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Paul A.

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Everything posted by Paul A.

  1. I'm happy to see a focus on the foundations, and that Evernote still aspires to be a second brain. That's encouraging. I hope you don't pivot to "innovation" too quickly. There still seem to be some fundamental problems with the current clients (note content disappearing, slow loading, etc.). I was also confused by the "Navigation" section. What exactly do these changes portend? I also didn't see any mention of previously discussed "metadata sync;" hopefully that's still coming, too.
  2. Wow! I don't feel so bad about my tiny amount. 😆
  3. Thanks for the tip and nudge to look at my trash folder. Found over 600 deleted notes dating back almost a decade that I can clean up. I've always found it a bit surprising that trashed items older than a certain period of time don't automatically delete...
  4. On desktop (macOS), while connected to a mobile hotspot. I was having connection issues (spotty mobile phone service). I searched for a note which had a document I needed, and in the process of finding and opening the document Evernote decided to delete the document from my note. Looking at the note again the next day, the note now shows a pdf attachment called "Untitled Attachment" but the pdf can not be interacted with (can't open/save/rename, etc.). There were many reports of people (myself included) having their files replaced with "Untitled Attachment" and effectively losing their files in recent weeks/months, though those reports died down recently so I had hoped this issue had been resolved. Perhaps these are all slightly different bugs, or perhaps the issue simply hasn't been completed fixed. Either way, it's frustrating. This particular instance isn't a big deal to me, but I fear losing documents that are important to me. I've found myself using Evernote a bit less lately due to my eroding trust and that causes its own frustrations because I find EN very useful. It has to work, though, and never lose my stuff. That's job #1, #2, and #3.
  5. Hi Rich, curious whether you made any progress on this issue through your support ticket.
  6. I just sent you logs, note link, screenshots and a detailed description of a different type of data loss I just experienced about an hour ago. Hopefully my experience has the same root cause as Janessa's, but if not I hope my report helps get to the bottom of this one as well. This data loss relates to a pdf attachment, and while this is the first time I've experienced the exact scenario which resulted in a lost pdf attachment, this is at least the third time that I've lost an attachment in recent weeks and I am very concerned. I can't exactly count on Evernote to be my second brain if it randomly decides to lose my attachments.
  7. @RichW Have you opened a support ticket? You've already done a lot of troubleshooting so that seems like the next step if you haven't done that yet. It's probably rare, but I've seen a handful of reports in these forums over the years of performance issues being caused by something wrong in a user's Evernote-hosted database. The solution in these cases was level 2 support running some utility or another on the Evernote back-end to fix it.
  8. Try this: https://cdn1.evernote.com/boron/mac/builds/Evernote-10.60.4-mac-ddl-stage-20230803182206-83e835872b4138cd342f6515bf2b6907b5fec1a6.dmg
  9. Haven't got the new release yet, but can anyone who has confirm whether the following bugs are still present on Android? 1) Android / Gboard keyboard users 2) Android
  10. Cost cutting. Newer versions of Google Auth support syncing codes to your Google account, so that they will be transferred to new phones. It's slightly less secure, but also less likely that you'll be locked out of your account. See below: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid#:~:text=Keep your Google,your Google Account.
  11. I appreciate the updates on the Android issues, but it would be lovely to get an update on all the desktop problems with 10.59.5.
  12. It's crazy to me that not only has no fix yet been posted but this hasn't even been acknowledged? Right after I posted further upthread that I was not experiencing these issues, I discovered that I am, in fact, experiencing these issues (on Mac), and they are quite frustrating. Just checked evernote.com/download and no change to the Evernote version as of just now...
  13. Oh goodness, please, no more rewrites! That would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. If they undertake that we'll be here complaining in five years that we still don't have feature parity, or that there are too many bugs, or that feature velocity is too slow. Evernote will be pretty great if/when the bugs and rough edges are sanded off and the metadata sync is implemented. Edit: My feelings on this are best summarized by Michael Scott in this clip from The Office:
  14. Thought I was going crazy but same thing happened to me yesterday (although I think it was just two additional copies created for me, for a total of three). I haven't experienced the other bugs reported in this thread as of yet, but I feel for everyone who has. One week since 10.59.5 was posted with (apparent) problems and I'm surprised that this version wasn't quickly rolled back and that there hasn't been a quick hotfix posted. Another negative side-effect of firing all of the most experienced and knowledgeable developers, just as I feared.
