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Paul A.

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Everything posted by Paul A.

  1. FYI, content loss does not only occur in Tasks. I had a note (containing 0 tasks) not only lose my edits made a few hours earlier, but actually revert back to a state from two days prior. This was a text note with a couple of small PDF files. I have opened a ticket with logs. Separately, I have since updated to 10.58.3 for Mac, and just a moment ago I experienced an extended time to load a note. The note is from two years ago, and all it contained was a text link to another note. It took ~55 seconds to open.
  2. Just experienced my first data loss. Not happy about this, Evernote. 🤬 Keeping my data safe is the #1 job of any electronic app, especially one that purports to be my elephant memory.
  3. I agree this would be nice. Suggest you add your vote to the below feature request, which has a good number of votes already:
  4. 100% agree with you and Dave. They fairly recently added the keyboard shortcut to the search box (see below) which is a start, and I hope they go much further and put it just about everywhere (whether the same way as the search box when space allows, or in tooltips, whatever makes most sense).
  5. I'm curious whether you or anyone else has ever tested this on v10? On legacy, it very clearly synced every single note and file locally. It would be a shame to discover that v10 hasn't synced some old notes that haven't been accessed in a long time.
  6. You should be able to fix it by copying the text into a new note and deleting the old note.
  7. Experiencing a possibly related issue that I posted with a screenshot here:
  8. Yup, I'm experiencing issues loading some notes, too. Both on desktop (Mac) and browser. On desktop, turning on Note Status in the Troubleshooting menu (Hold CMD/Ctrl then click the Evernote Help menubar to expose it) gets me the following status on the notes which don't load:
  9. Hmmm, I'm not too sure about this. I used one of their video editing apps recently to edit a video and didn't pay a cent for it. I'm sure I'm included as a "user" without actually having paid anything.
  10. Google Docs predates the creation of YJS. They use a different process called Operational Transformation which works a little differently than Conflict Free Data Resolution. Here's the last of a very technical and nerdy series of blog posts on Google Drive's tech for anyone interested! https://drive.googleblog.com/2010/09/whats-different-about-new-google-docs.html
  11. Following this thread with interest. I've always felt that Evernote should provide a native way to perform a full-fidelity backup (including attachments, tags, links, etc.)
  12. Sync is fast with a strong wireless connection, but the background sync I think becomes useful in areas of poor or nonexistent network coverage. No background sync for task and reminder information is one of the limitations that's stopped me from taking a serious look at Evernote Tasks. As for background sync of general notes and note text, that's not my most urgent feature request by a long shot, but I do think it would be useful. When coded correctly and for apps targeting recent Android versions (which Evernote does), background sync for non-urgent items has become quite efficient. The OS keeps the CPU asleep until it's time to batch up several app requests at the same time, turns on the CPU and the radio one time for all requesting apps to do their work, then turns everything off again. And the longer the phone goes without being actively used, the longer the sleep intervals become. Edit: Back to feedback on Real Time Editing (RTE): I've noticed that performance when scrolling through my note list in the Mac app is quite a bit worse than before. This is particularly so with notes that contain PDF attachments. It's almost as if the client is no longer caching the note data. Some notes can take 3 seconds to load, whereas before they were much snappier. While the note is loading, the PDF has a loading symbol as below:
  13. Are you familiar with the ability to filter by tag when clicking on one at the bottom of a note? (See screenshot below.) If your proposal is different, could you explain more because I'm struggling to understand the difference.
  14. I've seen you say this before, and every time I see it I always think how fortunate you are to not have had my experience with the Android app. When the "v10" apps were first released (and for a long time after), Android was absolutely behind iOS in terms of performance, bugs, and functionality. I had numerous conversations with Evernote staff at the time (not just support staff but also developers and a couple of managers) and it was made clear to me that at the time virtually everyone at Evernote (especially the managers and executives) used iPhones as their main mobile devices. It wasn't stated out loud, but the implication I got was that (at least back then) the iOS version received more attention. Hopefully that has changed, as I have seen significant improvements and the Android app is much better now than it was when v10 launched. I'd probably be reasonably happy if I didn't regularly run into a long-standing reproducible bug and if I didn't miss some of the Android-specific functionality that existed in the legacy Android Evernote app. Edit: On-topic, I haven't used it much yet but I'm impressed with RTE so far. Are we going to see background syncing come to mobile devices? It has to be implemented thoughtfully so that it doesn't crush battery life, but quick syncing of tasks and reminders in the background would be very useful, and occasional background sync of note titles and (at least) an initial snippet of each note's text would be useful.
  15. I agree about providing more informative release notes. Unfortunately, they let go the gent who was writing them (among many other duties I'm sure), and it doesn't appear to have been re-assigned to anyone else. You may have only just noticed it, but these have actually been the release notes for several weeks now. I do hope they go back to providing more informative release notes. As for auto-updating you without notifying you, is it possible that before you last quit the app, you missed a little text box that appears on the sidebar when an update is ready to install the next time the app is started? As you know, there were frequent complaints in these forums about being interrupted by an Evernote pop-up asking a user to update, and this change has been long-signaled (via blog posts and such) as being something in the works. As for the practice of auto-updating in general, it's standard practice on mobile devices (unless you explicitly opt-out) and it's becoming pretty standard for desktop apps to also auto-update upon being quit / restarted. Note that this change now makes Evernote (directly downloaded from Evernote.com) consistent with how Evernote has always updated when installed from the Mac or Windows app stores. Finally, this appears to be a trend amongst software companies both big and small. Off the top of my head, Chrome, Firefox, Signal, Visual Studio Code, 1Password, Google Drive, and more behave the same way. And now, Evernote too.
