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Paul A.

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Everything posted by Paul A.

  1. The new Pixel 8 (shipping next week and currently available for pre-order) will have a guaranteed 7 years of software and security updates. If you use a traditional postpaid carrier plan in the USA it's available for "free" at all the major carriers, I believe. FYI!
  2. Hmmm, doesn't Evernote 10 now support Android 9 and later? If you're running Android 8.1 or earlier, your phone must be a bit of a security risk. Be very careful what you do on it (and perhaps time for an upgrade, if you can swing it.)
  3. App store certainly supports staged rollouts, though it's up to developers to use them. Overview here: https://developer.apple.com/help/app-store-connect/update-your-app/release-a-version-update-in-phases Certainly it's possible that staged rollouts are more necessary / have become absolutely standard in the Android world due to the diversity of hardware/software and perhaps historically they were considered less necessary on iOS. Still possible to FUBAR any app update though, so I think it's good practice to stage rollouts no matter the platform.
  4. Yes agreed, it would be nice to hear from @Federico Simionato the situations that caused data loss that (hopefully) have been fixed in this release.
  5. I don't have specific reproducible steps, but my experience with data loss in recent months involved trying to open a pdf embedded into an older note and having Evernote occasionally "eat" the pdf. I have also seen some posts of people losing text added to a new (or newly edited) note (while the app continued to claim "All changes saved" in the lower-right). Hopefully both of these issues are fixed. 🙏
  6. I think it's important to read the room and pick your moments. This thread is a feature request for a feature that a lot of people are passionate about. It's not a good look for people who don't see the value in the feature to make dismissive comments in a feature request thread. IMHO.
  7. Scroll down further - underneath the "Talk to other users" option, is there not an option to contact support?
  8. I'm not sure you'll have any luck having support do this for you on a free account. Other users with similar situations as you have reported good results by subscribing for a month of the cheapest plan in order to temporarily gain access to the note history feature. Best of luck.
  9. I just replied to you in another thread, and my comment there succinctly summarizes my dissatisfaction with Evernote's reliability since the change to CRDT. I experienced sync conflicts in the past, and those were extremely annoying, but I never had notes randomly deleting information like I have since the switch to CRDT:
  10. Just happened again, in the .7 point release. Tried to open a PDF in a note that was first created five years ago, after an error message and flashing dialog boxes that opened and closed too quickly to read, the PDF eventually opened, but it deleted itself from my note, leaving the below: Are there any bug fixes between .7 and .10 to address this issue? Because this is frankly getting a little tiresome. This is a more sensitive than average note, so I'm not inclined to send over that URL and logs this time, unfortunately. Since this happened my Evernote, auto updated to the .10 release, but that didn't bring the note attachment back. Fortunately, I saved it separately and will be able to replace it myself.
  11. Tried twice to logout (web) including delete all Cookies, but one of my notes still refuses to load and is stuck with "Saving..." in the lower-right. This may be a different issue as it's not a note I edited yesterday, it's actually the note of recovered attachments that you helped me recover five days ago, but it still refuses to load. The note contents for this particular note are not important to me, I only mention to point out there may still be an issue with some notes stuck in this "Saving..." situation.
  12. I'm happy to see a focus on the foundations, and that Evernote still aspires to be a second brain. That's encouraging. I hope you don't pivot to "innovation" too quickly. There still seem to be some fundamental problems with the current clients (note content disappearing, slow loading, etc.). I was also confused by the "Navigation" section. What exactly do these changes portend? I also didn't see any mention of previously discussed "metadata sync;" hopefully that's still coming, too.
  13. Wow! I don't feel so bad about my tiny amount. 😆
  14. Thanks for the tip and nudge to look at my trash folder. Found over 600 deleted notes dating back almost a decade that I can clean up. I've always found it a bit surprising that trashed items older than a certain period of time don't automatically delete...
  15. On desktop (macOS), while connected to a mobile hotspot. I was having connection issues (spotty mobile phone service). I searched for a note which had a document I needed, and in the process of finding and opening the document Evernote decided to delete the document from my note. Looking at the note again the next day, the note now shows a pdf attachment called "Untitled Attachment" but the pdf can not be interacted with (can't open/save/rename, etc.). There were many reports of people (myself included) having their files replaced with "Untitled Attachment" and effectively losing their files in recent weeks/months, though those reports died down recently so I had hoped this issue had been resolved. Perhaps these are all slightly different bugs, or perhaps the issue simply hasn't been completed fixed. Either way, it's frustrating. This particular instance isn't a big deal to me, but I fear losing documents that are important to me. I've found myself using Evernote a bit less lately due to my eroding trust and that causes its own frustrations because I find EN very useful. It has to work, though, and never lose my stuff. That's job #1, #2, and #3.
  16. Hi Rich, curious whether you made any progress on this issue through your support ticket.
  17. I just sent you logs, note link, screenshots and a detailed description of a different type of data loss I just experienced about an hour ago. Hopefully my experience has the same root cause as Janessa's, but if not I hope my report helps get to the bottom of this one as well. This data loss relates to a pdf attachment, and while this is the first time I've experienced the exact scenario which resulted in a lost pdf attachment, this is at least the third time that I've lost an attachment in recent weeks and I am very concerned. I can't exactly count on Evernote to be my second brain if it randomly decides to lose my attachments.
  18. @RichW Have you opened a support ticket? You've already done a lot of troubleshooting so that seems like the next step if you haven't done that yet. It's probably rare, but I've seen a handful of reports in these forums over the years of performance issues being caused by something wrong in a user's Evernote-hosted database. The solution in these cases was level 2 support running some utility or another on the Evernote back-end to fix it.
  19. Try this: https://cdn1.evernote.com/boron/mac/builds/Evernote-10.60.4-mac-ddl-stage-20230803182206-83e835872b4138cd342f6515bf2b6907b5fec1a6.dmg
  20. Haven't got the new release yet, but can anyone who has confirm whether the following bugs are still present on Android? 1) Android / Gboard keyboard users 2) Android
  21. Cost cutting. Newer versions of Google Auth support syncing codes to your Google account, so that they will be transferred to new phones. It's slightly less secure, but also less likely that you'll be locked out of your account. See below: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid#:~:text=Keep your Google,your Google Account.
  22. I appreciate the updates on the Android issues, but it would be lovely to get an update on all the desktop problems with 10.59.5.
  23. It's crazy to me that not only has no fix yet been posted but this hasn't even been acknowledged? Right after I posted further upthread that I was not experiencing these issues, I discovered that I am, in fact, experiencing these issues (on Mac), and they are quite frustrating. Just checked evernote.com/download and no change to the Evernote version as of just now...
  24. Oh goodness, please, no more rewrites! That would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. If they undertake that we'll be here complaining in five years that we still don't have feature parity, or that there are too many bugs, or that feature velocity is too slow. Evernote will be pretty great if/when the bugs and rough edges are sanded off and the metadata sync is implemented. Edit: My feelings on this are best summarized by Michael Scott in this clip from The Office:
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