  15. That's not good. I'm kind of scared to load up some of my oldest notes to check for myself, in case it's the very act of loading up the note that triggers a bug that deletes the attachment. Hopefully it's just a temporary situation that can be fixed and those attachments are not lost forever. My confidence in Evernote is a bit shaken right now: the #1, #2, and #3 most important features to me for this kind of app are to never, ever lose my data.
  16. It's such a shame that the real-time sync feature was launched half-baked and insufficiently tested. This is one of the things that seems more likely to happen when a company makes huge cuts to staffing. Although I am eagerly awaiting the "metadata sync" enhancements, I hope they take the time to thoroughly test it before launching publicly.
  17. I'm on 10.59.5 and not experiencing those issues, though I'm on Mac. Edit: I spoke too soon; I am experiencing these issues and they are quite frustrating
  18. Sorry to hear that. Are you on Mac or Windows? They seem to be developed fairly independently of each other, so my experiences (on Mac) may not be reflected on Windows. And to keep this somewhat on topic, the long time Quicken for Mac product manager actually used to work for Evernote! (Though he's no longer leading Quicken for Mac, he moved into a different role in the company.)
  19. It's a fair concern, but there are exceptions. Quicken was sold by Intuit to a private equity company in 2016, and sold again to another private equity company around 2021, but it has thrived. According to an interview with the CEO that I read a year+ ago, Quicken is strongly profitable and has significantly more paying customers than it ever did as part of Intuit. More importantly from this user's perspective, the software has seen a steady release schedule that has chipped away at the feature backlog of the Mac version, steadily polished and improved existing features, and overall software quality has increased. I'd be happy if the same happens to Evernote.
  20. Would love to hear your results! No Android app which is an issue for me, but I like the look of it and if they release a web app as planned next year it might become viable. Yeah, Mac/iOS only for now but a web app is planned for next year and they are considering becoming fully cross-platform (though if they do do that that'll probably take years given how long it took to release bear 2).
  21. Agreed. This is my biggest fear as well, though it will take time (months? half a year or more?) to know whether BS has made a mistake here or not. I'm sympathetic to your view, though I would say that Ian Small probably was not rewarded as handsomely as he had expected (or at least had hoped) when he first took the role. Evernote was once valued at over $1b, and has raised almost $300m in funding over its life. Educated guesses are that BS bought Evernote for a fraction of that amount, and so many early investors probably lost a lot of money. If Evernote had managed to regain a $1b+ valuation, all the original investors would have made at least some profit, and Ian Small would have been paid handsomely for doing so. Selling the company for essentially peanuts (compared to the amount of money invested and how long that money has been tied up) is probably unlikely to have made him enormously rich. Even if there are people who will tolerate such high prices in the short term, it's enormously risky to the long-term future of BS's Evernote investment. Look at today's release of the (eagerly anticipated and years-in-development) Bear 2.0. It's not a full Evernote clone, but they've added many features that are popular on Evernote (and some popular feature requests on these forums that Evernote doesn't have yet.) Price: $30/year, and they have an Evernote importer. Bottom line, the higher Evernote raises their prices, the more space there is for other companies to profitably launch competing products which are designed to appeal to and siphon off paying Evernote users.
  22. Updated to 10.58.5 and still experiencing the "Untitled Attachment" glitch (on macOS, FWIW). Most recently I tried to merge two notes, one a web clip of an email, the other contained three small pdfs. The merged note had three useless files named "Untitled Attachment." I logged into the web portal and it reflected the same thing as what I saw on the desktop app.
  23. Can we also get an update on the note reverting to a previous version? Also, as I mentioned upthread, I opened a ticket and provided logs, but my ticket was closed and it didn't sound like the logs were looked at by the agent (and not clear whether they were sent to anyone, either). 🤷‍♂️
  24. Are you sure about that? I opened a ticket with logs and even sent a link to Federico's comment on this thread acknowledging the data loss issue. However, since I reported that I didn't need help recovering the note (as by then I had both restored from history and recreated the changes from memory), the support rep told me this (my emphasis) 😞 The statement doesn't fill me with confidence that I've been added to the list of users experiencing this issue so that management can understand the full extent of the issue. At best this is clumsy wording, at worst I feel like my issue just hit the metaphorical shred bin inside the Evernote help desk. Something like this:
  25. Is first-level support aware of this issue and the priority? I have a ticket open (with logs) for a note reversion issue, but I'm still stuck answering basic questions with first-level support; they haven't even opened the log file yet as far as I can tell.
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