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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. @janndk has now started a new thread on the specific new situation of export as image only; probably best to continue that discussion there:
  2. I just tested, and @janndk is correct, all text is exported as an image, yielding a pretty but non-searchable PDF. This happens using either Export to PDF or Print (using Microsoft print to PDF). I did this with two notes, a pure-text note that I created in Evernote and a text-heavy note clipped from the Web. The only difference between exporting and printing is that the MS print to PDF version has graphics in color not black and white (!), but does not allow selection of areas of the image or highlighting. I don't agree that everything in Evernote needs a workaround, not by a long shot. But this is pretty ridiculous. If I create text in EN and want to share it with others as a PDF, it definitely should appear just as I typed it and be searchable. And color images should be in color! I don't think that's unreasonable at all.
  3. Yes, @Carl-L-ND, that seems to be the deal. It really is impressive to watch. Still working out what I'm going to do with it, since I'm a solo user of Evernote. But it makes me want to open a note in 2 devices just to watch the show. I think the colors may vary each time you edit on multiple devices (also cool IMHO). And text being typed on other devices appears in the Android app even when not in edit mode. Also see the article on collaborative editing that has just been published: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/12748274247059.
  4. If you're willing to accept a workaround, please look through this thread, where several have been suggested.
  5. Take a look at this post from Evernote's product head, and at other posts in this thread, to get a sense of why they're doing that (and why they're not stopping):
  6. Perhaps the answer has to do with how many people are requesting it. Because Evernote can be used for so many purposes, it seems to me that there is a tendency for each type of user to assume that their own use is the primary use for Evernote. "Evernote is for code writers." "Evernote is for document storage." "Evernote is for tasks." "Evernote is for writing novels." And when Evernote continues to generalize rather than to specialize for one particular type of use, people sometimes think they are being ignored unfairly. Personally, I would like to see Evernote have a better developed set of fonts, styles, and font colors. But Evernote's developers are ignoring me, and they are doing so fairly.
  7. No need to double post, please. This is being discussed in the Android forum:
  8. @JOHNNYFIVE and @Mister Deeds, please take a look at the thread linked below in this same forum, where a number of users have reported similar things. Those who have paid subscriptions should definitely report this to support (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new), since it seems to be fairly widespread.
  9. Some come here to help. Some come here to seek help. Some come here to bee hitch and moan. Success all the way around.
  10. This argument keeps coming up. But in fact new features have been delivered for the last couple of years, without a price increase (for those remaining in the same subscription level). Why didn't any of us complain about that? 😄
  11. This has been reported in the forums by users writing in Arabic and Russian also. It seems to occur with notes that have been created using a widget or quick-note, but not in notes created within the app. How did you create the notes that are having this problem? In any case, it would be good if you also could report this to Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  12. There seems to be an increasing number of reports of this. I hope that those who are experiencing it will report it to Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, so they can work on a fix.
  13. Welcome to the forums. Please look at this existing thread on what seems like the same problem:
  14. PLEEEEESE look around these forums to discover that (a) you are addressing other users here, not Evernote developers, and we cannot for any sake control what happens in the program; and (b) there are a number of existing threads that explain exactly how the checkbox vs. checklist system works. Perhaps none of them makes it seem like a good idea, but you can get an idea of how to work within it.
  15. I'm on Windows, but I'm pretty confident that on all platforms the Evernote sidebar is just not expected to be printable from within Evernote. Best bet would simply be to do a screen clip and then print that, or paste it into a document and print.
  16. Take a look at the Evernote for Android forum, where there are 1 or 2 other reports of this sort of thing: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/718-evernote-for-android-issues-versions-100-and-above/.
  17. I wonder whether the issue could be similar to the one in this thread:
  18. In this thread a user discusses why he needs the Legacy version because of medical issues with his vision. That's the kind of thing that I think Evernote should take into consideration in v. 10:
  19. Guess I was trying brute force, to keep the note open and see if the images would sync. And later I found that, as a result of all this, I ended up with note conflicts and 3 different versions of the note. Not hard to deal with. So at this point is possible to make it break, but keeping a note open indefinitely may be part of the problem.