  16. Hmmm, while I can see why it could be useful in some cases, perhaps this is more suited to a more specialized app? My password manager offers that feature, for example.
  17. Welcome to the forums! Great to have Evernote's product lead participating here. I have two questions: On your blog post, you say: The new prices are effective starting May 1 for new subscribers and starting end of May for existing subscribers. Is there a reason Evernote doesn't seem to be honoring the previous prices for existing subscribers who are interested in upgrading to Professional this month? It seems like this would be a customer-friendly move and would have at worst an extremely tiny impact on revenue over the next year (and in some scenarios might even enhance revenue in the short-term if some users are motivated to upgrade to Professional to lock in the previous price when they otherwise wouldn't have considered upgrading). Any chance you'll have the team working on QOL (quality of life) fixes in addition to the big splashy sync and AI features? I made a post further upthread with some of the small issues which irritate me and which (when combined together) reduce my satisfaction with Evernote quite significantly: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/145109-bending-spoons-price-increases-begin/?do=findComment&comment=681143
  18. I subscribe directly to Evernote, but on the Mac App store for Evernote listing I see the below prices. I'm guessing these are out-of-date and wouldn't be honored if a new user tried to sign up for a subscription via the Mac app store, but would be worth a try over the $130 price directly to Evernote!
  19. Yes, me too. The free plan is pretty generous, and for a company that is focused on reducing expenses and raising revenue I have to imagine they are tempted to try and reduce their costs from free users. Though I suspect that severely curtailing the free accounts will result in a lot of bad press (even more than this price increase will), so perhaps they are waiting to see how the price changes are received first.
  20. Yes, you're right, but I still arched an eyebrow when I read "no price increase since 2016." The average revenue per user undoubtedly increased materially after Personal/Professional plans were rolled out. Some people might say I'm splitting hairs because the "list price" for Premium/Personal stayed the same in USD (and I imagine in some other major currencies as well). Given new high list price for its plans, it's quite possible that Evernote implements a strategy of publicly discounting and putting the subscription "on sale" much more often than before. This is a strategy that works in many product segments. Evernote used to offer discount offers for users with lapsed plans to re-subscribe and get a discount for the first year, but I'm talking of the possibility of more extensive discounts. Back when I subscribed to paper magazines, that was an industry that was notorious for huge discounts. No one ever paid the "list" price for a subscription, it was just a question of how good are the discounts at a particular point in time. Will be interesting to see. I feel fortunate that I have until the end of the year to see how things shake out before having to decide whether to renew.
  21. Hmmm. Didn't the price go up with the introduction of the Personal and Professional plans a couple of years ago? I certainly remember a lot of discussion and consternation related to the price back then.
  22. Well, we finally have some clarity on the situation, though the pricing changes are probably not what most of us wanted to hear. I do like that they are being transparent and direct about the upcoming changes, and I'm quite excited about the sync improvements, and I truly hope it is rock-solid and bug-free. The AI feature coming later this year to query one's own notes for answers could be a killer feature, if (IF!!!) it works well. But were my subscription renewing soon, I would be hesitant to incur a significant price hike months before even being able to test that new feature. Although "big" features like the sync improvements and upcoming AI features are flashy and potentially add significant value, I find my own opinion towards Evernote is reduced quite significantly by a large number of what I call "quality of life" issues. These are all minor individually, but they are irritants and in combination they add up to significantly reducing the value of Evernote. Here's a sample of some of the QOL issues that irritate me to various degrees: First: I spend a lot of time searching my Evernote database. I use a keyboard shortcut, Opt-Cmd-F (on Mac) to jump right to the search box. The problem comes when I perform a second search, when I use Opt-Cmd-F to jump back to the search box, the previous search term isn't highlighted. So I have to delete the terms manually and then type the new ones. The convention in just about all software that I've ever used is that the previous search term is highlighted, so that if one wants to enter new search terms one can just begin typing. (Try this in Safari, Chrome, Gmail, Spotlight, Signal, it's a remarkably consistent software design convention.) A small issue but it's an irritant and fixing it would (presumably) be SO easy. Here are some other QOL issues:
  23. I don't disagree at all. Just sharing why I think they *might* choose to add it one day. I hope they focus on much broader features like the forever-pending sync improvements, personally...
  24. I thought I'd start a discussion on what people might want to see in terms of AI in Evernote. Microsoft just announced they are starting to test their AI that they call "Copilot" in OneNote. See this announcement and embedded video for a preview of what they hope to achieve. Similarly, Google is also working on embedding AI into all their tools. Though Google doesn't have a direct Evernote competitor (unless we count Google Docs and Drive, which some may use for some of the same use cases as Evernote), they've also put out a very interesting video that provides a vision of how they plan/hope to implement generative AI into their products. OpenAI's GPT-4 (the AI that powers Microsoft's CoPilot) is not exclusive to Microsoft and can be licensed by third party software products, so Evernote could theoretically license it and integrate it into the product. Although GPT-4 only just released to the public, GPT-5 is already under development is rumored to be scheduled to release next year. These AI products are going to get better and better, and could become almost expected within a couple of years. For my part, I'm not currently begging for an AI in my note taking app, but I could see myself changing my mind pretty quickly if I start to rely on these AI tools in other parts of my life. Thoughts?
  25. I think it depends whether BS wants to target the education market. OneNote supports equation handling and in my understanding is quite popular in math-heavy education. I think BS might be more focused on increasing revenue now rather than the long-term growing of the Evernote user base, but perhaps that will change in time.
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