" and "scout"
  11. I think the arrows disappeared between 10.80.2 and 10.80.3. In their enthusiasm for goiung back to a traditional windows menu rather than the hamburger perhaps they forgot about the arrows? Quick reminder of the keyboard shortcuts. Alt + {left arrow} and Alt + {right arrow}
  12. @Razmataz Here's a bonus script! I like the ability to filter based on a tag in a note This resets any search or filter already in place which is often fine. However sometimes I want to add the tag filter to my existing search/filter without having to go and find the tag in the filter menu. If you click on a tag in a note and then run this script (ctrl+shift+b) it adds tag:tag_name to the search bar and then runs the modified search. Because of the current restriction on filtering and then searching you might need to convert a filter into a search first. Because 99% of my filters are just for tags the following sequence works for me Run the script on the tag which is currently being used in the filter Delete the filter (blue lozenge) as this is now duplicated by the search string Run the script on the tag you want to add to the filter Obviously the best thing at the moment, for maximum flexibility, is never filter - always use the advanced search syntax. ^+b:: { SetKeyDelay 60 sendEvent "^c" Sleep 500 sendEvent "!^f" SendEvent " tag:^v{Enter}" }
  13. That sounds like the fact that some versions reset the note width setting. From the top menu: tools 🢂 settings 🢂 notes. Scroll to the bottom and select "Fit to Window"
  14. Fortunately this is not true but I agree it is not intuitive or very practical to do. If you click the year, you are correct that the range goes back to 2016. However if you click 2016 to accept it and then click the year in the date again, you are able to go back to 2008. You can then continue the process for as long as you need to. There may well be an actual minimum but I lack the patience to discover what it is!.
  15. The point is that if it works on the web version there is probably something wrong with your local instalation. I'm not suggesting you stop using the desktop version just that you use the web as part of problem solving.Rereshing the data base may well be all that is required.
  16. So here are a couple of other methods to try: Double click the note in the note list (rather than right clicking it) Use the three dots menu to the top right of the note pane. Also if you are opening it from a filtered list see if you get the same problem from either a notebook or "notes". This isn't something you can test on the web version. If nothing works then I think it is probably either a local database or instalation problem as this problem isn't being mentioned by anybody else. To refresh the database you can sign out of EN and choose "remove my Evernote data from this device". You can then sign back in. All the data will be downloaded again. This may take some time but EN should be usable in the mean time. It's always good to double check that everything is correct on the server before you do this as anything not synchronised will be lost. You can do this by logging in to the web version. If that doesn't work then I would completely uninstall EN using something like Revo uninstaller and then start again
  17. Lots of ways of doing this, what method are you using? I've just tried 3 or 4 methods and they all worked as expected (10.80.3 but this was not an issue for me on 10.79 either)
  18. @kkarney I've just tried both the things you have mentioned in your last two posts. Deleting a note instantaneously removed it from the list of found notes Merging two notes immediately removed the two original notes but the new merged note did not appear (i'm not sure I would expect it to). Re-running the search resulted in the new merged note appearing as expected. How did you get on with my suggestion?
  19. Just discovered something nice, apologies if it's already been mentioned. A horizontal line "resets" the header, so anything under the line is always visible. Best illustrated with a screen shot.
  20. Interesting idea. I always use F2 to get the focus off the note and into the title field. From there I can tab and shift tab to other places. Definitely worth looking at but as you say it could disappear by tomorrow so I'll stick with what I know for the moment.
  21. Most people just want a stop to the constant reminder not the actual function. I can reluctantly live with the function (although I won't personally uses it) but EN should realise that if I type 14/ I'm probably not going to want to insert an image next. Alternatively have a well thought out shortcut like the markdown type autoformatting options that have never in 10 years got in the way of my workflow.
  22. And a whole host of other shortcuts as well. Chances are if you use keyboard shortcuts at all at least one will be broken. And don't go looking for the list of keyboard shortcuts because the keyboard shortcut for the list of keyboard shortcuts is also broken.
  23. Just a word of warning about merging in V10 compared with legacy. In legacy there was an option for EN to write the note url into the body of each note during the merging process. This means the note url for each individual note is not lost but appears in the relevant section of the merged note. In V10 that option does not exist. The note url of the first note with a url becomes the note url of the merged note. All other note urls are lost so it is up to you to make sure the url is in the body of the note (or in a web clip box) prior to merging. My main problem is pdfs captured using the webclipper, where the only reference to the source is the note url. The good news is that in V10 it is easy to manually copy the note url into the body of the note.
  24. I wish I shared your confidence. I'm still waiting for Tasks to get the enhancements which would convert it from "just about OK" to "a pleasure to use". I'm afraid there is too much "tick the box, move on and never look back". I would obviously be delighted to be proved wrong.
  25. I can't see the stack name in the desktop version or the web version. You've probably go some pre-release version of the UI with no release number or way of knowing. I'm on 10.80.2 but these days that only gives part of the story.
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