  20. @Soapm, I didn't quite say "most of us," but it's true that I haven't taken a poll. But if you haven't taken one either, then neither of us knows whether people who don't post complaints in the forums are happy or unhappy with the direction of Evernote's changes. For me the important thing is that the new Evernote is not usable for you due to your vision issues. That's the kind of thing that Evernote should work on. I hope you'll contact Evernote directly about this--they should fix things that cause problems for people with any kind of medical issue. In fact, Evernote's product lead, a man named Federico, has been posting actively in the forums, and has invited feedback at federico@evernote.com. You might want to write to him directly.
  21. I'm having a different experience. To test, I pasted 2 small screen clip images (call them A and B) into the same note, pasting A in the Web client and B in the v. 10 Windows app on a different computer. I checked on both of those devices and on an Android phone, and in the Legacy Windows program. Results, after waiting over 2 hours: Evernote client Image A Image B Web client pasted in loaded Windows app not loaded pasted in Android app not loaded loaded Legacy Win app not loaded loaded So for me, the v. 10 Windows app has not displayed an image that was not pasted into it (even after 2 forced reloads), but an image pasted into it displays everywhere else; an image pasted into the Web client did not appear anywhere else; but the Web client did display (after some time) an image pasted in elsewhere. In place of images not loaded, the v. 10 apps all show the spinning blue circle. Hopefully this sort of thing will improve over time as the new system settles in.
  22. Welcome to the forums. Do you mean like the backlinks and URL? Perhaps the best workaround would be to make a screen clip of the info (using operating system tools) and paste it in at the top of the note, at least temporarily.
  23. I got the new sync yesterday evening. I've tested by having the same note open in my Android phone (see details below), the desktop app on a Windows 10 laptop, and in the Web client on a desktop Windows PC. Typing on one device I saw the words appear on the others almost simultaneously. They appeared on the phone even when it was not in edit mode. I did have to reposition the cursor in each device when I began to type there, naturally enough. Overall, it was truly amazing. Now I just need to pick a cool avatar. [EDIT: Pasting in even a small image seems to take far, far longer to sync. Waiting 5 minutes or more for it to show up on other devices, still nothing.] Granted, I'm in an area in the U.S. with excellent connectivity. The tale in more remote areas remains to be told. I appreciate hearing @WilliamL's report on things that had failed to sync before now working properly, and I hope others will post about their experiences with such things, especially people who have experienced note conflicts and complete failures to sync, and especially in places with inconsistent Internet. The question is, what to do with this ability, other than amaze myself? It's not something that I'm actually likely to need very often. (I work alone. I don't even share household notes with my wife, who is not on Evernote.) But it's great to know that if for some reason I need to do this, I can. For instance, it's easier to type on my laptop and to scan books or articles using the Text Fairy OCR app on my phone. Being able to scan on the phone and then make any necessary corrections on the laptop in the same minute feels like a game-changer. So I'd love to hear reports from others about how they are or expect to be putting this to practical use.
  24. Welcome to the forums. I occasionally find it annoying to type, say, a number or * at the beginning of a line and end up with a list. (I assume that this is the kind of thing you're talking about). Usually Ctrl+Z undoes the change and leaves me with what I typed. More often, though, I find those auto-formatting effects useful. But I do agree that there should be an option to disable them. However, these are user-to-user forums, and not a way to make suggestions to Evernote. There are feature request forums (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/) where you can post these requests.
  25. A user in another thread, someone who is reliable, said that he had reinstalled legacy from https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe. @Soapm, I understand your preference for simplicity in look and function. But the new features, and even the new look, have been beneficial for quite a few people. It's unusual, frankly, for Evernote to make an older version available at all when they have put time and money into something that many find desirable. I hope you understand that the rest of us wish not to be limited by those who liked it a certain way, and that way only.
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